But at this moment, the bang resounded again.

"Jie ha ha ha ha!"

"Your opponent is me, Sengoku!"

"We haven't fought against each other for nearly twenty years!"

A loud laugh sounded, followed by a violent and domineering aura, shocking the air. The blond-haired dancing figure directly stopped in front of the huge Buddha's palm, and swung the long knife in his right hand.

"call out!"


The Buddha's palm collided with the long knife, and the void was shaking at this moment, and ripples and light suddenly bloomed.

But the attack of the Warring States Period was also completely intercepted, and it was firmly blocked from the long knife.

"Hey, he's my opponent!"

Crocodile looked up, looked at the golden lion and shouted.

"Jie ha ha ha ha, boy, we are old acquaintances!"

"You should complete your task first!"

The golden lion laughed.


Crocodile snorted coldly, looked at the serious-looking Zhan Guo, who was shining with Buddha's light all over his body, and hooked his right hand.

"I have to fight back!"

In the next second, the thousands of meters of sand above the ice vibrated at this moment, rushed to the sky, and turned into countless sharp sand swords.

"Sand Sword Rain!"

But just when he faintly uttered the three words, Crocodile's eyes suddenly changed, and his figure suddenly jumped to the side.

In its original position, a bang came out.

I saw Garp with a square face, wearing a navy suit, and a serious face, punching there.

"Lieutenant General Garp!"

Crocodile's pupils shrank, and he said in a deep voice.

Afterwards, he saw the opponent's punch on the ice, which shattered the ice cubes in a radius of several thousand meters.

This kind of power can be compared with Jiang Liu in a state of rage.

"Lieutenant General Garp, also made a move!"

At this moment, all the marines were excited and shouted excitedly.

"Boy, Navy Headquarters, it's not a place for a guy like you to run wild!"

Garp stared at Crocodile and said coldly.


"My mission is to save your grandson."

"Is Lieutenant General Garp also going to stop me?"

Crocodile's eyes flickered and he smiled.

This sentence silenced Garp. But after two breaths, his eyes suddenly burst into flames, and his figure flashed even more suddenly.

"It's gone!"

Crocodile was startled, and his pupils suddenly shrank.

He immediately realized that the opponent's speed had surpassed what his naked eyes could capture, and he was about to open up his knowledge.


The majestic force had already swept in, hitting his right cheek heavily, distorting his expression at this moment.

"So fast!"

With only time to flash two words in his mind, Crocodile was punched into the distance.

"I'm a navy!"

Karp yelled loudly as he punched Crocodile flying.

Then, they turned their heads and looked at the blond-haired dancing figure in the air, their eyes became serious.

"Shi Ji, you bastard, you can't stand being lonely anymore!"

"Obviously hiding in the sewer like a mouse, it is a good choice to spend his old age peacefully like that."

"But I have to play again."

The golden lion Shiji also sensed the powerful aura behind him, he suddenly exerted force, and sent Zhan Guo flying with a single blow, pulling away his figure and floating in the air.

Looking at the two figures in front of him, the corner of his mouth suddenly grinned, and he burst into a big laugh.

"Jie ha ha ha ha!"

"That's how it looks. Twenty years ago, the three of you and I fought a big battle here!"

“Reminds me of the good old days!”

Schie laughed.

"Karp, the injury on the top of his head, and his legs!"

Suddenly, Zhan Guo shouted.

Garp was shocked, and looked at the legs and top of the golden lion Shiji's head.

"It's all recovered!"

"Moreover, his current state is not as old as I imagined!"

Warring States fell, standing next to Karp, the two looked at each other, and they both became dignified.

"What the **** did he go through? The broken legs and the severe injury on the top of the head can all be recovered!"

"It reminds me of the guy who recovers no matter how badly he's hurt!"

"It seems that he did it!"

Golden Lion naturally heard the conversation between the two, and he didn't care, just laughed.

