As the Golden Lion and Newgate enter the harbor.

John, Yin Axe, and Wang Zhi also rushed over one after another.

For a time, the entire island became lively.

While Weilin and a few others were reminiscing about old times, the Nine Snakes Pirates led by Guroriosa also entered the port of Duolun Island.

After everyone arrived, the grand banquet officially began


“The sea has been calm for too long!”

As several large barrels of wine were poured into his stomach,

Locks couldn’t help but let out an excited laugh.

Hearing Locks’ words, the eyes of Weilin and others showed strange colors.

But they also became a little excited.

Since then , After the last battle, few of them rarely took action.

They all wanted to move their bodies.

Seeing that Weilin and others were full of fighting spirit,

Rocks showed a satisfied look.

“Let’s drink to the Rocks Pirates’ domination of the new world!”

Looking at Rocks’ confident look,

Verin also expressed his admiration for this man who had the dream of dominating the world.���Showing admiration.

After all, it is not that easy to overthrow the rule of the world government.

Weilin only admired him. If he wanted him to be used as cannon fodder, he would definitely turn around and leave.

The purpose of Verin joining the Rocks Pirates was just to strengthen himself.

He believes that even if the world is in chaos, the Atrias family will always stand firm.

“Children, grow up quickly!”

“Your time is coming soon!”

When he thought of his children, a gentle smile appeared on Weilin’s face.

Seeing Weilin giggling there, Xia Qi couldn’t help but roll her eyes at Weilin.

Then she rested her head on Weilin’s shoulder Go up.

The carnival lasted for three days and three nights before it ended.

Just as the Rocks Pirates held a banquet, some spies began to spread the news here back to their respective forces.

For a time,

Shiji and New Get’s name is once again resounding in the new world. The Roger Pirates have arrived at the Shampoo Islands , and they are preparing to leave for Fish-Man Island after the ship is coated. At this time, a room in the Shampoo Islands In the tavern, Roger and his group were having a banquet

“Hahahahaha! Partners!”

“That annoying guy Garp was finally thrown away by us!”


Reilly, who had blond hair and wore purple clothes, also sighed.

“This guy is so tough!”

“Many of our brothers died at his hands.”

Rayleigh opened a bottle of wine and drank heavily, with a slightly sad look in his eyes.

Since following Roger to the sea,

Rayleigh has seen countless friends killed by the navy.

This made him The navy was very disgusted.

Seeing Rayleigh a little sad,

Roger also opened a bottle of wine, put his arm around Rayleigh’s neck and laughed.

“Be happy everyone!”

“We must inherit their last wish and continue to sail freely on this sea!”

Hearing Roger’s encouraging words, the Roger Pirates burst into laughter again.

Marine Headquarters, Marine Fando.

Crane came to Cyborg Kong’s office anxiously.

As Crane reported the latest news After receiving the news,

Sora, who was drinking tea and preparing to relax, immediately jumped up.

“General Cyborg and Rocks gathered all the crew members on Duolun Island. It is estimated that they are going to make a big move again!”


“What is this bastard Locks going to do?”

Seeing Cyborg Kong’s shocked look, Crane continued.

“Roger has landed on the Chambord Islands under the pursuit of Garp.”


“Is it this guy again?”

“He and Rocks are both careless guys!”

Ganggu Kong’s face became serious when he looked at the two pieces of information.

“Crane informs Garp to come back!”

“Let all the spies keep an eye on the Rocks Pirates”

“Report any news to me immediately!”


After seeing Cyborg Kong finish giving instructions,

He walked towards her office.

She wanted to inform Garp to return to the Navy Headquarters and wait for orders.

Seeing Crane leaving,

Cyborg Kong sighed.

“Locks, can you bear it?”

“Then let us see who will be the final winner!”

The first half of the new world, the Golden City.

In a castle made entirely of gold.

The Golden King Ubel was looking at the latest information in his hand, and his expression became cloudy.

He had a bad feeling.

“Carney, go contact that guy Brett.”

“Half a month later, we met at the intersection of forces”

“It’s time to discuss how to deal with it”

“The Rocks Pirates probably want to take action, and the Navy will probably get involved by then!”

When he thought about the difficulty of the Navy,

Ubel felt a little overwhelmed.

Although he had Irons as a foreign aid, he would not underestimate the power of the Navy.

A month later, the New World Iron Wall Pirates and the Golden Pirates In the neutral sea of

the Iron Wall Pirates’ War Fortress and the Gold Pirates’ Golden Boat met on the sea.

Standing on the bow of the War Fortress, Bright saw a ship made entirely of a Golden Boat heading towards Driving here, even he couldn’t help but have the idea of snatching.

However, this idea was quickly abandoned by him.

It was really not the time.

Now the Rocks Pirates have gathered at In the middle of the New World, the safety of the Iron Wall Pirates is always threatened.

After the Rocks Pirates occupied the second half of the New World, after a year of digestion, the Rocks Pirates have already posed a serious threat. Under the rule of their Iron Wall Pirates.

After Golden King Ubell saw Bright’s main ship, he immediately ordered his men to move the ship closer.

As the two ships continued to approach, the two soon saw that When they arrived at each other’s figures.

At this time, both of their faces were a little gloomy.

Seeing that the other party had no intention of coming, Ubel had no choice but to take his men Carney and Pris to jump onto the deck of the War Fortress.

Both of them Staring at each other with a serious face.

After a long time,

Brett finally spoke.

“Say it Ubel! What do you want to see me for?”

“Wow ha ha ha ha!”

“Brett, stop pretending.”

“We are all sensible people. I believe you also understand the current situation.”

“We must truly join forces, otherwise we will be eaten by the Navy and the Rocks Pirates!”

Hearing Ubel’s words, Brett also had a headache.

Now he also regrets that he didn’t completely kill Rocks.

“Tell me what are you going to do?”

Hearing Bright’s inquiry,

Ubel directly took out the latest reward order, and it was Roger’s portrait that was painted on it.

Gol de Roger, the reward is 500 million beli, and he will die if he commits a heinous crime. whether.

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