High above the sky, Whitebeard clenched his left fist after swinging it, his eyes were cold.

In the next second, his left fist raised the shock wave, and swung it down again.


The more majestic shock wave bombarded towards the river, and the fine cracks formed a columnar beam of light at this moment, condensing together.

It spreads to the surrounding lines, and any random wave, the ice surface cracks, and a gap appears on the ground.


A more powerful shock wave bombarded Jiang Liu's right hand, causing his body to shake violently, and he quickly retreated backwards.

"Huh, huh, huh!"

The ice chips pushed up by the feet on the back are already tens of meters high.

Immediately after that, blood dripped from Jiang Liu's right hand, causing his eyes to condense slightly.

Before the drop of blood fell on the ground, it had already been burned into a blood mist by the high temperature around him.

But this meant that Whitebeard's attack at the moment was already extremely powerful. Otherwise, it would be impossible to cause harm to his physique acquired between life and death.

Integrating various powers of the Pirate World, including recovery fruit, domineering, and eight-door Dunjia, his current state is no longer simply opening the door to death.

It is a body that can be infinitely strengthened in all directions, and can be called the body of a **** and demon.


There was another wave, and the terrifying shock came, and more blood dripped from Jiang Liu's right hand, turning into a blood mist.

"Is there a steady stream of shock waves like ocean waves?"

Muttering, the corners of Jiang Liu's mouth curled up.

"It really surprised me, I have never seen such power as you!"


Afterwards, he slowly raised his left hand, which had been placed by his side, to block the front.


The shock wave was once again firmly blocked in front.

Jiang Liu's unremarkable, not-so-strong body stood there like a mountain.


Chapter 186

"Crack, wipe!"

Dense cracks spread rapidly on both sides of the void facing the river.

In just a few breaths, the void with a radius of 10,000 meters stretched out fine cracks, and there were countless gaps in the square of Marin Fando.


Everything was shaking, people couldn't stand still, and screamed one after another.

"The duel between these two has spread to the entire Marin Vanduo!"

Sengoku roared loudly.

The execution platform he was standing on was also crumbling at this moment, shaking constantly. And this is still some distance away from the center of the battlefield.

It's hard to imagine what it would be like if the battle happened right in front of our eyes.

"Whitebeard's trembling fruit has a destructive power that reaches the level of natural disasters, making it difficult to defend against."

"I can't imagine how Jiang Liu managed to keep it firmly out of those palms!"

"What's the matter with his physical condition at the moment?"

"I'm afraid I won't be able to understand the secrets if I don't personally fight with him."

Garp said in a deep voice, staring at the battle below with serious eyes.

It can be said that the battle between those two figures on the battlefield was simply the most peak battle of this era, for more than twenty years.

Top strength, top strength, top duel.

The so-called battle at the top, their battle, just now is the duel at the top!

"Buzz buzz!"

Chaotic air currents, violently vibrating molecules, and distorted spaces are presented one by one in front of the river.

These shocks with extremely high frequency fluctuations, no matter which person they hit, will have devastating destructive power, and there is no question of whether they can be prevented or not.

But at this moment, the river flow, surrounded by blood mist, seems to be unharmed.

The terrifying shock lasted for a long while before it subsided slowly.

"Have you been able to perfectly block my attack?"

"It's amazing, Jiang Liu!"

Whitebeard let out a roar, and his huge body swooped down instantly.

Jiang Liu also raised his head abruptly, grinned, stepped on the ground with both feet, and soared into the sky.

"You know what? Newgate!"

"Yuxiang has a total of five speed levels!"

The sound came into Baibeard's ears, making his eyes shrink slightly, and he swung his right fist fiercely at Jiang Liu, who had already reached the front.


The fists collided, the ripples spread, and the bodies of both of them were shaken, and they were shaken backward by the violent force.

After more than a dozen flips, Jiang Liu forcibly stabilized his figure and grinned again.

"Just now, my speed was only one level!"

