Pirate: I, the vice-captain, rock the world from the top

Chapter 71: Treat Valpo to a large piece of bear meat

Rey put the cigarette he picked up into his mouth again and started to smoke. He looked at the behemoth in front of him and the thousands of musketeers above with expressionless expressions.

At this time, a tall and burly man with a chin as wide as his face walked out of the cabin of the battleship, which was more than thirty times the size of the Golden Melly.

Next to him was a tall, thin, round-faced guy in a clown suit.

Rey knew at a glance that this man was Valpo, and that tall, thin man with a round face was one of his subordinates.

Valpo shook his thick winter coat, grinned, revealing two rows of shining big teeth, and said loudly:

"Hand over the valuables on the boat and the food. If you don't have any, go to the sea and feed the sharks, hehehehe."

Zoro remained calm on the watchtower, and Sanji didn't speak either.

Luffy is sick, and the deputy captain Rey is the boss of the ship. If they wait for Rey to speak, as long as Rey gives the order, they will rush over and kill everyone on the other side.

"Ding! The appearance of Valpo has been detected, and an optional mission has been released!"

"Task 1: Use any move to defeat Valbo and gain 10 attribute points for each attribute."

"Task 2: Defeat Valpo using the overloaded electric ball and gain 10 potential points."

Rey: Is this guy worth 10 potential points? Okay, fly meat is also meat, I will choose task two for the system.

After flicking the cigarette butt into the sea, Rey slowly said: "Want something to eat? We do have some on the ship. Please wait a moment."

As he spoke, Rey looked at Sanji, "Sanji, go to the kitchen and get the biggest piece of bear meat."

Sanji was puzzled when he heard this. This was not like Rey's usual style.

Seeing that Sanji was stunned and motionless, Rey said to him: "Go quickly, are you going to let others personally loot us?"

Although he didn't understand why Rey was so cowardly, Sanji still did as he was told. He felt that Rey might not want to cause trouble and rushed to a nearby island in a hurry.

After a while, Sanji dragged a piece of bear meat as tall as half a man from the cabin to the bow.

Rey signaled Sanji to put the bear meat down, then he walked up to the bear meat, looked at Valpo and said, "This piece of bear meat is delicious and delicious. I'm going to throw it to you, but you can catch it!"

Valpo wanted to order his men to swarm up and loot the Golden Melly, but when he saw such a fresh piece of huge bear meat, the other party said that he was going to throw it over, so it was better to satisfy his appetite first.

"Throw it over quickly and I'll catch it with my mouth, hahahaha."

Rey moved his right ankle and said loudly: "Then you can take it!"

Then he kicked the bear meat fiercely and said to Valbo: "The name of this bear meat delicacy is Overloaded Electric Ball. I hope you like it!"

When Rey's feet came into contact with the bear meat, tens of millions of volts of lightning power were injected into the bear meat.

His kick was so powerful and heavy that the bear's flesh was turned into a paste by the electric shock, and he quickly flew towards Valpo.

Although Valpo saw that there seemed to be lightning flashes on the bear meat, he only thought it was Rey's special cooking method and didn't think much about it. After all, society uses food as a weapon.

He opened his mouth wide and leaned forward to catch the flying piece of bear meat.

As soon as he entered, he felt numb.


He couldn't help shaking, and the medium-long hair on his head was straightened by the electricity.

Then he collapsed motionless on the deck of the steel battleship.

Several people suddenly ran out of the steel battleship's cabin. They took hammers and some sewing tools and ran towards Valpo.

These are Valpo's ship's doctors. Normally, Valpo's serious injuries can be repaired very quickly as long as they mend them.

But this time an accident happened. After these people touched Valpo with their hands, they all trembled, and then fainted like Valpo.

"Ah, how could this happen? There is electricity in your food!" The thin man with a round face in a clown suit hurriedly ordered the musketeers to shoot.

"Shoot them into a hornet's nest!"

Countless gunshots rang out one after another, as dense as raindrops.

"Blast Flash." Rey used Explosion Flash at the same time as the gunfire sounded, and teleported to the steel battleship. The enemies on the battleship saw only a flash of lightning passing through the crowd, and hundreds of men fell down in the blink of an eye.

"It's lightning, lightning! You are a natural fruit ability user."

The man in the clown suit hurriedly ran to the cabin. Only then did he realize that it was not just the food that was the problem, the real problem was Rey in front of him!

"Leitou." Rey ignored him and fired an electric beam towards the huge steel battleship.

The lightning power gathered by Leitou would not dissipate, so it did not form a huge current on the entire battleship, but the steel battleship was still completely penetrated.

The seawater will slowly flow into the steel battleship, and Rey turns into lightning and returns to the Golden Mellie.

At this time, he saw Zoro holding a single sword in hand and Sanji standing on the bow of the Golden Merry, and there were no bullet marks on the Golden Merry's hull.

Rey looked at the two of them with a relieved expression, "It seems that you have blocked all the bullets. I didn't expect you to progress so quickly."

"Hmph, this cook has no effect at all. It all relies on my slashing to knock down the chaotic bullets." Zoro looked at Sanji with disdain.

"Green algae head! I also kicked away a lot of bullets, okay!" Sanji replied with eyes spitting fire.

Rey looked at the two people arguing and remembered that Zoro was shocked when he saw Hawkeye deflecting bullets with a knife. He didn't expect that after helping him improve his swordsmanship, he could easily deal with bullet attacks.

At this time, all of Valpo's men had fled back to the cabin. The huge steel battleship transformed into a submarine, dived into the water, and quickly drove away from the sea.

"Um, Rey, I just saw that you punched a hole in the battleship..." Usopp, who was hiding behind the turret, stuck his head out.

Rey smiled and said, "Yeah, I'm afraid they won't be able to come up again if they sink."

"Well done Rey, it's just a pity that such a big piece of bear meat was lost." Sanji felt distressed thinking of the piece of bear meat.

Rey felt that the piece of bear meat was too valuable, and he used the piece of bear meat to use the overloaded electric ball to defeat Valpo.

He has already obtained the 10 potential points rewarded by the newly released mission.

"It's okay Sanji, just treat them as their last meal on the road. Let's seize the time and continue sailing forward. We should be able to see the new island soon."

The Golden Melly set sail again, but soon everyone saw an island covered with ice and snow appearing in front of them.

They drove the boat slowly towards the island. There was no suitable place to land, so they drove in along the mouth of a large river.

There are continuous small icebergs on both sides of the river, and the Golden Melly seems to have sailed into a canyon.

Just when Rey found a flat area ahead that could land, he suddenly saw people standing on the small icebergs on both sides. Some of them were holding firearms, and some were holding bows and arrows, all aiming at the Golden Meri.

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