In the first half of the new world, in the sea area within the sphere of influence of the Golden Pirates.

The Golden Pirates are engaged in a fierce battle with the navy in this sea area.

On the Golden Ship, at this time, the Golden King Ubel was looking at a strong figure on the ship in the distance with an angry face, and roared angrily in his mouth.

“Cyborg Sora! You bastard!”

“This is a new world, and it is not a place that your navy can get involved in.”

As Ubel’s angry roar spread across the wide sea, Cyborg

Kong, who was standing on the bow of a naval warship, also heard the other party’s voice.

Looking at the furious Wu Bell on the bow of the Golden Bell,

Cyborg raised the corner of his mouth with a disdainful smile.

According to the latest information from the Navy,

Bright is already on his way back to the central part of the New World, and he is still very confident in defeating Ubell.

“Hahahahaha! Ubel!”

“If you are interested, you’d better open here!”

“Otherwise, today is the moment when you will be punished by justice!”

Seeing the calm look on Cyborg Kong’s face,

Sengoku and Zefa, who were standing behind Cyborg Kong, also had longing looks in their eyes.

After hearing Cyborg Kong’s words,

Ubel’s eyes immediately turned cold. Down.

Feeling that the breath in Ubel’s body became more and more violent, the two vice-captains standing behind Ubell also had a headache at this time.

They did not expect that the situation would become so complicated this time, even the navy got involved.

This also made their Golden Pirates extremely passive.

Not only did they have to resist the navy’s attack, they also had to withstand the anger from the Iron Wall Pirates.

Just when the atmosphere between the two sides gradually became tense ,

Ubel also made up his mind.

They must repel the navy’s attack before they can deal with the upcoming Iron Wall Pirates.


“Give it to me. Every time you kill a marine, you can get a generous reward!”

Encouraged by Ubel, the pirates of the Golden Pirates instantly became excited, and even their morale was greatly improved.

With Ubell’s order, all affiliated pirates of the Golden Pirates The thieves all rushed towards the navy warship in front.

Cyborg Kong, who was standing on the bow of the warship, saw the opponent rushing over.

There was no fear in his eyes.

He stared sharply at the man rushing at the front. The golden number ahead, wave your hand

“All lieutenants will start fighting according to the predetermined plan!”

As Cyborg Kong issued the order to attack, the navy’s messenger immediately conveyed Cyborg Kong’s order to the surrounding navy.

After seeing the flag signal from the main ship, the navy officers instantly became excited, and they commanded With their own troops, they rushed towards the Golden Pirates.

After a while, the fleets of both sides entered the opponent’s range, and suddenly the shells were like raindrops and bombarded the opponent’s ship. Soon, some ships without masters were sunk in the sea by cannonballs falling from the sky.

After all the artillery fire they carried was used up, the two sides also entered the battle to annihilate the suspicion.

Standing on the bow of the Golden Pirates Ubel looked at the fleet that suffered heavy losses.

He felt that his heart was dripping with blood.

On the other hand, the losses of the navy’s warships were not very large.

From this, it can be seen that the navy’s technological level can crush these pirate forces.

This is also one of the reasons why the navy can dominate the sea.

Cyborg Kong looked at Ubel on the Golden Ship.

He stretched his body, pointed his toes at the bow of the ship and rushed towards the Golden Ship where Ubel was.

See. When Cyborg Kong rushed towards the opponent

‘s main ship, Sengoku and Zefa, who were standing behind him, followed without hesitation.

Seeing Cyborg Kong rushing towards him,

Ubel’s eyes kept on Bloodshot threads appeared.

Looking at the three members of Cyborg Kong who were falling towards the Golden Horn,

Ubel’s face began to distort.

“Wow ha ha ha ha!”

“Now that you’re here, don’t leave!”

Golden Ocean!

As Ubel used the fruit’s ability to awaken, a golden light wave instantly spread out around him with him as the center.

Wherever the golden light wave passed, all the items instantly turned into Liquid gold.

Seeing Ubel going crazy,

Barrio and Thornton, who were standing behind Ubell, quickly jumped to a place not covered by the golden light waves.

Looking at the liquid gold spreading like water towards the surroundings, their eyes They all showed a look of fear. When

Steel Bone Kong, who was flying over, saw what was happening in front of him, he lifted his toes in the air and flew to a higher place. As he flew up, a terrifying wave of Power instantly gathered from his body to his fists

“Galaxy Impact!”

Cyborg Kong looked at Ubel below, and punched him.

Soon a silver shock wave hit Ubel like a meteor.

Ubel, who saw this scene, felt After realizing the power of this blow, his eyes instantly became serious.

“Golden buckler!”

As his hands touched the bottom, streaks of liquid gold quickly enveloped him.

The moment the golden sphere was formed, a terrifying force instantly descended on the deck of the Golden.


With that, There was a loud noise, and the crew of the Golden Pirates were shocked to find that the hundred-meter-long Golden trembled violently in an instant, and the place where it was hit by Cyborg exploded directly.

Barry Ao and Thornton also saw this scene from a distance.

After seeing how powerful Cyborg Kong was, their expressions froze.

As the golden powder scattered in the sky on the deck, everyone looked at After clearing the scene, he saw that the golden ball wrapped around Ubel’s body was directly blasted out with a dented fist mark.

Seeing that Ubell actually resisted his attack,

Cyborg Kong couldn’t help but have a look on his face. He showed a look of pity.

The moment Cyborg landed on the deck,

Sengoku and Zefa also landed on the deck one after another.

The two of them directly set their sights on Barrio and Thornton.

Soon The two of them assigned their respective opponents.

Sengoku’s figure flashed and rushed towards Thornton.

When he was in mid-air,

Sengoku’s body instantly expanded and turned into a golden giant tens of meters high.

Look. Looking at Thornton, who was as small as an ant in front of him, Warring States punched him.

Thornton watched a huge shining golden fist hit him.

His eyes turned into a streak of sand as soon as he focused. Flying towards a nearby pirate ship.

After Thornton landed on the ground, he immediately pressed his hands on the deck, eroding reincarnation!

Under the influence of the fruit’s ability, the deck under Thornton’s feet quickly It dried up and turned into a small desert.

After smashing the deck beneath him with one punch,

Warring States immediately locked his eyes on Thornton and jumped towards the ship he was on.

With the other party Fighting together.

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