As Thornton finished speaking, he turned into a small tornado and disappeared into the hall.

Atlan Sea, Cake Island.

After Verin occupied Cake Island, he also began to control the Totland Sea with Cake Island as its core.

With the assistance of the intelligence agency established by Xia Qi, one month later,

Verin obtained information about all the islands in the Totland Sea.

After seeing that there were 34 islands scattered in the nearby waters,

Weilin was speechless.

Seeing Weilin’s irritated look,

Xia Qi, who was lying in front of Weilin’s desk, couldn’t help but giggle.

Seeing Xia Qi’s gloating expression,

Weilin couldn’t help but curl his lips towards her.

Xia Qi laughed for a while before telling her plan.

Soon Xia Qi placed the map of the Totland Sea in front of Weilin’s eyes, and pointed at the 34 islands scattered on the map with her long jade finger.

“Verin, take charge of some of the islands around Cake Island first!”

“As for those remote islands,”

“We can only absorb some local forces for protection.”

“Eventually we can develop them into alien members of the Atrias family.”

After hearing Xia Qi’s words,

Weilin also understood what the other party meant.

After thinking for a while,

Weilin nodded and took her into his arms with excitement.

“I must reward you well!”

Seeing Weilin showing his fox tail,

Xia Qi’s sexy smiling face instantly stiffened.

Then she flew up uncontrollably.

When she came to her senses,

Xia Qi had already been beaten by Weilin. Throwing it on the familiar soft big bed.

This made her look at Verin resentfully, and soon her clothes disappeared.

The next day,

Verin took all the members of the Atrias Pirates convened.

In the end, he decided to let his captains lead their respective crews to station themselves on several nearby core islands.

Verin is not planning to occupy this place now, he just wants to gradually increase the influence of the Atelias family. Go deep into the hearts of the residents of Cake Island.

After the Battle of the Valley of the Gods is over,

Weilin will officially occupy this place.

As Weilin’s mission is issued, all of Weilin’s captains organize their crews and move towards their respective assigned tasks. The island was stationed there.

Peaceful time always flies by, and before you know it, Verin has been living here for two years.

In these two years, the relationship between the Rocks Pirates and the Iron Wall Pirates has been fierce. The friction has become more intense.

Since the Aitelias Pirates were stationed on Cake Island, the residents of the islands near Cake Island have found that the number of pirates who used to rob them has been reduced a lot, which makes them feel less at ease with Aite. The Lias Pirates have also developed a mentality of dependence.

In the past two years, the captains of the Atrias Pirates will lead their team members to clean up some troublesome pirate groups from time to time.

After two years After a busy year, there are gradually fewer pirates who dare to cause trouble in the waters of Totland.

Today’s Cake Island has long changed.

It has become more prosperous than before.

After Weilin occupied it,

The residents here only need to pay a small tax to the Etrias Pirates every year to be protected by the Etrias Pirates.

This makes the residents here gradually become rich.

Cake In the center of the island, in a castle covering an area of dozens of acres,

Verin looked at the three children running in the yard, his eyes full of doting.

It has been two years since Verin joined the Rocks Pirates. In a lot of time,

Natsu is already five years old.

At this time, there are only more than nine years left before the Battle of the Valley of Gods,

Verin has also reached twenty-five years old, and Annie is already eighteen years old. At this time , By that time,

Anne had become a real big girl.

At the age of eighteen,

Anne took the initiative to get into Weilin’s quilt and became Weilin’s woman.

Weilin also had some clues about Anne’s sneak attack. Not as good as that.

But Wei Lin was not Liu Xiahui.

He also spent a crazy night with Annie.

Just one day after the two were married,

Wei Lin discovered that Annie’s lush fruits had awakened.

This also made Wei Lin couldn’t help but All the crew members were called back and celebrated grandly.

In the park of the castle,

“Hey, what are you thinking about?”

Xia Qi watched Weilin stare at the four young figures playing in a daze, and couldn’t help but remind Weilin.

After hearing Xia Qi’s shout,

Weilin came back to his senses..

He grabbed Xia Qi’s slender waist and couldn’t help but caress her slightly bulging belly.

“Haha, I didn’t expect you to be so immoral even though you are a mother.”

Looking at the young womanly look between Xia Qi’s eyebrows, Wei Lin couldn’t help but laugh.

Seeing Wei Lin’s unpretentious look,

Xia Qi rolled her eyes and said

“Stop being such a mouthful, I brought important information this time!”

“According to the news that came at night, the captains of the Iron Wall Pirates have recently begun to actively approach the sea area where we are.”

“I guess that guy Brett couldn’t hold it any longer!”

After hearing the news about Xia Qi,

Weilin felt that this matter might not be that simple.

“How about Shiki and Newgate?”

After hearing Weilin’s inquiry,

Xia Qi recalled it and said

“They are not very peaceful there either!”

Hearing Xia Qi’s words,

Weilin felt that his peaceful life might be gone forever.

At this moment, the phone bug in Xia Qi’s arms suddenly rang.

As she answered the phone bug, soon the phone bug started ringing. A calm voice came out

“Lord Silver Fox! Franco, the captain of the second division of the Iron Wall Pirates, entered our sphere of influence and robbed a lot of our goods!”

Hearing the news coming from the phone bug,

Weilin couldn’t help but narrowed his eyes.

“It seems that I should move around, otherwise Brett will really think that I am a piece of cake.”

After helping Xia Qi stand up,

Weilin sneered.

“Xia Qi, summon some captains who are free recently!”

“It’s time to show off the fangs of our Atrias Pirates.”

Hearing what Weilin said,

Xia Qi nodded in agreement.

At the port of Cake Island, a team led by two captains, Ellia and Fati, gathered here under the call of Weilin.

After seeing Weilin After arriving, they all had happy expressions on their faces.

Seeing the two women becoming more mature,

Weilin had a gentle smile on his face


“He has really become more mature!”

Hearing Weilin’s words,

Ellia and Fati couldn’t help but have a blush appear on their pretty faces.


“lets go!”

“This time I must let Brett see how good I am!”

After hearing Weilin’s words, the two women showed solemn expressions on their faces.

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