Everything visible to the naked eye is rapidly shattering. The air was vibrating, the unimaginably harsh and buzzing, making people's hearts thump.

The invisible pressure spread out, even though there was still a long distance from the battlefield of those two people, the hearts of everyone present still felt their scalps tingling.


Ba Gu and the others stared wide-eyed, watching the body that was thrown into the air, its body seemed to be broken, and shouted loudly.


Sengoku's expression changed, and his pupils shrank.

"Oh, yo, this is really an amazing scene!"

"If it were me, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to survive!"

A ray of light flashed on the yellow monkey's sunglasses, and he murmured, with a serious expression on his face.

"It's like in the Colosseum, where the two strongest beasts are fighting the most brutal battle in the world."

"Uncle Jiang Liu, you won't let me down!"


Doflamingo stared at the field and said in a deep voice.

White Beard VS Jiang Liu.

This world-class battle naturally attracted the eyes of countless people. It also made many people, from the beginning of this battle until now, never leave their sight.

The shocking and ferocious battle just now was naturally seen by them.

They think that when their identities are switched, if they become anyone in the field, they may not be able to survive a few rounds, and even their lives will be lost there.

"Crack, wipe!"

The shattered space is still twisting, spreading farther away

Jiang Liu's body fell slowly, as if time had been stopped at this moment.


Finally, when a mouthful of blood spurted out, time resumed.

The moment the blood was just exported, it turned into a blood mist, instantly surrounding Jiang Liu's body.


A deep roar came from Jiang Liu's mouth.

His body also slammed heavily on the ice in the next second.


White Beard let out a roar, and blood continued to flow from the corner of his mouth, dripping down his chin, but his condition seemed to be completely unaffected.

The thick arms and clenched fists pressed against Jiang Liu's abdomen like that, and blasted directly into the ice.


Huge chasms, pits, and fissures resurfaced.

"Ambition? Dream? One Piece?"

"This old man is what he pursues in his life."

A deep voice came out and diffused in the air.

The other arm was raised high, clenched into a fist, and against the background of flying ice chips and shining sunlight, it emitted colorful rays of light.

"It's just for the safety of the family!"

Immediately afterwards, the punch hit Jiang Liu's face again.

The berserk power can destroy almost everything, and it also shakes his head, splashing a large amount of blood mist.

"how about you?"


"Let's talk about life, what are you pursuing?"

Whitebeard's voice spread throughout Marin Fando, and it also made many people slightly startled.

Under this ferocious and tense battle, White Beard actually chatted with Jiang Liu about his dreams.


Jiang Liu's voice sounded in the next second.

Accompanied by it, there was a more powerful and majestic terrifying aura, which suddenly burst out.

"Now is not the time to talk to you about this!"

"Think about how long you can fight!"

As soon as the words fell, the blood-colored mist-wrapped figure suddenly reversed, stepped on the ground, and with a bang, it was already lifted into the sky.

"Five speeds!"

Almost everyone can see that the blood mist around Jiang Liu's body is boiling and burning violently, as if his life was ignited at this moment, exuding a frightening atmosphere.


Faintly, there was a beast-like roar, which sounded behind Jiang Liu, and half of the sky was reflected in the color of blood at this moment, becoming depressed and dull.

"Good momentum!"

Whitebeard looked up and grinned.

The blood was still dripping, but he didn't seem to feel any physical pain, all he could do was the excitement, excitement, and strong fighting spirit in his body.

The body sank slowly, crushing the ice and snow, his arms slowly stretched out, his fists were clenched, and with a bang, the shock wave rippled and quickly emerged.

"How long can I fight, you ask?"

"What a boring question!"

White Beard said coldly.

Looking up at the **** mist in the sky, he saw the other party paused for a while, then swooped down. The speed and strength were even more terrifying than before.

Even, when diving, the wind pressure driven by it forms a huge air cannon, which can easily destroy a mountain.