There was a slight pause in the voice, Jiang Liu's figure flashed suddenly, his legs trampled in the void, pulling out a phantom, and a large gust of wind swept up.

In just a split second, he was already in front of Whitebeard, and he punched out directly.


Whitebeard's pupils contracted, his head tilted, and the terrifying cylindrical shock wave rubbed against his ears, blasting directly into the distance.


Above Marin Vanduo, more than a dozen buildings were directly destroyed by the columnar shock wave into dust.

"So fast!"

Surprised in his eyes, White Beard reacted extremely quickly, turned around, and swung his right fist fiercely.

But this punch only hit Phantom.

When he looked up again, Jiang Liu was already a thousand meters away.

Such a frightening speed made White Beard's eyes dignified, and his domineering arrogance has been opened to the limit.

"It's hard for the naked eye to keep up with his speed!"

At this moment, the blood mist suddenly fluctuated, and Jiang Liu's body was in front of him almost instantly.

"Now it is, Second Speed!"

With both arms stretched out to block him, Jiang Liu's fist landed heavily on him, and with a bang, Whitebeard fell to the ice surface, and his huge body collapsed a large piece of ice.

At the same time, his reaction was extremely fast, his knees were bent, and he jumped up suddenly.

Sure enough, in the next second, Jiang Liu's right foot stepped on the place where he was just now, crushing the already collapsed ice surface.

"Don't underestimate me, brat!"

White Beard shouted loudly, and stomped **** the river below with his right foot.


Ripples of spherical light spread out, shock waves emerged from his right foot, and the speed reached its peak at this moment.

Jiang Liu looked up, and saw that the right foot carrying the shock wave had already trampled hard.

He grinned, arms in front of him.

"Brilliant, Newgate!"

As soon as the words fell, violent shock waves and power hit his arms.


Jiang Liu flew out, his body skimming over the ice surface at high speed, a large piece of ice cracked, and ice shards splashed all over the sky.

His body trembled, and he abruptly stopped the force of the impact. Then, a twist and madness appeared on his face.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

The void vibrated, Jiang Liu stepped on the void with both feet, and galloped out again.

"call out!"

The **** rainbow light flashed and pulled out an arc, and in just a split second, it was in front of Whitebeard again.

"Feel my strength and speed!"


A loud roar came out, and Jiang Liu punched out.

Whitebeard hurriedly raised his arms to resist, and with a bang, his huge body retreated quickly behind him, and his feet swept a pile of ice chips on the ice.

Immediately afterwards, his eyes glared angrily, he stepped on his right foot, and with a bang, he rushed towards the river again.

"Boom boom boom boom!"

The two kept colliding and retreating, and every time they collided, they would recede backward because of the huge force between them.

Every time there is a collision, deep pits will be blown out of the ice under their feet.

The current is lasing, the ripples are rolling, and a large piece of ice is broken.

"That's all! Jiang Liu!"

"Can it be faster?"

Whitebeard roared, blood was already oozing from the corner of his mouth, but his mental state was obviously more excited, and he had already devoted himself to this duel with all his heart.


The surrounding scene was rapidly retreating and distorting, Jiang Liu grinned, the blood mist all over his body boiled, and his speed suddenly increased again.

"Then three speeds!"


The air exploded, and the violent and overbearing speed was simply shocking.

At this moment, the naked eye can't see Jiang Liu's figure clearly at all, and can only see the columnar impact that flies past in the void and on the ice.

Yes, Jiang Liu has turned into a **** shock at this moment.

"Boom boom boom boom!"

After four explosions in succession, Jiang Liu had already appeared in front of Baibeard.

"What a turbulent momentum"

With a loud roar, Whitebeard stretched out his arms and spread his five fingers, facing forward, Jiang Liu, who was already close at hand, suddenly pulled down one.


The void fluctuated, and huge beam-shaped ripples fluctuated, like a river, sliding down from the top of the head.


Then, there was the sound of breaking.

Everything was split apart, the body shape that was impacted by the river, lost its balance, as if it had entered a different dimension, tilting and twisting.


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