"It's been a while since I came to this country."

"Walking all over the streets and alleys, I also saw many different places."

"The most important thing is that the changes of civilians are like a paradise outside the world."

As he spoke, the blind swordsman was filled with emotion.

"What exactly do you want to say?"

Jiang Liu laughed.

He has already recognized the guy in front of him, a powerful and important person with a sense of justice.

It's just that he didn't expect that the other party came to the door by himself.

"I think!"

"You are the real justice in this world!"

"I want to act in your justice, under your command, to pursue my dreams."

The blind swordsman said in a deep voice.

Chapter 236

In the remote street, there was silence. The voice of the blind swordsman was low, but full of solemnity and earnestness.

Jiang Liu narrowed his eyes slightly, staring at the man in front of him, and gradually a smile appeared on his face.

Of course he had already recognized who the other party was, which made him even more surprised.

Such a general-level powerhouse actually came in front of him just like that, saying words of allegiance and obedience.

And there is no reason, if you insist on the reason, then, is it your own benevolence? Or the aura of domineering?

Maybe it's a bit of a lie, but it's the truth.

In this vast sea where justice is lacking and pirates are rampant, benevolence and righteousness can indeed win the hearts of a group of people with lofty ideals.

The man in front of him is none other than Fujitora, one of the three future admirals in the original book.

There is no doubt that this is a real swordsman who combines the devil fruit ability with swordsmanship, thus possessing powerful destructive power.

"Based on your two or three words, Dressrosa, I can't take in a guy with unknown origin like you."

Doflamingo sneered and spoke.

"Even if you are alone, I have a little appreciation for the courage to block our way."

Fujitora frowned when he heard the words, but quickly said: "I understand!"

"You two please follow me."

"Just talking in words like this does seem presumptuous and powerless."

Then, he turned around and walked towards the open space beside him.

"Then go and have a look, maybe we will have a surprise."

Jiang Liu said with a smile.

At this moment, he is really happy in his heart. Although he knew before that being famous outside will definitely promote his career, he did not expect the surprise to come so quickly.

But thinking about it carefully, it is also a matter of course.

The New Deal implemented by Dressrosa is unprecedented in this world, and it places a high emphasis on civilians. It directly breaks away from the system dominated by aristocrats, allowing the lower class to have strong potential and vitality.

Compared with the original system, it is almost extremely superior. After a long time, people will naturally rush to join.

Fujitora is in front, Eryu and Doflamingo are behind.

Soon, they came to an uninhabited area. Not far away was the undulating sea surface, and they could hear the clear sound of waves.

"Then, here it is!"

Fujitora turned around and faced the two of them.

"I don't have much credibility because I don't know where I come from."

"People who have no strengths have no value, but I want to have a higher status under your command to realize my dream."


The words were flat, and Fujitora's right hand was also pressed on the handle of the knife at his waist, and the aura of his body rose in an instant.


Brother Doflaming's eyes narrowed, he sensed the extraordinary aura on the other party, and became vigilant.

Anyway, Jiang Liu is now the king of a country, so he can't do it easily.

"The next blow, offended!"

With a low tone, Fujitora raised the long knife in his hand and stood it on his chest.

Then, pull it out abruptly, and press down.


A berserk wave of air suddenly emerged, centered on his body, winding out in circles of ripples, inexplicably strange, and the heavy breath made Doflamingo feel a little suffocated at this moment.

"What is this guy doing?"

He said solemnly.

Although he couldn't figure out the other party's purpose, the oppressive and heavy breath in the air was already extremely obvious.

"Look up at the sky, Dover!"

Jiang Liu said with a smile.

At the same time, looking at the burly man in front of his eyes, he already had a hint of appreciation.

Doflamingo raised his head to look at the sky, then his pupils shrank, and his complexion became serious in an instant.

"Damn it, did he do it?"

The clouds in the sky were blasted out of a huge cave, and the invisible air pressure lingered on the huge falling meteorite, and a little bit of fire lingered around it.

A huge meteorite is falling rapidly towards where they are.

