After a while, everyone sat around a long table, and plates of delicacies were quickly brought to the table.

Bright blood-colored red wine, poured into a delicate red wine glass.

"The Vinsmoke family, it is our honor to be able to receive such a great person as you."

Gage said with a smile.

Reiju, Niji, Yiji, Yuji and the others were cautiously and curiously observing the number one powerhouse in the world.

Surprisingly, when the other party didn't release his arrogance, he looked like a polite, gentle and amiable gentleman.

"It's really royal, like a born king."

Reiju murmured.

At this moment, Jiang Liu glanced at her, which made her slightly startled.

"Did you hear that?"

Reiju's face suddenly turned red.

"It's quite disturbing to come here in person this time."

"However, I have to come."

Jiang Liu smiled slightly and said softly, but his eyes were fixed on Vinsmoke Gage opposite.

"I heard that the Vinsmoke family wants to cooperate with the Bignum Pirates?"

Hearing such words, Jia Zhi's heart shuddered, and he became nervous immediately.

He didn't expect to come so soon, and this His Majesty is so direct.

"It's just that there is this intention, and the cooperation has not yet started."

Gage took a breath and said cautiously.

In the face of such a big man, you should not look at how gentle and kind the other person's expression is, but you should pay attention to the other person's status and strength.

It's like a nuclear bomb is placed in front of you, and it will explode at any time. Should you be worried, should you be nervous?

Even if he is calm at this moment, what about the next moment?

"I appreciate you, Patriarch Gage."

"I also admire the entire Vinsmoke family. I think you are a real royal family."

Jiang Liu raised his glass, and with a smile on his face, he gestured for a clink.

Jia Zhi and the others raised their glasses immediately, showing great nervousness.

Doflamingo, Fujitora, Cavendish and others raised their glasses in the same way, quietly watching everything in front of them.

"The royal family should not compromise with the pirates, let alone lower their status and cooperate."

Immediately afterwards, Jiang Liu's words came out again.

The banquet hall was very quiet, and the aura of Jiaji and others froze at this moment, and even the smiles on their faces froze.

This is directly to make decisions for them.

Unexpectedly, this strong man with a handsome appearance and gentle words acted so domineeringly and decisively.

Even if the opponent didn't release his arrogance at this moment, everyone in Vinsmoke still felt suffocated and pressured.

"Cooperate with me and become my subordinate."

"I will give you the best preferential treatment, and I will help you fulfill Vinsmoke's dream."

Jiang Liu's voice came out again.

"This king has shown enough sincerity by coming here in person."

"Similarly, it also represents my appreciation for Vinsmoke."

Jia Zhi took a deep breath and said nervously, "Please allow us."

But before he finished speaking, Jiang Liu's voice came out again, interrupting him.

"If you don't want to."

"Winsmoke, there is no need to exist."

"After all, I will fight Bigumam in the end."

The complexion of Vinsmoke present here changed drastically, and it was all ugly.

This is not giving them a chance to choose at all!

As domineering as he is.

Chapter 262 Bloodline Factor and Devil Fruit

In the quiet restaurant, there was a cold, icy, domineering atmosphere.

Members of the Vinsmoke family looked very ugly at this moment.

The strongest man in the world showed his attitude as soon as he arrived here, and his strength was suffocating.

The meaning in the words is that there is no room for their hesitation and hesitation at all.

The air was frozen, and a needle could be heard. Only Cavendish was holding a knife and fork, and the clinking sound of the tableware was heard when eating.


Raising his head blankly, Cavendish took a look.

"Why is it suddenly quiet?"

But he didn't care, but buried his head and continued to eat.

With Boss Jiangliu around, no matter what the situation is, he will definitely be able to settle it, and he doesn't care at all.

After a while, Vinsmoke Gage took a deep breath, and sighed with a complicated face: "What can you give us?"

"This king knows about the Vinsmoke family, and has been committed to restoring its former glory, which is the dominance of the North Sea."

"Similarly, I can also guarantee that the power of the Kingdom of Dressrosa will become stronger and stronger."

"As time goes by, we will rule the new world, the four seas, and the great waterway."

