"Want to become the Pirate King?!"

The people were surprised by this somewhat absurd dream and were stunned for a while, not knowing what to do.

"Hahahaha, what a naive kid!" In such a quiet moment, Crocodile's laughter suddenly rang out.

Of course Rey didn't tolerate him, and he gave Crocodile a thunderous meal with his backhand, which shocked Crocodile until he smoked.

"Hero Rey! Hero Rey!"

Seeing that Rey could take care of Crocodile at will, the people below were excited again, because Crocodile usually showed great strength and almost became a symbol of invincibility in Alabasta!

Now Rey's performance fully proves that Rey is more powerful than Crocodile, and worshiping the strong is the instinct of most people.

The people seemed to have forgotten the somewhat absurd dream just now, and just chanted the name of the hero Rey.

"I'm so hungry! I want to eat meat!" The effect of Luffy's sedative had passed, and he woke up at the radio station. He was so hungry that he picked up the microphone and shouted.

The harsh radio sound came suddenly, and everyone was confused about who was speaking.

"This is my captain. His name is Monkey D. Luffy. He has also done a lot for the Kingdom of Alabasta." Rey explained to everyone.

Under the roof, the rebel army and the king's army shook hands and made peace. Huka and Bell also found King Kobra tied up in a warehouse in the palace.

Crocodile's conspiracy was exposed, Smog formally arrested Crocodile, the prestige of the royal family was re-established, and Kobra became a good king loved by the people again.

"I admit that you are different from other pirates, but as a navy, your duty is to catch pirates. I promise not to catch you in the next few days, but I will not let you go!"

Smoker took over the stunned Crocodile, but still spoke viciously to Rey.

"Smoke Man, we are waiting for you to catch him at any time." Rey smiled freely, not caring at all.

To express his gratitude, Kobra held a grand banquet for the Straw Dogs Pirates, and the people of the entire city also had a carnival. People celebrated Alabasta's rebirth like a festival!

"Wow, that's a lot of meat!" Luffy's eyes were already full of little stars. When he saw a long conference table filled with big pieces of meat, Luffy's eyes instantly lit up.

"Weiwei said that everyone had to eat and sleep in the open along the way. It was very hard. It's a small token of appreciation. Let's enjoy it!" Kobra enthusiastically invited everyone to have a meal.

Luffy was already drooling, and he immediately pounced out, stretched out his arms and started to eat haise. The others were not as exaggerated as Luffy, but they also started to feast.

"Hey, Luffy! This is meat on my plate!" Usopp shouted.

The meat on his plate was suddenly taken away, and the outstretched arm was definitely Luffy's, but Luffy didn't care at all, and immediately stretched his hand elsewhere.

"Hey, Luffy! There has to be a limit to how you mess around!" Nami said angrily, pressing the plate on Luffy's face, but this still couldn't stop Luffy from eating.

"Luffy! If you reach over again, I'll chop you!" Zoro drew out his hand and yelled.

"You bastard green algae head, put the knife away for me, this is the dining table!" Sanji scolded.

"What did you say, you curly eyebrow cook?" Zoro fired back angrily.

Robin was the quietest. She held her chin with one hand and watched everyone's fight with a smile.

"Ugh! I just got the strawberry cake! Rey, take care of Luffy!" Chopper said a little aggrieved.

"Luffy is the captain, I'm just the vice-captain." Rey patted Chopper's head helplessly.

Everyone knows Luffy's character, and the team atmosphere has always been like this. The fights are real, but no one is really angry.

Everyone gradually started to get into a commotion, with knives and forks crisscrossing on the dining table, dishes flying around, Zoro and Sanji standing on the table at war with each other, Luffy standing on a chair and grabbing meat everywhere, the scene was very chaotic.

"Everyone is so energetic! I want to join in!" Weiwei saw everyone's looks and wanted to join in the fun.

Weiwei joined in naturally and got involved with everyone. Her face and body were stained with grease stains from the meat and cake cream.

"Your Highness, please pay attention to noble etiquette!" Jaka and Bell said in unison.

"Hahaha, don't worry about this." King Kobra stopped the two of them with a smile. In his opinion, Weiwei's happiness is the most important thing.

Nami's record pointer has long been filled up and can already point to the direction of the next island.

But everyone was not in a hurry to leave. On the one hand, they were stocking up on navigation supplies, and on the other hand, they were reluctant to leave Weiwei.

Everyone has come all the way from Twin Gorges, Whiskey Peak, Drum Kingdom and Little Garden. Although Weiwei has not officially joined the gang, she has established a deep friendship with everyone and has become like a partner.

Although the relationship is deep, Weiwei is a princess after all. It is impossible and should not leave the country to become a pirate. Everyone understands this, but they are not willing to say goodbye.

"Your Majesty, a navy warship has sailed into the Kingdom's coastal port. The man leading this warship is Tina, the Vice Admiral of the Navy Headquarters, known as "Black Throne" Hina! Jackal Gaka reported the news anxiously.

"Have we sent a message to the Navy Headquarters? Why did they come suddenly?" Weiwei said in surprise.

"The Navy already knows what happened here. The Shichibukai is a pirate recognized by the World Government. Crocodile's defeat is equivalent to a slap in the face of the World Government. Of course, the Navy will come forward to clean up their mess. I will delay it. Time, Weiwei, go and notify the Straw Dog Pirates and let them set sail from Port Royal immediately!”

As a king, Cobra naturally knows the stakes involved. Decades of experience in governing have allowed him to deal with it calmly and calmly.

"Okay!" Weiwei nodded decisively and ran out.

After leaving the palace, she got on the duck and ran fast. Weiwei went straight to the Golden Melly!

"The navy has sent warships to catch everyone. Let's set sail quickly!" Weiwei shouted to the ship as she ran to the destination in one breath.

"It's Vivi here!" Usopp spotted Vivi first.

"It's Weiwei! Do you want to come with us?" Luffy said with a smile.


"You idiot! How can Vivi become a pirate with you when she's a princess? She's here to tell us to run away!" Nami punched Luffy on the head angrily.

"Goodbye Weiwei!" The Golden Melly raised its sails, and everyone shouted to the shore, and then showed the black cross mark on their arms.

The meaning is obvious, that is, although we are separated, we will never forget our former partners!

"Goodbye, everyone!" Weiwei also raised her arms to show her mark on the shore. She will always remember this friendship in her heart!

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