But in the rebels... And Gal Tino, they thought, when the victory was in hand....

An Bufan, riding a skin shrimp, came to the battlefield of the Alabastan rebels and the National Defense Army.

An Bufan, ready to shine!

The situation is urgent!

He jumped off the back of the Pipi Shrimp....

His body is in the air, like a flexible swallow.

Constantly, adjust your posture.

"Slip ~~~!"

This can startle Vivi.

She didn't understand such a high distance, why did An Bufan jump like this...!?

Vivi was nervous, her heart almost to her throat.

At such a height, jumping down will make people crush their bones!

Wei Wei shouted:

"Lord An......~~~!"

Her voice.

Echoing in the air....

Just in Weiwei, worried about An Bufan....

But An Bufan, when he landed.

Around his body, there were waves of qi.

Stir the surrounding air like a raging wave...!

His body has undergone amazing changes.

An Bufan's skin glowed with a layer of red light.

Followed by......!

Blazing flames erupted from his body!

Wrap his body in it!


With a sound, a loud phoenix chirp!

An Bufan's body changed into a huge Suzaku...!

This Suzaku is burning with flames all over his body!

Dazzling flames, accompanied by ascension...!

The crimson-gold feathers dyed the surrounding air a fiery red...

Suzaku's figure, huge.

Its tail feathers.

The burning flame, dancing in the air with its movements....

It gives a feeling of sacredness and majesty!


This scene stunned Weiwei.

Vivi's cherry little mouth opened wide at this time.

Lord An... Jump from here.

And then....

When it comes up again.

Already the king of ten thousand birds! Suzaku's appearance!

Let her be blown away!

Worship it!

This moment!

Vivi, it's like seeing a miracle....

One... A miracle from the Anda people!

Flaming Suzaku, soaring through the air.

His figure is like a streamer....

Cut across the sky.

His wings, flapping in the air.

Raised a violent wind....

The surrounding clouds are stirred so that... Like a rough sea!

His sacredness and majesty shocked everyone!


Someone kneel...!

Put your hands together.

In the minds of the rebels and defenders below, there is now only one thought....

That is, the gods came into the world!

In the face of this, powerful force....

Let them feel their own smallness.

Their eyes shone with awe, as if they saw a true god... Advent to earth...!


"Water swim~! Flame snake! An Bufan's Flame Suzaku transformed into said loudly.

The beak of the god is slightly open.

Blow out a mouthful... Heat.

The heat was in the air, condensing into the shape of a small snake.

The little snake is like life.

In the air, swimming happily....

It swam out of the air.

Then, it roamed in the wax shackles that bound the Protectors....

Whenever the little snake touches a wax shackle.

The wax on the shackles melts quickly.

Into... A pool of liquid.

Along the ground, flowing....

Small snake, melt one.

Just change the goal.

Extremely fast!

After a while....

The wax and wax shackles on the guards melted.

Restored, their actions.

All the Protectors showed a happy expression....

They were already desperate.

But the Flame Suzaku God easily defused their predicament!

The Protectors looked gratefully at the Flaming Suzaku in the air.

The eyes were filled with awe and gratitude.

The situation on the battlefield has undergone earth-shaking changes because of the appearance of An Bufan....

The rebels had the upper hand.

But now.

Their enemies, have restored their freedom....

The Protectors looked at the dazzling Flame Suzaku in the sky, and their mouths trembled

, "This is... Is it a god!

"Is it the gods, who saw the suffering of all the people of my Alabastan and came to save the world...!"

They all bowed down to the Flame Suzaku that An Bufan had transformed into.

Protectors, they argued.

The Flame Suzaku in the air is their savior...!

This is, heaven sends a god!


This moment.

The atmosphere on the battlefield became solemn and sacred....

They saw the dawn of hope, and their already desperate hearts were rekindled by An Bufan.

"God, please save our home!" A Protector clasped his hands together and prayed to the Flaming Suzaku in the sky.

"God, help us defeat these rebels!" Another Protector clenched his fists.

When the protectors on the side heard this, they immediately scolded:

"I'll fuck your mother!"

"It's not a good thing to look at you!"

"The gods will not listen to you...!"

And the Flame Suzaku, who was soaring in the air, suddenly spoke.

Sending out the sacred... And the majestic voice.

His voice was neither loud nor small, but it echoed in everyone's ears....

"You wait... That's it.

"I promise to give you a peaceful, peaceful and prosperous life."

"And, don't hold you accountable for everything you're doing now..." Flame Suzaku's voice echoed through the air.

The rebels, they looked at each other.

They originally chose to join the rebels because they had no food to eat, could not survive, and had no way....

To know.

Do their job, but lose their heads.

At any time, you can lose your life....

But now!

There are gods who promise to give them ... Peaceful and peaceful life.

Don't pursue everything they do now!

This kindled hope in their hearts....

If you can live well, who wants to rebel!

"Bang dang...~!" A rebel was the first to lay down his weapon.


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