Pirate: I, the vice-captain, rock the world from the top

Chapter 73 Time-limited mission! Climb the Magnetic Drum Peak within ten minutes

Rey looked at the Drum Peak outside the window. It looked like he would have to get a carriage to pull Luffy on his way. When he got to the Drum Peak, he would have to carry him up the mountain himself.

"Ding! It is detected that the host wants to lead the way to Drum Peak, and a time-limited challenge mission is issued!"

Rey: You won’t let me make a choice? I got a time-limited challenge mission, what the hell is this?

"The mission rules are as follows: If the host takes Luffy to the top of Drum Peak within 4 hours, the reward will be 5 additional attribute points."

"Climb to the top within 2 hours, and the reward will be 10 additional attribute points."

"Within 1 hour, 20 potential points will be awarded!"

"Reward 30 potential points within 10 minutes!"

"Ding! The timer starts!"

What! This started, it was so sudden! Rey looked panicked and a little overwhelmed.

It's great now. You don't have to make a choice, but you have to act immediately.

But isn't it a joke to lead Luffy to the top of the Drum Peak in ten minutes?

It would take an hour for the carriage to reach the foot of Cigufeng Mountain!

30 potential points! Is the system greedy for me on purpose?

"Quick, prepare the carriage, I will lead the way to Drum Peak now!" Rey shouted.

Dalton looked at Rey's inexplicable nervousness and was confused, "Wait for 20 minutes, I'll take care of it right away."

"What 20 minutes!" Rey was desperate.

"Ding! Remind the host that 1 minute has passed. Please act quickly."

"Please hurry up and prepare the horses!" Rey's voice trembled. He had no chance of reaching 30 potential points. He should try to take Luffy to the summit within 2 hours.

At this time, Xiao Hei, who was lying in Nami's arms and enjoying being masturbated, jumped out of Nami's arms and jumped on Luffy's body.

Xiao Hei, who was rewarded by the system, could naturally feel the system's mission situation. He saw Rey looking a little panicked and wanted to remind him of a very important thing.

"Meow, Rey, Luffy is rubber and is not afraid of lightning. As long as you control the voltage well, you can actually use the current voltage at full strength and it won't hurt him. After all, the rubber fruit is stronger than real rubber. You know what I mean, meow. Come on!"

"This cute little kitten can talk! Just like Chopper, the witch's reindeer..." This was the second time Dalton saw an animal talk.

He was still a little surprised.

What happened next made him even more surprised.

He saw Blackie jumping away from Luffy, and then Rey turned into a bolt of lightning and broke out of the window.

When Dalton looked at Luffy's bed again, he found that it was empty.

"Why is it missing?" Dalton couldn't figure out the situation.

Nami and Weiwei in the room were also confused.

"Meow, Rey is taking Luffy to Drum Peak. Don't worry, I believe Luffy will be cured soon. Only Luffy, a rubber man, can enjoy Rey's Lightning Express, meow meow."

Xiaohei explained while licking his little paws, "Sister Nami, Meow's belly is still a little itchy. Please scratch it for me again."

"Okay, come here, my little cutie." After hearing Xiao Hei's explanation, Nami knew what was going on. She reached out and hugged Xiao Hei back to her arms, and continued to pet the cat.

With the blessing of Rey's explosive flash, I believe that it won't take long for the two of them to reach the top of the Drum Peak. It will definitely be incomparable to the carriage and other people carrying it.

In one minute, Rey carried Luffy on his back and fired more than ten flashes in the air, panting from exhaustion.

It stands to reason that at the speed of lightning, it would not take them half a second to reach the top of the Drum Peak from the small town.

But Rey's fruit development hasn't reached the point where it can increase the distance of the flash to such an outrageous level, so he can only keep using it.

"Really, I can't believe that a 10 million volt flash can't travel thousands of miles at a time!" Rey has arrived at the foot of Cigu Peak, looking up at the towering Cigu Peak, he complained about the Thunder Fruit The flash distance is too short.

"Ding! Remind the host that the upper limit of your flash distance is related to other attribute points, among which the sum of strength and speed plays a decisive role. Therefore, the final effect of fruit development intensity not only depends on the potential points, but also is closely related to the host's various attribute points. !”

"You are really cheating on the system. Doesn't this force me to strengthen other attribute points in the future?"

"The host calms down. A truly strong person can shake the entire pirate world even if he doesn't use the fruit's ability. This system hopes that the host can be a comprehensively developed talent."

"Humph, I still have to find excuses for cheating. There's no point in being angry with you."

Rey rested his strength, faced the wind and snow, and led Luffy to the Ciggu Peak to perform Explosive Flash.



"I'm so exhausted. Why is the upward flash distance shorter? Is it really because my strength attribute points are too low? The vertical upward flash really makes me feel that my physical strength is greater."

Although Rey was almost dead from exhaustion and was delayed for four to five minutes with pauses, but relying on the lightning speed attached to the Thunder Fruit, he still reached the top of the Drum Peak three minutes ahead of schedule.

Arriving at the top of Cigu Peak, Rey saw a flat area under his feet and a tall castle not far away.

This is the home of the so-called witch doctor. Rey tried hard to remember the doctor's name, "Dr. Kuleha."

At this time, behind Rey, Luffy drooled on Rey's cheek.

"Ahahaha, beef noodles..."

The unconscious Luffy was still talking about delicious food.

Rey: Being sick seems to be no different to Luffy than eating. It’s just that we are so worried about him.

But it was a blessing in disguise that I completed the 30 potential point mission. With 30 potential points, it shouldn't be any problem to increase my thunder fruit to 16 million volts now.

He checked the system panel, and sure enough, he had 30 potential points in his account. Counting the 30 points he got from defeating Valpo and conquering Dalton, he now had 60 potential points in hand!

After closing the system interface, Rey felt that with his current rate of progress, it wouldn't take long to catch up with Enel, the original host of the Thunder Fruit. This was also thanks to Xiao Hei who stole Enel's fruit development talent for himself.

My original talent was really unsightly. Spending more than 50 potential points would increase the voltage from 550,000 volts to 700,000 volts.

"Grandma's legs, if this little black guy had stolen the fruit and developed my talent earlier, my dozens of potential points wouldn't have been wasted!"

Everything in the past could not be undone, so he could only move forward. Rey gathered his mood and came to the gate of the tall castle.

He knocked on the castle door, but there was no answer.

Thinking of the timeline of the original plot, Kuleha and Chopper should be practicing medicine outside, and he arrived too early.

But the wind was freezing outside the castle, and Luffy's fever was as high as a briquette. He couldn't let Luffy continue to suffer from the wind in this situation. Carrying Luffy all the way was already very risky.

So Rey hit the castle door with a powerful punch, smashing it into pieces.

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