"The Great Line... If you want to go to the Great Line, you have to have a ship with a price of 100 million beli." Xian'er suffered a loss and no longer extended her hand, but instead studied the sea chart.

"One hundred million, right? It seems that we really need to catch this kid first."Simon took out the"Straw Hat Boy" reward list that he always carried in his arms.

"Roger, right? Directly north of us."

Xian'er carefully confirmed the position on the chart, but when she saw Simon's confused look, she reluctantly raised her hand to point him in the direction.

"Well, that's the direction, but a little bit……"

Before Xian'er finished speaking, the raised hand suddenly fell off naturally as if it was suddenly broken. The atrophied position on the arm that had been cut by Goth's white bone hand blade was flattened again. He also lost consciousness and almost fainted.

Simon hurriedly caught her:"Hey! Are you okay?"

However, Xian'er didn't react at all, her breathing gradually became faster, the area around her arm gradually swelled, and her whole body began to become red and hot.

"Healing! Hemostasis! Cooling technique!"

Sure enough, if you are not proficient in something, you will still be proficient in it even if you live another life. If you continue to cast a series of white magic, there will be no improvement except for a slight glow when the magic is activated.

"Going north, right?"

Simon put Xian'er on his back, concentrated all the magic power in his body on his legs and feet, and ran across the sea at the fastest speed. But even with the speed boosted by magic, most of the energy needs to be concentrated on the soles of his feet to prevent falling into the water. His running speed on the sea was only twice the limit of ordinary people.

At dusk, the sun was already halfway below the sea level, Simon's magic power was running low, and Xian'er's vital signs were gradually weakening, and he could barely breathe. Pause, still haven’t seen half of the island town.

"Sure enough, is it too reluctant to want to cross the ocean when you are only over 40 levels? I'm sorry, Miss Xian'er. If there is another life, I will definitely save you.……"

Simon could no longer hold on to the magic power of standing on the ocean, and even with all his strength, he could no longer insist on stepping on the horizontal surface.

"It would be nice to die in the sea...……"

The two gradually sank into the sea……


Simon seemed to have seen the door to heaven. He was about to knock on it, but he seemed to be called back by some voice. When he looked back, his consciousness gradually became clear.

"god! God! God! I mean, how could you be swallowed up by just sea water?!"

Simon opened his eyes and woke up, and saw an old man kneeling beside his bed, praying and crying to the sky with excitement. Behind him, a large number of villagers crawled and knelt on the ground, just like the brainwashed believers in his previous life.

"Uncle, thank you for saving me. Have you seen the girl with me? I still have to take her to the doctor"

"Oh, don't worry, the child's life is safe, I'm not bragging, our village is full of top-notch doctors in the East China Sea, and many royal families are eager to ask us to go back and be their dedicated doctors!"As soon as the old man said this, everyone held their heads high, their noses turned up to the sky, and they were a little proud.

Only then did Simon realize that he was in a luxurious single room in the ward, which was even better than the imperial palace he had seen in his previous life. and nothing less than


A gloomy-looking boy with curly hair covering his eyes leaned against the door frame, with his other foot on the other side of the door frame and his hands in his pockets. He looked like a hooligan who had just been infected with the characteristics of a gangster and stayed at home for many years.

"Old man, how many years have passed and you still believe in gods? Wake up."

The young man seemed to be angry and kicked the high-end and exquisite wooden door to pieces, turned around and left with a hunched back.

Simon was a little confused and looked at the old man with doubts on his face.

"Lord Poseidon, don't be angry. He is the only one in our village who is not a doctor. His brain is not normal."

"I'm not a god, just an ordinary person"

"Only those with legendary Devil Fruit abilities can walk on the sea, and all ability users are afraid of water, so... Oh, we understand, we understand, let's just treat you as an ordinary person."

The villagers looked at each other, as if they had reached a consensus that Simon should be regarded as a god who visited the human world privately.

Suddenly, the boy who was drifting away seemed to remember something, and kindly turned around and reminded him:"Oh, yes. Got it! Brother outsider! That little girl's life is safe, but I don't think they can cure her arm.~"

"Really! ?"

Simon stood up excitedly and met the old man's eyes.

The villagers' eyes were a little dodgey:"It would be better if it could be treated earlier.

The local ischemia has been for too long, and the muscles and nerves in the arms have been necrotic.

Although the physical signs are now gone.

She's stabilized, but to keep her safe, we may even have to consider amputating the useless limb.

Of course, you don’t have to worry.

We can provide her with prosthetic limbs, ranging from sophisticated robotic arms to domineering pirate hook hands.

We have all kinds of styles to ensure her satisfaction.


The old man took Simon to Xian'er's ward next door. He gently opened the door and motioned for Simon to go in. A faint smell of medicine came to his nose. Xian'er's face looked much better, and her eyes were closed tightly, like a sleeping angel..

And it’s a pity that the entire right arm is as dry and lifeless as a mummy.

"Oh, right! God... Sir, can't you use your divine power to save her?"

"Just call me Simon. I am not a believer in the goddess of healing. I am not good at healing spells. My abilities are more focused on combat and daily life."

For a swordsman, losing an arm means that all the moves have to be remade from scratch, not to mention the dominant hand. Simon felt a sense of guilt in his heart, regretting that he could not protect his chef. Regretting that he had not learned white magic from the high priest, the old man suddenly turned his head excitedly and shouted softly to the villagers:"I just said there is a god! You see, Master Simon has admitted that there is a goddess of healing!"

"Bang bang bang!"Bursts of gunshots came from

"Paul! I know you old boy is in there. If you don’t get out, I will burn the whole island!"

"Oh, there are rude guests coming to your door! Brothers, follow me!"The old man led everyone and rushed out.

Hearing the noise outside, Simon frowned and decided to go out to see the situation. When he walked outside the house, he saw a burly man with two pirate hooks and a The gangsters were shouting.

The surrounding villagers all picked up scalpels, oversized syringes, and medicine bottles that looked like dangerous goods with skulls painted on them, without showing any signs of fear.

"Oh yo yo, who do I think I am? Isn’t this the famous"Ghost Thief" Captain Shehan in the East China Sea? Oh, I forgot, the title should be changed to"Ghost Hook Hand" now."

The old man looked around and ridiculed everyone with a joking face, causing all the villagers to burst into laughter.

"Paul! I'll chop you up!"

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