At this moment, Jiang Liu, momentum, and physique have become tyrannical to the point of frightening and trembling, beyond the scope of human beings, comparable to gods.

"Boom boom boom boom!"

All the way to dive, all the way to the continuous sound of tremors, the sound wave cloud has almost become the symbol of the river flow.

After a few flashes, his body had already reached the top of White Beard's head, and his punch was without fancy, and he swung it down neatly.


Whitebeard raised his fist to meet them, and there was a deafening collision sound, and a circle of air waves centered on them, sweeping towards the surroundings crazily.


Jiang Liu narrowed his eyes slightly, looking at the opponent who was close at hand, his eyes flickered with dignity.

Not everyone can stop Xixiang at five speeds. But at this moment, White Beard's huge body stood on top of the ice and snow, like a mountain, not moving at all, unexpectedly blocked the blow forcefully.

"Who do you think I am? Jiang Liu!"

"I'm a white beard!"

A roar sounded, reaching his ears, Whitebeard raised his other arm suddenly, and punched him in the face.


Slamming his fist down heavily, Jiang Liu's body shook, his balance was lost, and he began to reverse. In just an instant, he was already in a head-to-foot posture.

With a twinkle in his eyes, he took advantage of the situation and raised his right foot, kicking **** White Beard's chest.


There was a clear bone cracking sound, but the huge body was only shaken, and remained motionless, like Mount Tai.

Baibeard's eyes turned blood red at this moment, and he stretched out his right hand suddenly, grabbing Jiang Liu's right foot.

"How long do you want to fight!"

"Old man, how long will I fight with you!"

The deep roar echoed, and Baibeard suddenly raised his hand, grabbed Jiang Liu's right foot forcefully, and swung it down fiercely.


The ground was cracked, and the river flowed like a shell, swept away from the ice, and rushed towards Marin Vanduo Square, smashing countless buildings.

Then, it slammed into the headquarters building, and with a bang, the entire tall and magnificent headquarters building twisted and collapsed at this moment, turning into ruins.

Countless marines raised their heads together at this moment, their pupils constricted and widened.

"You all underestimate this old man!"


Whitebeard's roar echoed, and the wind above Marin Fando suddenly became anxious.

His arms stretched out, and he punched forward again suddenly.


Marlin Vandeau, cracked! !

Chapter 189 is dead


The deafening sound resounded non-stop, and the expressions of all the navy standing on the ground changed drastically at this moment, shaking violently.

Earthquake, an unprecedented earthquake happened!

The ground under his feet cracked and cracked, and when countless cracks spread to the building, there was a bang, the building collapsed, and a large cloud of dust was stirred up.

Seen from a distance, the entire Marin Fando at this moment seems to be neatly divided into several different levels, which are separating, twisting, undulating, and vibrating.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

"Catch the things around you, a big earthquake is coming!"

"This is hell!"

Horrified shouts came one after another from the navy. The destructiveness of Whitebeard's punch to Marin Fando was simply fatal.

On the execution platform, Sengoku looked dignified and ugly, looking down at the panicked navy below.


The execution platform where he was standing was also shaking violently, and the two guards behind him were unable to stand still and panicked.


Taking a deep breath, Sengoku suddenly yelled at the phone bug in his hand.

"Don't panic!"

"Cheer up all of them, Marin Fanduo is ruined, and it can be rebuilt!"

"Now, your task is to win this war!"

The loud voice spread throughout the Navy headquarters. The terrified and flustered Navy slowly woke up after hearing the words, and looked forward again.


At this moment, there was a loud noise, and the huge giant Oz slammed into the gate of the city wall. Immediately afterwards, large pieces of stones flew, and the navy blocking the gate was sent flying backwards.

Zhan Guo's eyes changed and became serious.


Ace roared loudly, looking at the huge body that fell in front of the city wall, his whole body was trembling.

"We will definitely rescue you!"

"This is not only the purpose of my father's coming here, but also the truest thought in my heart!"

"Because you are my friend of Ozzy!"

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