"At that time, I will naturally not be able to control this huge world with my own power!"

"Beihai also needs a king."

The meaning of these faint words made Jia Zhi shrink his eyes, revealing a thoughtful expression.

The ambition of the man in front of him is actually the whole world, and he is not like the Four Emperors, who only rushes towards One Piece.

This is a qualitative difference.

As for handing over the North Sea to his subordinates after ruling the world, it was like a blank check. At that time, I am afraid that he will also be in the position of his subordinates.

But this is nothing, and it is essentially no different from his ideals, they are all the masters of Beihai.

"Similarly, Vinsmoke's technology is also very much needed by the Kingdom."

"You will become the leader of the Kingdom's scientific research force, and you will be in charge of the scientific research department together with Caesar."

"It's also an extremely important project."

"Compared to the combat effectiveness of your subordinates, I appreciate your scientific research capabilities more."

Jiang Liu said calmly, and picked up the knife and fork again.

"Scientific research team."

Gage murmured, narrowing his eyes.

This is the real power at this stage, but it also makes him a member of the kingdom.

He carefully compared the conversation with Bigumam, and fell into deep thought.

There is no doubt that both sides came with the purpose of annexing them. But the difference is that Bigumamu will go crazy from time to time, and his attitude towards Germa's troops is not friendly.

And Jiang Liu in front of him is a rational and ambitious king. The conditions before us are also very realistic.

The leader of the scientific research force, and the empty promise of the future king of the North Sea.

He didn't have many choices, and he hoped to rely on one side to realize his dream.


Taking a deep breath, Jiaji raised his head and said in a deep voice.

"I agree to your request."

"But at the same time, we will also face pressure from Bigumamu."

"I just hope that when you get there, you won't abandon us!"

Hearing this, a smile appeared on Jiang Liu's face: "Of course!"

Gage forced a smile, and the party continued.

In his opinion, when there is a conflict between the two major forces, it is very likely that a slightly bigger grasshopper like him will be ruthlessly abandoned.

Compared to big figures like Bigu Mamu and Jiang Liu, his proportion is too small. He doesn't even have the courage to confront the opponent head-on, and he doesn't even have the qualifications.

The process of subduing the Vinsmoke family went quite smoothly. Even Jiang Liu didn't need to make a move.

And this is also a matter of course, as long as the Vinsmoke family has a semblance of reason, they will not act rashly.

Doflamingo and Jiang Liu, just the strength of these two people made them feel trembling, plus Fujitora who is powerful and obviously not weak.

Soon, the banquet is over.

"Your Majesty, please come with me and show you around Germa."

Gage stood up and said with a smile.

"I'm really curious about the scientific research power in your hands."

Jiang Liu smiled.

When everyone walked out of the restaurant, there were burly replica soldiers with cold expressions stationed along the way.

"They are all fighters created by me using the blood factor technology."

"Fear no death, never betray."

Gage introduced.

"If His Majesty needs to conquer some countries, they are the best choice."

Germa clone fighter is famous in the world. Because in a sense, they are not real humans, but copies.

But also, because of the blood factor, they all have strong combat power, which is a very useful means of siege.


"The research team of the Navy Headquarters, based on the yellow monkey and Bartholomew Bear, studied the so-called Pacifist."

"Your clone based on the bloodline factor has the same effect."

Jiang Liu praised.

With this duplicant, as long as the resources are sufficient, no matter how huge a legion can be created.

Based on this, the expansion of the kingdom will be much faster.

"You will play a very important role in the rise of the kingdom, Mr. Gage."

Jiang Liu said with a smile.

Jia Zhi also showed a smile on his face. Although he had no choice but to choose the other party, it seems that it is relatively easy for this strong man to communicate.

"It is an honor for Gaji to be valued by His Majesty."

Gage said modestly.

He is naturally quite confident in his scientific research ability and the results he has obtained.

"The research on bloodline factors can go deep."

"In this world, there are different ethnic groups, and some ethnic groups have special abilities and great potential, even not inferior to devil fruits."

Jiang Liu said with a smile.

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