"Can't you, a strong young man like you, learn to respect the old and love the young, let us old people?"

Lei Li said lightly, holding the long knife tightly in his right hand.

In the next second, the figures of the two flashed, and the long knife in their hands was entwined with a powerful momentum, cutting through the air, and colliding with each other.


A huge chasm appeared on the ground, and all the big trees with a radius of hundreds of meters were cut off at this moment.

The marines lying on the ground were dumbfounded, with deep fear in their expressions.

This collision, as long as it is affected, will end up being cut off in the middle, which is really frightening.

"Isn't it still possible to fight?"


"If you let go, it should be a battle that can make my blood boil, right?"

Jiang Liu grinned grinningly, holding the knife in his right hand and pressing down hard towards the front.

Rayleigh, also holding a knife, was fighting him.

In the middle of the battle between the two long knives, electric sparks flickered, and a deep chasm appeared on the ground, which seemed to be cut in half.

"It will be very tiring to fight a monster like you with all your strength!"

Rayleigh frowned.

His figure flashed suddenly, and he was already in front of the Tianlongren who had fainted on the ground.

Jiang Liu was stunned, his eyes sharpened.

"Will this threatening trick really work for me? Rayleigh!"

On the other hand, Lei Li smiled faintly, swiped his long knife, and pointed the tip of the knife at the neck of St. Charlos, and a bright red bloodstain appeared.

"Jiang Liu, a guy like you has been hiding for twenty years."

"What happened before Lenovo is still in the navy now, it should be for some purpose that is unknown to outsiders!"

"Do you really want to be here, and take responsibility because of a Tianlong person? Then, disrupt your plan?"


After a pause, a light flashed on the lens of Rayleigh's glasses.

"You should have read the latest news, right?"

"Next, the big event that happened in the world."

"You should play a crucial role in it, right? Can you really sit back and watch everything happen?"

Jiang Liu listened quietly, his eyes flickering, and his eyes were fixed on the three Tianlong people lying on the ground beside Lei Li's feet.

Before the top battle, he really needed to hide.

Beat up Tianlongren, the world government, those five old men will endure it. Because the relationship between the two sides using each other is already very obvious.

But if there are real deaths and injuries of Tianlong people, the nature will be different.

It also means that the navy, or the world government, will take measures against itself.

Of course, the most important thing is that he doesn't want to let go of his navy status yet.

"Cunning old fellow."

Jiang Liu said calmly.

"But how many times can you escape from me?"

Raleigh chuckled, raised his right foot suddenly, and kicked Charles Rose Saint over with one kick.

The strong wind howled, Jiang Liu's eyes narrowed, and he also kicked him to the other side.

When he raised his head again, Lei Li was already sprinting, running extremely fast, leaving only a back, which disappeared in the blink of an eye.

"I thought there would be a wonderful battle!"

With a slight sigh, Jiang Liu shook his head and turned to leave.

"However, since I'm here, I won't be disappointed."

"As I said, you can't escape this fight!"

“We will see you again soon!”

A large number of navies gathered around again, and Beyoncé was the leader. When he saw the river, he came with a serious expression.

"General Jiang Liu!"

"The culprit is the Straw Hat Boys."

"As for the Tianlong people on the ground, you can figure it out!"

Jiang Liu nodded and said lightly.

"Such a big event happened!"

"Someone has to take the blame!"

"I have to do something, too."

"Just find those little guys to play with!"

Then, he turned and left.

Beyoncé looked at the scene in front of him with sharp eyes.

"Call together troops and capture the pirates on the entire island!"

Chapter 121 Freya's Thoughts

The Chambord Islands, the auction site, triggered a great reaction from the Navy.

The Tianlong people had an accident here very close to the headquarters of the navy. This is definitely the navy's negligence, and it will also mean that a bigger storm is coming.

"Damn it, we're all dragged down by that guy!"

"How dare you attack the Tianlongren, I will definitely not let him go in the new world!"

"Straw Hat Luffy!"

Bonnie gritted her teeth and roared.

"Let's go, Tianlong people have an accident, and the admiral is coming!"

"Run away, this island has become a **** for pirates!"

"Navy is everywhere, searching our tracks!"

All kinds of pirate groups on the street are already in a state of panic. The fluctuations caused by the Tianlong people made the pirates tremble with fear.

On weekdays, the Chambord Islands are quiet, and they can also hide here, nothing will happen. But when the navy is about to take action, especially when the admiral is coming.

Then everything is different!

The entire Chambord Islands became panicked when the news spread. Whether it's civilians or pirates, they are all in tension and panic at this moment.

An accident happened to the Tianlongren, and Mary Joya's anger would overwhelm everything.

The World Government will not tolerate such a thing, let alone the Navy Headquarters.

All of a sudden, the streets in various areas of the Chambord Islands became chaotic.

Mary Joa.

"What a bad accident, I knew this group of pirates would make a big fuss!"

Warring States smashed his fists on the table, his eyes were extremely serious.

He is now in Marie Gioia, having a meeting with the World Government about the upcoming war.

But the suddenness of this incident was obviously beyond everyone's expectations.

"Rayleigh the Pluto, has he also appeared?"

"With the river blocking him, there should be no problem."

"The yellow ape has also been dispatched!"

"I hope this turmoil will subside as soon as possible, and it will not have any impact on the next war!"

Warring States said solemnly.

In the face of Whitebeard, even if everyone in the Navy Headquarters is dispatched, it cannot be said that there will be 100% certainty.

"Eleventh Supernova is also a scourge!"

Chambord to the streets.

Behind Jiang Liu, the white cloak of justice fluttered. On the left and right were Zambu and Longbottom, and Freya followed nervously.

"Sir, what shall we do next?"

After Tianlong was beaten by the straw hat boy Luffy, the tense atmosphere of the whole island can be seen almost with the naked eye.

There are civilians fleeing everywhere, and the navy on the street is almost endless, encountering stubble after stubble.

And the battle with the pirates is also continuous.

"As a navy, it is natural to catch pirates!"

Jiang Liu smiled faintly.

"Pay attention to any news from the headquarters about the eleven supernovae."

Freya nodded: "Yes!"

Their figures quickly shuttled through the street, when they passed an alley.

"It's the Navy, **** it, these guys are endless!"

"I just avoided a group, and it's coming again!"

A group of pirates hiding in the gap beside them gritted their teeth and said.

"But there are only four people, why not go out and kill them, then break out and leave the island."

Hiding one after another made these pirates, who are usually free and unrestrained, feel extremely aggrieved, and their emotions have almost been suppressed to the extreme.

"Don't be impulsive, wait for them to pass."

One of them said in a low voice.

Soon, the four of Jiang Liu entered their field of vision.

"Stand here, if you shoot, you can hit it."

"The lead is only a colonel, sir!"

"Do it!"

The pirates gritted their teeth and their eyes flickered.

The man with the gun on his back pointed the muzzle at Jiang Liu and put his hand on the trigger.

The other pirates also drew their weapons from their waists, sweating nervously.


The pirate captain's eyes moved, and then there was a flash of ferocity, without any hesitation.

With the strength of their team, it should be quick to deal with a Colonel.

"Do it!"

The next second, he yelled loudly.

The moment the words came out, the gun-wielding pirate slammed the trigger.


The tiny lead bullet rushed out of the muzzle in an instant, and shot towards Jiang Liu's eyebrows.


In the cracks, the pirates who were hiding also gave a loud roar, and were about to rush out and launch an attack.

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