Admittedly, Iji's words didn't seem to be a problem, and he was just trying to improve his prestige and find some face in front of his brother.

However, I chose the wrong person!

Lynn and Anilu...

That's the person who was able to destroy the entire Jerma 66, Sanji just watched them leave in front of him and was taken to the cabin.

Lynn and Anilu were actually very cooperative, and they were ordered by Iji to be more polite to both of them.

So it was under such circumstances that Sanji came to the huge ship of the Jerma Empire with a bewildered mood.

The garrison was heavily guarded, the soldiers lined up in an incomparably large formation, and the bow of the ship stood still, as if it were standing on the sea.

"Ah, it feels good to be back home," Iji stretched, and Lei Jiu looked speechless.

In fact, it was only half an hour before they left the huge ship.

"Father, you are about to see you, come along, don't delay, we will marry you to the daughter of the Charlotte Lingling family. "

"Charlotte Brynn, she is the 35th daughter of the Four Emperors BIGMOM Charlottelyn," Iji's face showed a look of contempt, "It's really cheap for you, Sanji, to be an important bargaining chip for the marriage of the two families, I heard that Brynn is a very beautiful beauty." "

"Is it?" Sanji felt depressed and uncomfortable, and he was not optimistic about the future of the Vince Mock family, after all, Iji had unknowingly offended two terrifying guys.

It's crazy to be so unaware.

So he just chatted with a match.

On top of this huge warship, there is a huge fortress in the style of a duplex fort within a fort, with three lookouts, all guarded by huge cannon ports, and above the city walls, there are three hundred people standing.

All of them are the scientific and technological equipment of Jerma 66, which is solemn and awe-inspiring.

Gradually, Sanji saw the dark path inside the palace gate, and the red carpet was paved all the way to the inside, and there was a throne up the stairs.

On the throne sat a tall body, with a solemn face, and even a trace of coldness erupted in his eyes.

"Rebel, waste. "

His voice was hoarse and low, and it was eerie in a dark palace.

"Yes, I have nothing to do with you, can you let me go, I am no longer a member of the Vince Mock family. "

Sanji said calmly.

After so many years, the shadow that lingered in Sanji's heart is still there, so when facing his father Gaji, there are still a lot of negative emotions, and even disgust appears in his mind, and the previous grudge also hits like a tide.

"Really?" Kaji let out a sneer.

"But in your body, there is indeed the noble blood of our Vince Mock family, which cannot be erased at all, no matter how you deny it, your nobility is given to you by me. "


Sanji lit a cigarette directly in the main hall, revealing a sneering look.

"It's really ridiculous, I really don't know where your pride comes from, I've seen legendary pirates who are much stronger than you, but I've never had this kind of arrogant idea, I'm born nobler than others or something, what's the difference between the Celestial Dragons who rule this world?"

Sanji had seen the crimes of the Tenryu people, so he had a very bad impression of them.

"Bastard, are you here to teach me how to do things now!!"

Gaji's gloomy face was clear from the darkness, and he walked to the bottom of the steps, wearing the tech combat suit of Jerma 66, and rushed towards Sanji with a knight's spear in hand.


Sanji, who was entangled in the domineering aura of the rich armed color, raised his foot to block, and the impact sound knocked out a circular shockwave that spread in all directions, and the curtains around him were blown up, and the tables and chairs moved by half a minute, and Lei Jiu and Iji, who were standing at the door, were stunned.


I can actually withstand the impact of my father!!

Vince Mockgaj, who was now fully revealed, was tall in a metal helmet and with long blond hair. It has a pointed black beard that is slanted upwards, and a small beard on a protruding jaw. His demeanor is extremely cold, and his eyes are quite arrogant, as if he looks down on anyone.

"Oh, that's a good kick, it looks like you've learned a lot on the outside, but this low fighting style doesn't seem to be enough to make you proud. "

The smile on Sanji's face was even more mocking, and he chuckled, "If your fighting style can dominate the seas, then you don't have to marry Charlotte Lingling to seek refuge, it's ridiculous." "

"Presumptuous !!"

Gaji's eyes widened, "Is this what Lynn taught you!?Young man is still unreliable after all, you shouldn't follow him, if he is sincere to you, why didn't he come out to protect you after this happened!!"

Sanji sighed, and after a long time, he said slowly: "He came, but he was arrested by Iji and put in prison." "


As soon as he finished speaking, Gaji's weapon fell to the ground with a sonorous sound.

"Clam ???"_

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