"This guy swung his knife, and all the meteorites in the sky fell down!"

Doflamingo was shocked.

"Your Excellency Dover, you have no time to hesitate!"

Fujitora said softly.

He also wanted to see what level Jiang Liu's generals were. Looking forward to Jiang Liu's attack, as a warrior, he naturally has the heart of coveting the strong.

With the long knife sheathed, he just stood there quietly, waiting for the two people in front of him to attack.

"Boom boom boom boom!"

Gradually, the sky roared like thunder.

The meteorite above the head became extremely huge in an instant, and the terrifying air pressure enveloped it at this moment, making the void blow up with strong winds.

A huge shadow shrouded the heads of the three of them.

Doflamingo looked solemn, and raised his right hand.

Countless white thin strips fluttered from his hand in an instant, collapsed in the blink of an eye, flew into the sky, and were drawn at an extremely fast speed to form a large net.

"Wire net!"

After uttering two words, Doflamingo raised his head and looked at the meteorite above his head. He was dressed in pink feathers, fluttering and fluttering.

In an instant, the huge wire net scraped over the meteorite, and its momentum of falling impact suddenly stagnated, and then it was cut into countless tiny gravels.

But these small momentums, the trend is not decreasing, but they are still falling towards the place where the three of them are.

At this moment, Jiang Liu raised his hand, stretched out his right hand, and spread his five fingers.

Then, it suddenly pulled towards the sky.


The air flow trembled, and the void above his head was distorted at this moment. Immediately after that, countless small gravels changed their falling direction and landed on the sea not far from here, making non-stop thumping noises.

Fujitora frowned slightly, his ears quivering.

This blow was easily taken. Especially Jiang Liu's tugging shocked him even more.

It can only be said that he deserves to be the strongest man in the world!

"Hey Hey hey!"

"You guys are really merciless when you make a move!"

Doflamingo said coldly.

If such a meteorite impact really falls, even on the coast, it will have an unpredictable impact on Dressrosa.

"Don't worry, Your Excellency, I have paid close attention to the destructive power of this meteorite!"

Fujitora said solemnly.

But Doflamingo was already angry in his heart, his body flickered, and he was already in front of him, he raised his right foot, carrying the sharp silk thread, and cut away fiercely.

Fujitora raised the sword, stood it in front of him, and caught the blow.

"Your Majesty, since you want to test my strength."

"Then, I won't hold back any more!"

After Shen Sheng said these words, Fujitora just pulled out half of the long knife and suddenly unsheathed it.

An invisible power burst out from his body, and then he swung his long knife suddenly.

"Gravity Knife, Tiger!"

Chapter 237 Fujitora Joins

The air twisted, and the invisible gravity rushed out in an instant.


Unprepared to receive such a heavy blow, Wanjun's gravity exploded in an instant.

Brother Doflaming suddenly changed color, and was immediately rushed out by the powerful force of the knife, hitting the forest in the distance, stirring up dust all over the sky.


Jiang Liu smiled softly.

"That's right, I'm a Gravity Man who ate many fruits."

Fujitora said in a deep voice, standing in front of Jiang Liu with a long knife in his hand.

"Your Majesty, do you need to personally test my strength?"

Jiang Liu turned his head and took a look at Doflamingo who stood up from the smoke and dust with a livid complexion in the distance, then grinned.

"I'm also very curious about how strong your excellency is."

He knew that Doflamingo wasn't injured, but he didn't know the opponent's ability, so he was caught off guard and suffered a disadvantage.

Then, he tilted his head and looked at Fujitora.

"Then try it!"

As soon as the words fell, Fujitora had already taken a step, and the wooden clogs stepped on the sand, but did not leave much deep marks.

From this point, it can be seen that his control over abilities and his own strength has reached the peak.


The breeze was blowing, and Fujitora's long knife had already reached Jiang Liu, and he swung it down neatly.


Gravity distorted the void and shrouded it toward the river.

Seeing this scene, Brother Doflaming quickly shouted: "Be careful!"

But at the next moment, he was stunned, and then he let out a sigh of relief.

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