The ultimate burning of life, the sublimation obtained, can even tear apart real gods and demons at that moment.

All the cells in the whole body are burning, and then release all the hidden and hidden power deep in the cells.

Its powerful fluctuations, at this moment, even the surrounding void is crushed, distorting the space.


The air was trembling, majestic power spilled out, and the ice beneath his feet cracked and shattered, spreading to the wall of the ice abyss not far in front of him.


Cracks quickly emerged, and spider web-like cracks appeared on the ice wall. Immediately afterwards, a large piece of ice fell down, making a loud noise.

His eyes slowly lifted up, looking at the sky above his head, as if two sharp beams of light shot straight up and shot towards the sky.

It can be clearly seen that Jiang Liu's pupils seemed to be constantly stretching the distance, and a huge golden ship soon appeared in the originally empty eyes.


The whole body is flickering with electric arcs, and the Ark Proverb is quietly suspended in the sky.

"It's all in place."

Muttering, Jiang Liu grinned.

"Then, it's time for me to speed up!"

Withdrawing his eyes, he gently stretched his body.


The void seemed to be collapsed at this moment. The slight vibration in the body, the force gushed out, made the ice surface under the feet and the ice walls on both sides rattle, causing a huge explosion. collapse.

High in the sky, above the Ark Proverbs.

"I feel a power that makes people's soul tremble!"

Enilo looked down and said solemnly.

"This is a very normal thing. The war happening below, in terms of level, is the top of the current era!"

Crocodile exhaled a puff of smoke and said in a deep voice.

He is domineering and knowledgeable, allowing him to clearly see what is happening below.

Not long ago, the battle between Jiang Liu and White Beard was even more shocking.

"I'm talking about him!"

"His strength has undergone a qualitative change, and it is completely different from the previous state!"

"Too powerful, is this his real power?"

Anilu ignored Crocodile, but said tremblingly.

"You mean Jiang Liu?"

Crocodile was taken aback.

On the other side, the golden lion who was leaning against the boat and waiting, suddenly narrowed his eyes and spoke in a serious tone.

"Twenty years ago, there were rumors that the day tiger river flow, except for the shocking day tiger form."

"There is still a stronger state."

"But in that form, it seems that only the dead Roger has seen it."

After a pause, the Golden Lion Shiji walked in front of the two of them, also looking down.

"It seems!"

"Today, facing White Beard, the pressure Jiang Liu is facing is definitely not small."

"We will also see his strongest side!"

After saying these words, the golden lion's complexion looked a little complicated.

Because of old age and lack of legs, he only saw Jiang Liu's day tiger form, which has to be said to be a pity.

"Too strong!"

"The power is spilling out, I can feel it, it's about to explode!"

All of a sudden, Enilu shouted loudly.

Sure enough, at the next moment.


In Marin Vanduo, who was directly below, a violent and powerful aura suddenly shot out, rushed to the sky, and radiated in all directions.

This breath is violent, domineering, and oppressive.

In the blink of an eye, the sky over Marin Fando was already mighty.


The thunderous vibration sounded into everyone's ears, causing their pupils to constrict, and they subconsciously turned to look backward.

A figure shrouded in blood-red mist had already stood there at some point.

"The second round has begun!"


Chapter 184

Power that makes the air tremble.

Breath, let everyone's heart feel like a heavy breath pressing down on a mountain.

The crimson blood mist lingered around his body, covering his whole body, making it impossible to see the figure standing on the edge of the ice abyss.

But everyone made judgments subconsciously.


"It's General Jiang Liu!"

"He is still alive, and this terrible breath!"

In the battlefield, countless shouts of shock or excitement resounded at this moment.

Whitebeard turned around abruptly at this moment, his eyes fixed on the figure surrounded by red mist, and his eyes became extremely dignified.


After taking a slight breath, his eyes sharpened, but there was also a touch of regret.

Glancing at Ace on the execution platform from the corner of his eye, he sighed softly.

"The time given to me is still too short!"

But soon, he yelled at Marco beside him.

"I'll stop Jiang Liu!"

"You guys are responsible for rescuing Ace!"

Marco's expression changed, his eyes stared at the figure surrounded by red mist, his heart trembled, he could only nod heavily.

"I will, Father!"

Whitebeard grinned, and glanced at the sons around him again: "Relax, I'm an old rival with him!"

"Do your own thing!"

"Your father, nothing will happen!"

After these words came out, the expressions of Marco and others slowly relaxed, and they nodded heavily.

"You must not let daddy down!"

"Keep doing what we have to do!"

"Come on, follow me to rescue Ace!"

In the next second, Marco and the others turned their heads abruptly and charged towards Marin Fando again.

And at this moment, White Beard was clenching the naginata Cong Yunchee tightly in his hand, his eyes filled with an unprecedented solemnity.

He took a deep breath, took heavy steps, and rushed towards the red mist figure in front of him.

"Before saving Ace!"

"It is absolutely impossible for the old man to fall down!"

"You must not fall!"

In a pair of eyes, a sharp light burst out.

"Bang bang bang bang!"

The sound of heavy footsteps sounded like thunder, echoing in everyone's heart.

"Let me see your strongest power!"

"Jiang Liu!!"

With a low growl, White Beard charged towards the figure in front of him covered in a powerful aura.


"It's really nostalgic!"

"Twenty years ago, the only one who saw me in this state was Roger."

A faint voice drifted out from the red mist.

"In this day and age, I am afraid that you are the only one who can show me my true strength!"

The red mist fluctuated suddenly, revealing Jiang Liu's face.

But the appearance at this moment made countless people take a breath.

Like the color burned by flames, the red mist continuously evaporates and emerges through the gaps in the skin.

As the words fell, his eyes suddenly sharpened, and the blood mist around his body fluttered, as if being blown by a strong wind, swaying towards the rear.

"Let's have one, the most **** battle between men!"

With a loud roar, Jiang Liu stepped on the ice with his right foot.


The ice surface shattered, and a huge deep pit suddenly appeared, and then the crack spread, and his body twisted suddenly, turning into a stream of light, shooting forward.

"Boom boom boom boom!"

Four sky-shattering loud noises and four ring-shaped ripples appeared in succession. Jiang Liu's speed exceeded the speed of sound in an instant, his body swept across the void, and even erupted with a unique sonic boom at supersonic speed.

This scene made countless people stare wide-eyed.

"What a monster's physique!"

Sengoku roared.

It was also the first time he had seen Jiang Liu in this state!

Almost instantly, the blood mist had reached the air in front of White Beard, and if one looked carefully, one could notice that the other party was not using any physical skills.

Instead, run in the air with your legs.

This is an extremely terrifying scene. With a physical body, it directly violates the laws of physics and runs wildly in the void, just like it is on flat ground.


Jiang Liu, who was in the air, saw that he was only 100 meters away from Whitebeard, and suddenly clenched his right fist, roared, and swung it out.



The fist hit the void, the blood-colored mist swayed and fluctuated, and a cylindrical air cannon was formed in an instant, swooping down.

Whitebeard's pupils contracted, and his huge body jumped to the side.


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