The long knives in both hands kept spinning, and gradually, a strong wind appeared around Sauron.

But in the center of the Gangfeng, a pair of red pupils lit up!


After the trembling, the sword flashed past.


This time, there were no surprises.

Hawkeye was unscathed, while Zoro.

Not only was there another huge wound on his body, but even the two knives in his hands were shattered.

Even the pirate hunter Zoro is no match for that man. How strong is that man?

"Is this the power of that world? It's too terrifying!"

Everyone around them sighed, that eagle-eyed man was so powerful!

And next, something that surprised them even more happened.

Pirate hunter Zoro no longer attacks, but opens his chest to the enemy!

"You have a strong will, aren't you afraid of death?"

Facing Hawkeye's inquiry, Sauron sneered.

"A wound on the back is a swordsman's disgrace."


This time, Hawkeye finally pulled out the huge black knife from his back.

"not good!"

Rey, who had been observing this place, said secretly, and then, his body instantly turned into a bolt of lightning and ran towards the battlefield.


Looking at the two people getting closer and closer, Rey felt relieved.

I still have a chance!

But just when Rey was about to arrive in front of Sauron, Hawkeye actually gave up slashing at Sauron and suddenly turned towards him!

"Rey, be careful!"

At the same time as Luffy reminded him, Rey had already realized the crisis and quickly twisted his body to escape.



There was another flash, and Rey finally dodged aside.

"Fortunately, it's okay."

However, just as Rey was relieved, he suddenly realized something.

Look up and look ahead.

Sure enough, Hawkeye did not chase after him, but continued to chop at Sauron!


However, no matter how much Rey shouted, Hawkeye had no intention of stopping.


With one strike, Zoro was instantly cut into the air.

Blood was pumped out and filled the sky.


A flash of lightning flashed, and Rey instantly appeared below Zoro, catching him steadily.

He looked down at the knife wounds on Zoro's body, and his face darkened.

Looking up, Rey had a killing intent in his eyes.

"I told you to stop!"

Hearing these threatening words, Hawkeye had a hint of disdain in his eyes and said lightly:



Rey asked in return and said, "Haha, since you think it's interesting, I'll let you see something more interesting!"

Lifting Zoro's body, Rey looked behind him and shouted: "Luffy, take care of Zoro!"

Hearing Rey's heavy words, Luffy's expression also darkened.


Luffy picked up Zoro and took him aside, letting Usopp help heal Zoro.

Seeing Zoro leaving here, Rey breathed a sigh of relief and finally looked at Hawkeye in front of him.

"Boy, you don't have to look at me like that, I didn't kill your companions."

Hawkeye crossed his arms across his chest and said calmly: "Your companion is an opponent worthy of respect."

"I know."

Rey slowly raised his head and looked directly into Hawk's eyes, his voice suddenly became excited.

"But I told you to stop!"

"That kid..., what is he doing!"

On the side, the people around were puzzled.

Didn't Hawkeye already say that he didn't kill Sauron? Why did he still press like this?

Moreover, there was actually a killing intent in that boy's eyes!

"Could it be that he wants to seek justice for his companions?"

"Is he crazy? That's Hawkeye. How could he have sympathy for people like us!"

Facing the sighing sounds around them, everyone in the Straw Dogs Pirates group looked the same.

No worries, no joy, and a plain complexion.

As for Rey, they have always known that he is the strongest person in the pirate group.

Likewise, as powerful as he is, he is also the proudest in his heart.

This arrogance cannot be questioned by anyone!

"All potential points, all strengthen swordsmanship!"

Whispered inwardly.

Then, Rey finally grasped the long knife at his waist.


Until then, Hawkeye finally began to look at Rey.

He narrowed his eyes slightly and took out the mini fruit knife from his chest again.


"Boy, it seems that you, like your companions, are ready to die."

"However, if you choose to use that ordinary long knife to show respect, I will have no choice but to use this against you."


Faced with Hawkeye's contempt, Rey's eyes were full of disdain.

No longer responded to Hawkeye, because Rey had already felt the unfamiliar flow of information.

At the same time, his body was also undergoing subtle changes.

The red color from before appeared again, instantly covering Rey's body.


Hawkeye looked at the red mist in front of him and said thoughtfully:

"Why is this power so familiar?"


Just when everyone's eyes were sucked away by the red mist, a subtle buzzing sound came from the mist.

Then, layers of red waves swept out, forcing everyone on board the Barati to take a few steps back.

"What a cold sword energy!"

"I didn't expect that guy to be so strong!"

"I'm afraid this power has already surpassed the pirate hunter Zoro, right?"

"Hidden so deeply, he is the strongest swordsman of the Straw Dogs Pirates!"

The rolling red waves instantly cast a cold atmosphere over the restaurant on the sea.

But when these red waves hit Hawkeye, they all stopped two meters away from him.

"Interesting, it's getting more and more interesting!"

Hawkeye sighed in admiration, and a fighting spirit unexpectedly appeared in his eyes!

But even so, he still had no intention of drawing out the black knife again.

He is also extremely arrogant in his heart!


Another shudder.

Then, everyone saw that in the red mist, two red lights suddenly lit up!

Beast in the fog, this moment.

Finally woke up!


This time, Hawkeye's expression was finally no longer so relaxed.

Holding the knife in one hand, it was the first time he took the initiative to take a stance!


The red wave finally broke out, and Hawkeye's clothes were blown away.


This time, Hawkeye finally unleashed his cyan sword energy.

He felt a hint of crisis!

"Heavenly Sword,"

"Eternal Slash!"


The hoarse voice seemed to come from under the Nine Netherworld, and everyone who heard the voice trembled and broke out in cold sweat.

As the voice fell, the shadow of a blood-red long knife finally broke through the fog and slashed hard at Eagle Eye.

Seeing the huge sword that occupied his sight coming towards him, Hawkeye suddenly laughed.

"Haha, I underestimated you."


The black knife is finally out of its sheath!

"Boy, you are already strong if you lose to this black knife."

The next moment, red and cyan collide.

The two men's sword energy swept away everything in an instant!


Zoro straightened up with difficulty, just in time to see the two sword balloons colliding.

However, Sauron did not feel depressed when he saw this scene. Instead, he felt a little excited.

"That guy Rey is showing off again."

"However, our journey has just begun, and you must not die!"

Sauron's voice fell, and the collision of sword energy hitting the sky in the distance finally stopped.


Rey fell to his knees, and a mouthful of blood spurted out from his mouth.

He lost.


Luffy couldn't help shouting, his eyes were splitting, and he ran towards Rey crazily.

At this time, Rey even lost the ability to support his upper body.

Finally, he fell.

"what is that?!"

Someone discovered something, pointed at the fallen Rey, and said in disbelief.

At this time, Rey's palm had already been released.

The sea breeze blew by, and the strand of hair in Rey's hand finally drifted away with the wind.

"That guy, that guy, actually cut off a lock of Hawkeye's hair!"

"Did he really lose?!"

At this time, Luffy finally came to Rey's side and picked him up.

But Rey had already passed out.


Eagle Eye smiled lightly and said:

"Boy, your companion is very strong."

"If he had risked his life just now, I would have been stabbed by him."


Hearing Eagle Eye's words, everyone around was shocked again.

Cut Hawkeye? Is this a joke!

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