Donghai Xiluobu Village.

Like Kokoa West Village, this is just an inconspicuous village in the Great East China Sea.

Ordinary, ordinary, simple folk customs, but also very weak.

The only thing that can be called extraordinary in this ordinary island and ordinary village at present is that this is the hometown of one of the main cadres of the Red Haired Pirate Group of the Four Emperors.

However, Luo Lin did not have any special reason to come here this time, just because someone wanted to see him, and simply came to check in and travel.

After two days at sea, the light sailing ship Chiro Natural Maru arrived at the front port of Sirobu Village.

On the edge of the port, in addition to a few small fishing boats belonging to the villagers of Sirobu village, there are several trading ships with Baroque flags.

When the ship of Luo Lin and his party arrived, the ordinary Baroque employees who had been waiting by the port two days earlier hurriedly stepped forward to lead the way for Luo Lin and his party.

Without any superfluous nonsense.

The Baroque employees up and down Xiluobu Village have long been opened up through various acts of sending warmth, and they took Luo Lin and his party all the way to the location of the only large family in the village unimpeded.

“Who are you? What exactly is the purpose of coming here? ”

Without waiting for Luo Lin and his party to enter the house, a young voice came from the tree outside the mansion.

“Go, stinky little devil, why are you still here?”

A Baroque employee hurriedly came to drive away.

“Must-kill egg star”

The long-nosed boy on the tree pulled the slingshot and popped out a rotten egg, which immediately pasted the face of the ordinary Baroque employee.

“Hahaha, now you know how powerful the brave sea warrior Captain Usopp is.” The long-nosed boy Usopp threw his head back and laughed.

“Don’t blame Captain Usopp for not reminding you, my eight thousand subordinates are already on their way, and if you want to do something to the owner of the mansion, to Miss Koya, the consequences will be very serious.” Usopp said with a serious threat.

“Stinky boy, I see you really owe a beating.”

It was rare to have access to the top of the organization, but it turned out to be tripped by a child, and these Baroque employees who originally wanted to behave well were also angry.

Regardless of three seven twenty-one, roll up your sleeves and go up the tree to catch someone.

“You all stand down.”

At this moment, Robin spoke, and suddenly several ordinary employees paused in their footsteps, and left in a hurry.

They don’t know the identity of Rollin’s big boss, but Vice President Missall Sunday, they have seen it.

The vice president spoke, how dare they not obey.

“Long-nosed boy, want to come in together?” Rollin smiled at Usopp on the tree.

Solon in good times, Luffy in bad times, and Usopp in desperate times are not just words.

Luo Lin is also quite curious about this big talk king who can reverse the desperate situation for the Straw Hat Pirates.

“Since… Since…” Usopp on the tree obviously knows that Luo Lin’s party is extraordinary, and the big words that come from Zhang Jiao on weekdays have not said a reason for a long time.

Finally, he slipped down on the tree trunk, followed Luo Lin and his group, and walked into the house for the first time.

As the only large family in Xiluobu Village, the Dawu Mansion adopts a new style castle building, and the interior space is spacious and somewhat deserted.

Previously, there were only five people living in the house.

Since the death of the owner of the big house, that is, Keya’s parents, two years ago, there are only three people left in the big house, and it has become more and more deserted.

Until a week ago, when Baroque merchant ships arrived in Sirobu Village, there were more people around the big house and more lively.

It’s just that for this bustle, neither the gloomy butler of the big house nor the Mianyang head servant Meili will be happy.

As for the owner of the big house, Keya, she was naturally weak and infected with wind chill, and she was still bedridden for a whole month.

This is the moment.

Spacious hall in the large house.

The mid-level agent of the work club, Chloe, the glasses butler in a suit, and Melly the sheep stand on top of each other, wary of each other.

The atmosphere in the hall is tense.


When the footsteps of Luo Lin and his party entered the room, the almost frozen atmosphere in the hall was finally broken.

“Vice President MissallSunday-sama.”

The baroque intermediate agent quickly got up to greet him.

“You go out first, and we’ll take over next.” Robin waved his hand casually.

“Yes, Vice President!” The mid-level agent responded excitedly, and from time to time he raised his head to peek at Luo Lin.

His intuition told him that the one standing next to Vice President Robin should be the one who was above the Seven Martial Seas.

They are the big boss behind the scenes of the World Shipping Work Society.

For the adoring and excited gaze of the middle-level agent, Luo Lin did not care, stepped straight forward, and then sat down on the comfortable sofa in the hall with a big grin.

The gaze crossed the sheep’s head and then fell on the glasses butler Chloe.

“I heard you want to see me?”


Listening to Rollin’s question, the butler Chloe was even surprised.

A few days earlier, he had learned their identities from mid-level agents of Baroque.

The Baroque working society of the Great Voyage.

The purpose of coming to this island was not only to trade, but also to recruit him into the group.

Clodan, who had long been tired of fighting and killing on the sea, and only wanted to seize the property of the big house to spend the rest of his life safely, even refused, and casually asked him to join the gang and let the boss personally talk.

Originally, Chloe said it so casually, he didn’t think about it…


The triangular eye under Chlokin’s glasses flashed a wise light.

“As far as I know, the boss of the Baroque Work Society should be that Nanabu Haik Klockdar, who are you?” Chloe pushed his glasses with his palm.


A wisp of invisible overlord-colored aura floated out from Rollin’s body and fell on Chloe

When that invisible oppression hit, cold sweat instantly wet Chloe’s whole body.


Chloe, who was originally sitting firmly on the sofa, unconsciously knelt on the ground.

The calm expression on his face was gone, and only a thick shock and fear appeared.

He knew that if he said the wrong thing next, the only thing that awaited him was ‘death’.

“Now let’s talk about what special abilities you want to show me when you let me come in person.” Rollin smiled and spoke.


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