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“Old – rat”

At this moment, Smogg, who was suppressed by his inner rage, had already grabbed the unconscious Colonel Mouse from the deck of the Gustav and dropped him heavily on the ground.


The thief-eyed Colonel Mouse was awakened by this fall.

When he saw Smogg, the mouse’s face suddenly showed extreme joy, like a drowning man seeing a life-saving straw.

“Colonel Smogg, help, it’s Klockdar… Klockdar, he…” Colonel Rat froze halfway through his words, not daring to continue.

Because the look on Smogg’s face at this time was too terrifying.

It was as if I wanted to swallow him alive.

“Old – rat, answer me, why didn’t you report to me about the fishman and the evil dragon gang, why the evil dragon gang was able to do evil here for eight years, are you really not aware of these things?” Smog shouted.

“This, this, this… I, I, I…”, Colonel Rat was speechless.


“That rat who kills a thousand cuts!”

“It was he who colluded with Aaron and his gang and persecuted us for eight years!”

“Go and die, rat.”

At this moment, a group of people arrived again outside Along Park.

It was representatives of villagers from more than a dozen nearby villages led by Mr. Ah Jian and Nokigao, as well as news media people who heard the news.


Klockdar, who had been watching coldly, finally spoke for the first time.

“You guys are also considered navy? Colluding with the fish-man pirates to bully the same race, I really can’t stand it, what is the difference between such a navy and pirates? ”

Klockdahl mocked mercilessly, pouring a bucket of oil on the fire above Smogg’s head.

“In my opinion, your navy also needs someone to supervise and supervise well, so simply let me be the supervisor of your navy and specifically supervise the rotten moth navy among you.” Klockdar sneered.

He didn’t really want to monitor the navy, he just wanted to fall into the hole, taunt his opponent, and transfer his inner unhappiness as a tool to Smogg.

Sure enough, after seeing the rise in the set on Smogg’s head, Klockdar’s mood also improved a little.

“Rat, I’m a grass mud horse!”

Finally, Smog completely exploded, and his fist fell on the rat like a violent storm.

At this moment, even Tina He couldn’t stop it, and he didn’t want to stop it.



At this moment, the orange garden in the highlands of Coco Yasi Village.

“Let’s go, the show is almost over, and it’s time for us to go to the next destination.” Rollin smiled and spoke.

After saying that, he walked towards the Chiroku Natural Maru that was parked on the shore.

“Rollingo, Rollingo, where is Nami? Let’s just go like this, don’t we talk to Nami alone? Wei Wei hurriedly followed Luo Lin and asked anxiously.

She hadn’t seen Nami since morning.

If I leave this time, I don’t know when I will see you next time.

Thinking of this, Wei Wei couldn’t help but feel lost.

For Weiwei’s question, Luo Lin did not answer, but walked towards the direction of the ship with his own care.

A few minutes later, Rollin and his group of four approached the coast.

“Hey, Brother Luo Lin, Vivi, Sister Robin and Marianne, why are you so slow, I’ve been waiting for you here for half a day.”

At the bow of the Chiro Natural Maru, a girl with short orange hair waved her hand and greeted loudly.

“Alas~~~ Nami

Vivi opened her mouth wide in shock, and quickly got on the boat in three or two steps, holding hands with Nami.

“Nami, why are you here?”

“Hmph, where am I going to be if I’m not here? The crisis in the village is solved, but I have another matter for you. Nami blinked, playfully opening.

“What’s going on?” Vivi asked curiously.

“The next thing I want to do is draw charts of the world, so if you want to catch your boat with the wind, rest assured, I am very talented in sailing and will definitely be able to help you.” Nami said proudly.

“Really? That’s wonderful, Nami, but…”

Vivie, who was bouncing happily, suddenly thought of something, and her brows frowned slightly.

“But Nami, you just left, are Sister Nokigao and Mr. Ah Jian okay?”

“Sister, it’s okay, it’s okay, she can’t control me.” Nami put her hands behind her back and grinned widely.

“Then get ready to set sail, little girls.”

Rawling, who had boarded the deck, smiled and ordered.

The Zhiluo Natural Pill suddenly sailed towards the sea without wind, driven by some force.

“It still turned out to be gone, it’s really a big girl,” Mr. Ah Jian sighed bitterly on the coast of Kokoa West Village.

“This can’t be helped, after all, it is also the child’s own choice!” Be happy, Mr. Ah Jian, it’s not that you won’t see you in the future.

Didn’t Mr. Rollin say yesterday that in the future, the Great Route and the East China Sea will be opened, and maybe we can also go to the Great Route to have a look. Noki spoke longingly.


Feilu reminds you: three things to read-

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