The Baroque fleet led by the Gustav successfully reached the designated location – the sea gate of Aaron Park according to the instructions of the telephone worm.

The spacious deck of the Gustav also had dozens of wailing naval prisoners strapped to it.

These navies were the spoils of Klockdahl’s overnight delivery of the 166th Branch of the East China Sea Navy.

Colonel Rat, who was in cahoots with Aaron and his gang in 166 Branch, was also on the list of captives.

“Captain Klockdar, boss… President, they don’t seem to be here anymore. ”

Miss Valentine’s Day looked around, looking for the whereabouts of Rollin and his party, but saw nothing.

“I’ll go up and take a look.”

Klockdar’s nose moved slightly, smelling the faint smell of blood wafting in the air, and suddenly frowned.


The natural system of the sand fruit ability is activated, and Klockdar’s body is elementalized.

The next moment he appeared in Aaron Park, and then he couldn’t help but be surprised.

This seemingly imposing park building is empty, without the slightest breath of living people.

As far as the eye can see, there are only one broken corpse after another and pieces of flesh that have disappeared.

The white marble floor had long been soaked in blood, black or red.

Looking at this Shura-like scene, Klockdar couldn’t help but feel a little frightened.

Not because of this disgusting murder scene, though, but because of Rollin.

To this day, Klockdahl still does not know that the gang Nicole Robin took his organization and rode on his head to call him as a ‘monster’.

However, after getting along with Rollin these days and looking at what he did, Klockdar had basically equated Rollin with a good person.


When he saw this murderous scene in front of him, Klockdar couldn’t help but muttered a little in his heart.

He was sure that the person who caused this scene was Rollin.

Such a murderous killing method is even more than that of him, a sea thief.

Is Rollin a ‘righteous good man’ or a ‘murderer in disguise’?

Klockdar was a little confused again.

At the same time, the mystery and horror of Luo Lin’s identity quietly rose a notch in his heart.

“Come on, come on”

“The dragon doesn’t know what happened? Let’s hurry up and see the situation! ”

Just as Klockdar lost his mind, there was a shout outside the main gate of Aaron Park.

A moment later, several representatives of the villagers who had followed Ah Jian and Nuo Qigao last night and knew the inside story entered Along Park with a large number of ordinary villagers from Coco Yaxi Village.

When they saw the mutilated fish-man corpses in Along Park, many of the villagers immediately turned around and vomited.

The villagers, who could barely resist this shocking scene, turned their attention to Klockdar.

“That gentleman over there, is it… Did you get rid of these fishmen, sir? A villager representative who knew the inside story said pompously.

“It must be that there is nothing wrong with that, it is wonderful! God has finally opened his eyes and sent you to destroy the dragon for us. Another villager representative echoed.

“Great, the evil dragon gang who have bullied our Coco Yasi Village for eight years has finally suffered its own consequences, and we are free from now on!”

The last villager representative was even more tearful.

However, it is not acted, but true feelings, which is an emotional catharsis for the end of these eight years of dominated life.

Driven by the rhythm of the three senior villager representatives, the ordinary villagers of Kekoyasi Village finally reacted.

For a while, the crying was in pieces.

Some people shouted for freedom, some laughed because of the death of the dragon gang, children and women hugged each other and wept, old people closed their eyes to mourn their loved ones who died at the hands of the dragon…

Of course, the simple villagers of Kokoasi will not forget the ‘heroes’ who saved them from the dark abyss and the domination of the evil dragon.

So, Klockdardang, who received gratitude from all the villagers of Cocoa West Village, was even … Confused.

What’s the situation?

Am I just sending naval prisoners as ordered?

You thank the wrong person!

I’m a pirate!

It’s the object of your fear!

The bruises on Klockdar’s forehead gradually bulged.

At this moment, Coco Yasi Village Highland Orangery.

“Little Krok doesn’t seem to be very happy, alas, he has obviously become a hero.” Little Loli Golden Week held the lookout mirror and looked at Klockdar in the distance.

“Hmph, how could he be upset? At this time, he may not be happy in his heart, after all, there is no need to do anything, white to be a hero, pretending to be a hero this kind of thing, that crocodile is the best at it. ”

Robin pouted, very dissatisfied with Klockdar’s performance of getting cheap and selling well.

If Klockdar hears Robin’s words, he will inevitably ‘excitedly’ jump up and refute ‘who wants to be a Rausch hero’.

“Rollingo, Rollingo, the navy … The Navy is really coming. ”

Vivi, who was looking at the sea through the lookout mirror, suddenly ran to report eagerly.

“Roar, just right, then watch this scene before leaving.” Luo Lin smiled slightly.


Off the island where the village of Cocoa is located, seven naval warships are speeding in.

On one of the leading warships stood a man and a woman, two heroic navies.

It was Rogge Town Captain Smogg, the White Hunter, and Colonel Tina, the beauty.

A few minutes later, Smog used the maximum force he could mobilize to surround the Baroque fleet moored outside the village of Cocoasi.


The roar of Smogg, the Smoke-Bearing Ability, resounded in the sky.

At the same time, a white smoke like a dragon jumped up from the warship, crossed 100 meters, and fell into Along Park.

After seeing the blood and severed limbs on the ground in Along Park, Rao was Smogg, the white hunter, and he couldn’t help but breathe at this moment.

Looking up again, Smogg’s eyes were already occupied by angry flames.

“Klockdar, what good have you bastard done here? Unforgivable! As long as I am here, you don’t want to touch these innocent villagers again!” The hot-headed Smogg roared.

After seeing the bloody scene in Aaron Park, Smogg subconsciously believed that it was Klockdar who gathered the villagers to carry out a brutal massacre.


Klockdar smiled habitually conspiratorially, without saying a word, without explaining anything.

As a result, it was as if a flame rose above Smogg’s head.

“Bastard, I don’t think I need to interrogate and investigate the matter of the 166 branch of the East China Sea, and what happened here, even if you are Qiwu Hai, I will definitely not let you go unpunished again this time.”

“In my capacity as the commander of the naval base in Rogue Town in the East China Sea, I have arrested the vicious criminal Klockdar, and what you have done will be finally judged by the military court.” Smogg spoke righteously.

“Uncle of the Navy”

At this moment, a childish voice suddenly sounded behind Smogg.

Smog turned his head, and several children from Cocoasi were looking at him.

“Don’t be afraid, children, with me, this pirate wants to move you again.” Smog soothed stiffly.

“No is not”

One of the children shook his head abruptly.

Smogg was stunned.

“Uncle Navy, can you please not catch that cool big brother, he is the great benefactor who saved us from the evil dragon gang!!!


Smog only felt that his head rumbled, and the whole person seemed to be struck by lightning, and Thunder was called an outer scorched and tender!


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