"Then let's go!"

Chapter 240 Golden City

As the breeze blew past, circles of ripples formed on the surface of the sea, and continued to spread toward the distance, forming larger and wider ripples.

Gradually, the medium-sized sailboat that Jiang Liu was on turned into a black spot and finally disappeared.

About two hours later, at the port of Dressrosa, huge and majestic warships set off and headed here.

Looking up, there is actually a huge battleship in the sky, which is slowly coming forward, and the wooden pulp under the ship is swaying, fluctuating the air.

Straight figures standing one after another scattered around every battleship, with serious faces and awe-inspiring aura.

"Jie ha ha ha ha!"

"The task is very simple, take down the towns and kingdoms in the surrounding sea area, and add up to a total of five islands."

The old laughter came down from the sky, accompanied by an aura of domineering majesty, permeating the sea.

"According to what he said, we need to build an island chain belonging to the kingdom, territorial waters, and control this vast, cloudy and cloudy sea area in our hands."

"Very novel, but very interesting!"

The golden lion Shi Jiji was on the remodeled Kingdom warship, looking down at the sea below, and said with a big smile.

On the sea directly below, Crocodile on the warship was wearing a loose military robe, with a cigar in his mouth and deep eyes.

On the other side of the boat was Enilo.

After the top battle, after a period of recuperation and preparations, they finally chose to attack the surrounding sea area.

The location of Dressrosa is close to the entrance of the New World, very close to several islands under the jurisdiction of the World Government, and it is also a very critical geographical location.

And the goal of this fleet is to knock down the islands under the World Government, join the kingdom, and lay the groundwork for the rise of Dressrosa.

"A mighty kingdom?"

"It seems more interesting than being a pirate!"

Crocodile took a puff of smoke and smiled lightly.

He had to admit that his majesty, the boss, was very discerning and knowledgeable. The Kingdom of Dressrosa had undergone major changes in a short period of time.

Politics, education, economy, military, etc., are rapidly improving in all aspects. However, the territory of an island is far from enough to provide a more powerful fleet.

"It's almost all out. Except for the army you command to stay in the country, the navy and air force have all been dispatched."

"All warships added together, the number has reached an astonishing thirty or so."

"There are very few kingdoms that can produce an army of this size!"

Daz Bowness looked ahead, in the air, at the densely packed fleet group, and said in admiration.

You must know that in the whole world, the kingdom has almost no navy. On the one hand, it is because of the world government, and on the other hand, a huge navy requires strong logistical supplies.

Simply put, the country cannot afford to support or consume such a huge fleet.

But Dressrosa has it. It can be said that on this sea, even in the new world, their enemies are only a handful.

"You look less and less like a pirate."

Crocodile laughed.

"You are already a general of the kingdom, sir."

Daz Bowness replied.

Crocodile let out a laugh.

General Wang Guo, he never thought he would have such an identity in his life.

According to the official system established initially, he is at the same level as the admiral.

Of course, because of Dressrosa's small size, the current scope of jurisdiction and real power must not be comparable.

But as the kingdom grows, the number of troops under its management may not be the same.

"I'm really looking forward to it!"

"Where will this kingdom go?"

Muttering, Crocodile's eyes sharpened.

There is still a long way to go, but he will continue to struggle for the brand-new ideal in his heart.

Building a country and watching it gradually grow and become stronger is also a very fulfilling and worthwhile thing to do.

As time goes by, the vision crosses the sea of ​​infinite distance, and comes to a kingdom full of people and resplendent.

This is Gulan Tezolo.

With a length of ten kilometers and a giant ship made of gold, there are towns and cities. It is known as the world's largest entertainment city.

Here, all kinds of entertainment facilities and music are everywhere. Among the people who come and go, there are nobles, commoners, pirates, and underground forces. It can be said that fish and dragons are mixed.

The purpose of many people coming here is for vacation. The long and boring sea life is always tormenting people's spirits, but here they can relax.

As long as you have money, you can get everything here, women, services, and all kinds of things.

And more people come here to make a fortune, because the Golden City has the largest casino in the world.

Getting rich overnight, empty hands and white wolves, will not be a myth here, as long as you are lucky enough.

