Finally, Luffy, Zoro, and Rey boarded the Golden Merry before the heavy rain came completely.

However, Rey, who was standing on the deck, had been looking at a corner of the port.

Luffy sat on the deck and exclaimed: "Wow, it's so dangerous!"

Out of danger, everyone in the Straw Dog Pirates felt like they were surviving a disaster.

Until then, the Golden Melly finally completely moved away from the harbor of Rogge Town.

In a street outside the port, Smoker finally woke up after being unconscious for half an hour.

In front of him stood a group of marines who came to support him.

Smoker covered his head and stood up, shook his head again, then looked at a subordinate next to him and said:

"Where are Straw Hat and the others?"

"Report to the colonel, Straw Hat and the others have left!"

Upon hearing this information, Smoker's eyes darkened for a moment, and soon he looked at the soldier again and shouted angrily:

"Prepare the ship immediately, I also want to enter the Grand Line!"

"And I!"

At this moment, Dasqi finally appeared at the corner of the street and walked towards here.

Walking closer, Dasqi looked at Smoker solemnly and said:

"Colonel, please let me go with you. I must capture Roronoa Zoro!"

On this day, heavy rain lashed the sea surface, stirring up layers of waves.

Under the gray sky, several ships gradually moved away from here regardless of the wind and rain.

On the Golden Mellie, the Straw Hats finally began to sort out the supplies for the Grand Line.

One afternoon later, the wind and rain finally stopped and the sky returned to the sun.

Under the clear sky, everyone in the Straw Dog Pirates was still discussing yesterday's dangerous situation.

"Hey, Rey, hand over your knife!"

Hearing the sound, Rey, who was lying on the chair, suddenly frowned.

"Hey, Zoro, I just picked up a knife casually, what's there to see?"


Now when Zoro heard the word casual, he couldn't help but want to get angry.

This Rey is so unjust!

After some arguing, Rey finally had no choice but to give in and showed Zoro his sword Ace.

However, Rey can no longer call this knife Ace.

There are things involved that may expose the secret of his system.

Therefore, Rey decided to name him Sky Blade, which happened to match some of his skills.

The sky knife was taken by Sauron to admire. Out of boredom, Rey came to the bow of the ship and looked at the blue sea ahead.

We are about to leave the East China Sea and arrive at the Grand Route!

I heard that the naval headquarters where Akainu is located is also on the Grand Line. I wonder if it is possible for father and son to meet each other this time.

At this moment, Rey looked far away and suddenly saw a black spot appearing on the sea in the distance!

After getting the telescope, Rey finally saw that it was a small boat!

On the boat, a little girl was waving and shouting, asking for help.

"Everyone, there seems to be someone on the sea ahead!"

Hearing Rey's call, several other members of the Straw Dog Pirates came closer.


Taking the telescope, Nami also saw the little girl.

"Hey, Luffy, pull her over quickly. Without our help, she will die here!"


Luffy agreed, then stretched out his arms instantly and successfully landed on the small wooden boat.

"Great, it worked!"

After a lot of trouble, they finally pulled the little girl onto the Meili.

But when the little girl saw the straw dog flag raised high, her little face suddenly turned pale with fear.

"You..., you are pirates!"


Luffy smiled and said, "Ah, we are the Straw Dogs Pirates!"

But after what Luffy said, the little girl suddenly became even more frightened. She huddled in the corner of the boat, hugging her knees and not daring to speak.

Seeing this scene, Rey had no choice but to step forward and explain:

"Little girl, you don't have to be afraid. We are different from other pirates. We don't like to burn, kill and loot. We go to sea to fulfill our dreams."

Then, Rey asked Sanji to prepare some food.

It wasn't until she saw the food on the table that the little girl finally seemed to have some energy.

Sanji greeted her and said, "Eat with confidence, there is a portion left for you."

The little girl coyly waited until the food had cooled down, and when she saw Sanji looking a little angry, she finally started to eat.

“Wow, it’s delicious!”

After eating the food, the little girl went to the kitchen to help wash the dishes so as not to trouble Luffy and the others.

After the meal, the little girl seemed to be bought over by the delicious food. Finally, she no longer feared the Straw Dog Pirates, and a smile gradually appeared on her face.

"No, there's an enemy attack!"

At this moment, Usopp's scream came from outside the ship, and everyone in the room immediately stepped onto the deck after hearing it.

But when they came here and saw the ships flying the seagull flag, they were suddenly confused!

Why did the navy come here? !

"Ding! The navy's approach has been detected, and the task of 'Revealing Abis's Heart' has been issued. Please choose the host and complete the task as soon as possible!"

"Task 1: Give up the task and reward the host with a 3-point increase in various attributes!"

"Task 2: Accept the task and expose the truth that Abis concealed, and reward the host with 30 potential points!"

At this time, Rey suddenly heard the sound of the system issuing tasks.

Looking at the little girl next to him again, Rey finally remembered.

The little girl next to me turns out to be the little girl who protects the Millennium Dragon!

However, the most urgent task now is obviously to break out of the naval encirclement first.

"Luffy, Nami, don't worry about where these marines come from, let's rush out first!"

Rey looked at everyone and said: "You try to keep the ships away from those navy first, give me some time, I can deal with those navy!"

There were not many naval ships appearing at this time, only three.

But Rey knew that there must be more navy coming behind these naval ships.

Therefore, the only way to quickly defeat these navies now is to break through as soon as possible.

Let the ability of the Thunder Fruit advance to the next stage so that they can confront these navy head-on!

After saying that, Rey sat down cross-legged and started to break through!

"Yeah, I know!"

Nami agreed, then looked at the others and said:

"Everyone, let's sail forward as much as possible!"

After saying that, the others nodded, picked up the oars and started rowing.

The same goes for Abis, helping everyone from the sidelines.

However, her brows furrowed tightly.

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