Pirate: I, the vice-captain, rock the world from the top

Chapter 30: Fortune and misfortune depend on each other

The battle was finally over and everyone was cheering.

But at this time, a very discordant voice suddenly broke in.

"That's it, you guys!"

Among the crowd, a skinny marine wearing a rat-headed hat suddenly appeared!

"I really enjoyed a wonderful battle this afternoon."

"But you have to stop here!"

"The money that was originally going to be given to the evil dragon, as well as all the property in this manor, are all mine."

"Your contribution will be accepted by Colonel Mouse of the 16th branch of our Navy!"

But just as his voice fell, another voice came from behind him.

"I say, you guys should stop it in moderation!"


Then, everyone saw that Sauron directly used the hilt of his sword to teach these marines a lesson.

After a while, these marines were beaten away by Sauron.

"How dare you guys hit a naval officer? I will definitely come back!"

The navies who fell into the water were still dissatisfied and roared angrily.

But when they saw Zoro and Nami approaching, their expressions suddenly changed.

Then, in just a blink of an eye, those people paddled out and disappeared.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Seeing this scene, the smiles on everyone's faces became even stronger.

"Rey, you have done a great job this time. Come and join us..."

Luffy was about to invite Rey to celebrate together, but when he turned his head, his eyes suddenly stopped.



Finally, Rey couldn't bear the pain all over his body anymore and fell down.


Only then did everyone react.

It turns out that their great hero has long been exhausted!

I don't know how long I slept, but Rey seemed to have had a very long dream.

In his dream, he seemed to hear the sound of the system.

Darkness flickered, and Rey finally opened his eyes.

As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw Xiao Hei sitting in front of him.


At this moment, the system's sound rang again.

It turns out that it was not a dream.

"Ding! Xiao Hei feels that the strength of the host team is too weak. In order to improve the overall strength of the Straw Dog Pirates, Xiao Hei and this system jointly decided to activate the inheritance mechanism for the host."

"Inheritance mechanism: The host can pass on its abilities to others by spending potential points."

"The more potential points you spend, the stronger your ability can be passed down."

Inheritance mechanism!

After hearing the system prompts, Rey immediately relaxed.

On his pale face, a smile finally appeared.

With this inheritance mechanism, his domineering, swordsmanship, and abilities he has never mastered can be shared with his partners!

He has always known that a person's strength is not truly powerful.

Only when the entire Straw Dog Pirates become stronger together can they truly be fearless of any maritime team.

"Xiao Hei, you are so kind!"

Rey knew that the reason why the system was able to open up the inheritance mechanism this time was probably because of Xiao Hei.

If there was no Xiao Hei, the system would probably have to wait until his strength improved a bit before the system would open the inheritance mechanism to him.

"System, how many potential points are needed to inherit domineering power?"

Rey asked, feeling nervous at the same time.

Don’t let the system trick him again!

"Inheriting LV1 swordsmanship requires ten potential points."

"With each additional level, the required potential points will be doubled."


Rey let out a breath, and his nervous look finally faded away.

Fortunately, fortunately, the system is not too serious.

He felt relieved that he could pass on the first two levels of domineering to other crew members.

If he had Haki, Luffy wouldn't have to put in so much effort against Aaron and the others this time.

After taking a look at his personal panel, Rey breathed a sigh of relief.

"Fortunately, with eighty potential points, I can at least pass on the most basic domineering power to everyone."

"Nami and Usopp don't need Haki for the time being. The other three, Luffy must upgrade to the second level of Haki."

"As for Zoro and Sanji, let's first let them master the basics of Haki."

As Rey was thinking this, the door of the wooden house was suddenly pushed open.

When the door opened and they saw Luffy and the others, Rey smiled and said:

"Everyone, are you okay?"

"Rey, thank you this time."

Seeing that Rey had woken up, Nami walked to the bed and said softly.


Rey smiled and said, "What's the matter? We are the best partners!"


Nami nodded heavily and soon started laughing too.

After asking about Rey's health, they found out that he was just a little weak, and the others were relieved.

Luffy and the others were about to leave, leaving Rey to rest quietly.

But at this time, Rey stopped them.

"Luffy, Zoro, Sanji, I have something for you."

Hearing the sound, everyone turned their heads again, and Luffy asked:

"Oh, what?"

Rey brushed Xiao Hei's hair and said with a smile:

"Haven't you always wanted to learn my domineering power? I finally remembered how to pass it on."

"Oh, really!"

Luffy and the others all screamed when they heard that it was the inheritance of Haki.

They have all seen how powerful Rey can be when he displays his Haki.

Whether it is the violent beating of Crowe or the subsequent battle with Hawkeye, Haki plays a vital role.

At this time, when everyone was excited, Rey said again:

"Nami, Usopp."

"The inheritance of domineering requires certain skills. My current skills are still very raw, and your physical strength is not as strong as the three of them."

"So, I won't call you this time."

"It doesn't matter!"

Nami immediately smiled and said: "You are injured to begin with, I don't want to trouble you!"

"Usopp, you think so?"


Seeing Luffy and others looking at each other, a layer of cold sweat broke out on Usopp's face and he said:

"That's right, we won't bother Rey for help. It won't be too late to pass on the inheritance after your health recovers!"

After saying that, Usopp was reluctantly dragged out by Nami.

Seeing this, the others couldn't help laughing.

After a while, Rey got dressed and stood in front of the three of them.

"Then let's start the inheritance of domineering power."

"The process may be a little painful, so you have to endure it!"

Sauron said calmly: "Ah, just use it, don't worry about whether we can bear it or not!"

Luffy replied equally loudly: "Okay, Rey, let's get started!"

Then, Rey closed her eyes and her mind sank into her system.

"The system inherits the first-level Haki of Garp's armed color from Sanji and Zoro, and the second-level Haki from Garp's armed color to Luffy!"


A buzzing sound sounded in his head, and then Rey placed his palms on the backs of the three of them one after another.

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