When the sailboat of Jiang Liu and others was docked at the port along the current, several people looked up at this country floating on the sea, their eyes were full of amazement.

"This is too luxurious!"

"As expected of the Golden City!"

Ace widened his eyes, watching everything in front of him.

It was already night, but everything on the golden boat was as bright as day, the colorful lights were so dazzling that people's eyes dazzled.

"Design the largest entertainment city, here, as long as you have money, you can get everything!"

Kalifa adjusted his glasses, put a cloak on Jiang Liu, and then stood in front of him again, arranging his clothes.

The biggest purpose of her trip is to take care of the man in front of her.

"Kalifa, thank you."

Jiang Liu looked down at the woman in front of him, and the fragrance almost came to his nostrils.

"That's what I have to do, my dear majesty."

When Khalifa heard this, she raised her head and looked straight into his eyes, pursed her lips and smiled.

"You are such a **** woman."

Jiang Liu laughed.

"Your Majesty can come to my room tonight if you wish."

"If it were you, I would like to let you see my sexier side."

Kalifa's eyes showed a touch of charm, and then she tiptoed and kissed Jiang Liu's cheek.

"Also bold!"

After being stunned for a moment, Jiang Liu commented.

Khalifa covered her mouth with a chuckle and backed away.

Ace next to him was stunned, Fujitora couldn't see anything, just stood there quietly, without any movement, and didn't express any opinions.

Jiang Liu touched the place where he was kissed on his face, and he could still feel a little warmth, and he couldn't help but feel a wave of emotion.

Then, he looked up at the huge port in front of him, and beyond, the lights and the huge country.

"Let us take a look at this huge country."

"How rich is it!"

Then he was the first to step off the boat.

Chapter 241 Cavendish

The entertainment city, no matter which world it is in, is the most attractive place.

Violence, money, women, all kinds of things that can strongly arouse human desires are mixed here, tempting everyone in the world.

Jiang Liu walked in the front, holding a golden scepter, wearing a top hat, and a cloak behind his back. Behind him were Fujitora, Ace, and Kalifa.

After they got off the boat, they got lost in this bustling, splendid city full of hustle and bustle.

On the spacious street, pedestrians come and go, some are excited, some are sad, some are nervous, some are fearful, and there are all kinds of emotions.

"This is definitely the place where human desires are magnified to the highest level!"

Jiang Liu said.

"All the ugliness are concentrated here!"

"Under the shining gold, what is hidden is the ugliest face of human beings."

Ace sneered.

They also saw a lot of things along the way, more gambling. Yes, gambling, in this city, is almost everywhere.

"Human beings have two sides!"

Jiang Liu smiled faintly.

"I don't like this place, it's empty."

Fujitora said in a deep voice at this moment.

"Hehe, before finishing the task, let's take it as a place to relax and have fun!"

"After all, the drinks, food, drinks, and other entertainment here are all very good!"

"For example, singing!"

Jiang Liu laughed.

After he finished speaking, he turned his eyes and looked at the big screen in front of him. A woman in a white gauze dress and a crown was holding a microphone and singing softly.

The voice is like an oriole, crisp and melodious. In this place full of desire and chaos, there is an ethereal feeling that emerges from the mud but not stained.

Kalifa and Ace also turned around and looked at the big screen. After a while, they quieted down and listened quietly.

"A big star in the entertainment city?"

After a while, the song ended, the woman in the white gauze skirt turned and left, and everyone just woke up, Ace murmured.

"Hahahaha, Miss Sally's singing voice is always so charming!"

"With a beautiful person and a kind heart, she is the most admirable star in this entertainment city!"


On the side of the street, the owner who sells ice cream said with a smile.

"What a pity?"

Fujitora asked suspiciously.

"Unfortunately, she already has a master."

When the boss said this, he shook his head, sighed, and said no more.

Jiang Liu's eyes flickered slightly, and he turned and left.

"It's hard to imagine that such a brightly lit city is actually a ship!"

"The Golden Emperor, Gulan Tezolo, is too rich to run such a country."

Ace said in admiration.

"Our mission here is also the Golden Emperor."

Carly said.

"How to find him?"

Ace wondered.

Would it be possible to meet Gulan Tezolo who is in charge of such a large ship by asking anyone casually?

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