"Do you want the two of you to join forces to deal with me again?"

"But, are you sure that the junior in the navy can deal with Jiang Liu?"

Having said that, the golden lion pulled out another long knife with his left hand.

"I bet he can't last long!"

Meanwhile, on the other side of the battlefield.

The hot magma sagged and collapsed, and the long knife directly cut through Akainu's chest, pulling out a gap, and the sharp slash shot out from the blade at this time, hitting again heavily.


The red dog's complexion changed suddenly, and he flew out towards the rear.

"You are still too young!"


Jiang Liu maintained the posture of swinging the knife, his eyes were sharp, and he spoke lightly.

Chapter 200 You Are Noisy

"Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi!"

The ice and snow melted quickly, and a large cloud of mist came out. Akainu's body quickly swept across the ice, and fierce slashes attacked his body all the time.


After a few breaths, there was an explosion, and the figure of Akainu disappeared in the white mist.


Hot bubbles from the magma dripped onto the ice surface, instantly burning a large cloud of white mist.


"Twenty years later, you still have this arrogant attitude, do you think you are invincible?"

The magma re-gathered into a human form, and Akainu, who forcibly stopped his body from the ice, raised his head, and his eyes were already gloomy and cold.

Half of his body turned into magma at this moment, and the white mist around him rose continuously, covering the sky behind him.

But it can be seen that he, who was directly attacked by Jiang Liu, did not have many injuries on his body.

"This is the Navy Headquarters, Marlin Vandor!"

"It's the territory of the navy, not a place where a self-righteous traitor like you can be arrogant with a group of miscellaneous soldiers!"

The words were cold, and Akainu's eyes were breathing fire.

Old and new grudges can be resolved at this moment. For him, it is undoubtedly the most perfect, and it can make him feel a kind of excitement from the bottom of his heart.

"Beating an old man with a white beard who was only one step away from entering the coffin, seems to make you extremely inflated!"

With both feet moving, Akakenu raised his right hand, pointed at the river ahead, and opened his mouth sharply.

In the next second, countless meteor-like magma meteorites sprayed out from his hands, and the scorching high temperature erupted in an instant, passing through the void, raising the temperature in the air.


In an instant, countless red meteors drew out parabolas, roared through the sky, and came to Jiang Liu.

The latter's eyes narrowed slightly, and he swung the long knife in his hand again and again.

"Boom boom boom boom!"

Four magma meteorites were split open one after another, but at the same time, the magma splashed and infected his arm, and a piece of flesh was immediately burned.

Frowning, Jiang Liu retreated, his movements were extremely decisive, and he sliced ​​off the flesh with a swipe of the long knife.

"Although the old man with white beard is old, he still has strength!"

"After fighting him, how much energy do you have left?"

Akainu's voice came again.

With the white cloak of justice fluttering, his body was already standing in front of Jiang Liu, without any flashy punch.


The magma splashed, and the majestic force surged in. Jiang Liu's eyes froze, and his figure was thrown backwards by the shock.

"Remember the last time we played against each other?"

"That's not even a warm-up!"

"You underestimate me as an admiral!"

"You who have been the strongest combat power should be very clear that such a position is not something that any weak guy can take up the position!"

Akaken's steps, movements, and speed are all crisp and fast, astonishingly fast.

There is no doubt that at this moment of confrontation, he has shown his true strength, and it is no longer a superficial confrontation.

Take action at this moment, with a biting killing intent!

Almost in the blink of an eye, Akainu had come to Jiang Liu again, raising his right fist.

"Ghost dog!"

Jiang Liu's eyes flashed, and he grinned.

"It's really shameless!"

The long knife in his hand buzzed and vibrated, Liuying's domineering aura covered the blade, and then his eyes widened, the domineering aura vibrated the void and wrapped around the long knife.

"God avoids!"

Waving his right hand, a flash of lightning flashed, and the piercing red dog narrowed his eyes slightly.

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