"Rey, I followed the ship and left the Drum Kingdom. Of course I decided to join you!"

This was true, but Rey still wanted to hear Chopper admit it himself.

He happily threw Chopper and Xiao Hei up and caught them, "Come on, big guys! We have a new partner!"

"Isn't this Chopper?" Luffy heard the sound and rushed over.

"Rey, where is the new partner? Isn't he a powerful character?" Zoro only saw Rey having fun with two small animals, and did not notice any newcomers.

"Rey, is that deer an ingredient given to us by Dalton?" Sanji noticed Chopper the deer, "Venison soup is very nourishing. The meat of such a small deer must be very tender."

Chopper was so frightened that he jumped out of Rey's arms and hid behind Rey's legs.

Rey explained helplessly to Sanji, "This little elk is our new partner. His name is Chopper. Go ahead and introduce yourself to everyone, Chopper."

Chopper walked to Rey tremblingly, "Hello everyone, my name is Chopper..."

"Uh! This deer can talk!" Sanji's jaw dropped to the ground in shock.

"What's all the fuss about, Sanji? It's not like I haven't seen Xiao Hei talk before. Since he is a new partner, we must give him a warm welcome." Nami walked over from the other side of the deck. She saw the cute Little Chopper liked it indescribably.

"Prepare a banquet to celebrate the addition of a new partner!" Usopp had already brought several large glasses of beer.

"Hey, don't touch the food and wine in the kitchen without my permission!" Sanji scolded Usopp while running to the kitchen to show off his skills.

Rey looked at the system interface. After Chopper joined the team, including his previous accumulation, he now has 120 potential points and 300,000 power points!

Rey: I've never felt so rich, oooooooooooo.

He turned to look at Luffy, whose stomach was rumbling, and suddenly remembered something.

The original storyline was that Luffy ate all the food on the ship and they were forced to stop at other islands to collect food, which wasted a lot of time.

Rey felt that it was necessary to restrict this foodie, otherwise he would have to wait until he completed the task of escorting Weiwei.

"Hey, Luffy, let's make a bet, shall we?" Rey shouted to Luffy.

"What bet on Rey?"

"Let's bet on who can drink the most! If whoever loses, he can only eat one hamburger a day before arriving in Alabasta!" Rey is confident that he will not lose to Luffy in terms of drinking capacity, and Luffy, a fool, will never be a coward.

"How about the winner can eat twice as much food every day until they arrive in Alabasta?" Luffy really became interested.

"No problem. The loser must keep his word and never go to the kitchen to eat secretly." Rey emphasized the word secretly.


The long table was covered with beer.

The drinking competition between the two became a performance to welcome Chopper to join.

Nami, as the referee, talked about the rules of the drinking competition: "Whoever drinks more before falling drunk is the winner. You can't stop in the middle, I will watch you drink one glass after another, you are all ready!" "

"Ready!" Rey rolled up his sleeves, preparing to have a hearty drink to convince Luffy.

"Okay!" Luffy's momentum was not inferior to Rey's.

"Then start now!"

Following Nami's order, Rey picked up a glass of wine and drank it in one gulp.

When he wanted to get the second cup, he was frightened by the scene in front of him.

There was no glass of wine on the table.

Luffy's entire belly was like a big rubber ball with a diameter of 5 meters, and he had fallen to the ground.

The other crew members of the Straw Dog Pirates were also speechless.

Although Chopper had seen Luffy's appetite from Kureha, he had never seen him drink like this.

"He...he swallowed a table full of wine and glasses..."

By this time Luffy was foaming at the mouth.

"How does this count?" Rey panicked.

Nami spread her hands, "According to the rules, Luffy wins."

"What? Luffy won. This is so shameless. I can still drink! Move all the wine out of the warehouse!" Rey yelled at Sanji. The success or failure of this bet is related to their future. voyage.

"Rey, it's no use yelling at your throat. The wine in my warehouse is not even half of what Luffy swallowed. I'm willing to admit defeat."

Sanji held a cigarette in his mouth and gave Rey a helpless expression.

"Ah, this..." There were tens of millions of alpacas flying in Rey's heart, and he could only admit it.

In the next few days, he watched dryly as Luffy devoured the food for two, and he began to lose weight, one burger a day.

The Golden Melly sailed through the underwater volcanic waters. Even though he was hungry, Rey paid special attention to see if there was any Mr2 battleship nearby.

According to the original storyline, Luffy and the others should indeed have met Mr2 in this sea area, but this may have changed because the time when they left the Drum Kingdom was slightly different from the original storyline.

The only thing Rey was sure of was that there wouldn't be enough food on the ship.

As expected, Luffy's food for two plus the fact that he went to the kitchen to eat secretly when he had nothing to do,

As a result, the Straw Hat Pirates had to go to a nearby island to stay for a while to collect food.

The island closest to them is considered to be under the jurisdiction of Alabasta, because people here can recognize Princess Weiwei.

To make things easier, Rey suggested that everyone change into casual clothes.

The group of people bought local Araba-style clothes at a nearby market to dress themselves up.

After that, several people went separately to buy food.

Rey knew that Luffy, a foodie, would not do any shopping, and would definitely find a place to eat.

So he secretly followed Luffy, because Rey knew that an uninvited guest had arrived on the island.

After running around in the market for a while, Luffy finally found a restaurant.

As Rey expected, Luffy rushed to the restaurant like crazy.

However, before Luffy could enter the hotel, a wave of air spurted out from the front entrance of the hotel.

"So hot!"

The air wave passed through Luffy's body, and Luffy's whole body was burned and turned red.

Then the roof of the entire hotel collapsed, and many people climbed out of the hotel windows, including the cook.

"Ah, what happened?" Luffy grabbed a cook who ran out and asked.

"Smoke, fire..." The cook pulled Luffy's hand away and ran away.

At this time, two figures jumped out from the collapse of the hotel roof.

The two of them were divided into two ends of the hotel.

One of them wore a long-sleeved jacket with the word "Justice" printed on the back. He had short white hair and no eyebrows on his eyebrows. He was puffing on a cigar with a fierce look.

The other wore a cowboy hat, was shirtless, and had a cross with a white beard tattooed on his back.

Rey, who was hiding in the dark, took a look and knew it was Smog the Smoking Man and Ace the Fire Fist.

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