Coast of Sirobu Village.

Deck of the light sailing ship of the Chiroku Natural Maru.

“Little girl Keya, did you really decide? Got it? No regrets? Life at sea is not as comfortable as it is at home. ”

Luo Lin looked at Koya, who was fooled onto the boat by the two ancient spirits of Vivi and Nami, and asked with a serious face.

“Well, I’ve decided.”

Keya, a weak beautiful girl with long hair with a light golden shawl, nodded firmly.

“In the past few days, I have heard a lot of interesting things about the sea from Vivi and Nami, and I also want to see them, and my body has improved a lot, and I can fully adapt to life at sea, and I finally met Vivi and Nami and them, and I want to be with them all the time.”

“And Rollin… Brother, I want to be with you too. This last sentence, Keya thought silently in her heart.

With Keya’s thin body, he obviously couldn’t get rid of the influence of Luo Lin’s ‘Immortal Blood’ in just three days.

“Great, Kaya, we can go on an adventure together.”

Vivi and Nami took Koya’s little hand left and right, and the three young girls full of youthful vitality looked at each other and smiled.

At this point, Luo Lin had to reluctantly agree.

The light sailing ship Chiro Natural Maru set sail and sailed away from the village of Shirob.

“Miss Koya”


On the coast, the sheep head Meli and Usopp rushed in unison.

“Have a good journey, Miss Keya.” Melly yelled.

“Keya, although you went to sea a little early, I will follow you immediately, and we will see you at the boss’s headquarters then.” Usopp waved goodbye.

Zhiluo Natural Pill bow, Keya also smiled happily and said goodbye to the two people on the coast.

After about five minutes, there was only a small dot left in the distant village of Sirobu, and Keya finally retracted her gaze.

Under the command of the genius navigator Nami, the Zhiluo Natural Pill ‘firepower’ was fully opened and advanced at full speed towards the sea where the destination was located.

Four hours later, Rollin and his party arrived in the sea near the place where the ship disappeared.

As far as the eye can see, not a single ship is visible.

“It seems that the pirate hunter Roronoya Solon drove away with our boat, I will go and inform the members everywhere now, I believe I will catch him.” Robin Road.

“Don’t bother so much, I’ll do it.”

Rollin walked to the bow of the boat and uttered a few silent syllables from his mouth.

A minute later, a huge wave suddenly appeared on the calm sea.

Immediately after that, a sea king class with a body size of more than a hundred meters jumped out of the sea, and looked at Rollin on the deck with bloody eyes, but there was no trace of bloodthirsty ferocity, and some were just obedient.

Robin, Vivi and Golden Week, who had already seen Luo Lin’s trick in the windless belt, were not too surprised.

But Nami and Koya, who were on the ship in the East China Sea, were already shocked and speechless.

After all, summoning a murderous sea king from the sea, or even talking to a sea king, is simply unheard of.

A minute later.

Rollin ended his conversation with the red-eyed Neptune class resembling Near Neptune and got some useful information from its mouth.

“One o’clock direction.” Rollin looked at Nami.

“Ah! Oooooooooooooo ”

Nami, who was still in a shocked mood, nodded consciously and quickly turned the direction of the ship to one o’clock.

And so, stop-and-go all the way, about two hours passed.

Before the sun went down completely, Rollin finally found the pirate hunter Roronoa Solon and his party.

“Big brother, a ship was found at seven o’clock, and the sea double sword flag was chased by the ship’s accomplices.”

A green trench coat with royal plaid shorts, and a green leather head with the word ‘thief’ tattooed on his left cheek reported.

“Roar, Baroque Work Society, it’s still two strokes, they found us so quickly, but it’s all in vain, there is a big brother, and it is futile to come to many people.”

Wearing a blue jacket and sunglasses with the word ‘sea’ tattooed on his right face, the young man embraced his arms and said confidently.

Effort between words.

The two ships have come into contact.

“Hey, why are there all the little girls on this ship? Nothing boring. ”

The green trench coat youth shook his head in disappointment.

As powerful pirate hunters, they certainly wouldn’t do anything to little girls who had no chicken power.

“What are you!”

However, at this moment, behind the two people, the ‘big brother’ who had always been lying down and closed his eyes to raise his mind, and the green algae-headed young man who wore three knives on his waist suddenly let out a loud drink.

Looking at Luo Lin, who suddenly flashed, the alarm in the heart of the green algae-headed youth sounded to the extreme, and his hands subconsciously fell on the three knives on his waist.

It wasn’t until Solon shouted that his two attendants turned around in hindsight.

Only then did they find out that at some point, there was one more person on their ship.

“Don’t be too nervous, relax, relax.” Rollin Road.

It wasn’t until he saw the real person that Rollin finally remembered the identities of the two attendants next to Sauron.

Isn’t it the famous Tokai F4 member?

The green trench coat and royal plaid shorts are Joseph, who is known as the ‘Sword Saint’.

Another young man with sunglasses is Johnny, who is known as the ‘God of Swords’.

The Sword God Sword Saint of the East China Sea, if it weren’t for the straw hat blocking it, I’m afraid Hawkeye would also be dangerous! (Funny)

By the way, the other two members of Tokai F4 are the “King of Fighters” Dadan and the “One Piece” Hikoma.

The King of Fighters Dadan has the ability to hammer the Navy’s strongest legendary hero, Tekken Kapu, to the ground and hit him with a heavy punch that is powerless to fight back.

As for the One Piece Rixiong is even more amazing – holding a wine bottle to pick the four emperors, stepping on the future One Piece, if you don’t meet the near sea king, play One Piece after four episodes – it’s him.

“Hey, what the hell are you? What’s so funny? ”

Just as Rollin was thinking about the interesting sightings he had seen before, Johnny, the ‘Knife God’ Johnny, who couldn’t help but speak, who couldn’t help but speak.

“Sorry sorry, just suddenly thought of something funny.” Rollin Road.

“Bastard, dare to underestimate us.”

Sword Saint Johnny and Joseph are about to draw their swords and attack together.

“Stand down, Johnny, Joseph!”

At the critical moment, the pirate hunter Green Algae Head Solon called out to them.

“You are not his opponents, leave it to me here.”

Solon solemnly spoke, and the three knives at his waist were unsheathed at the same time.

Two ordinary long knives in hand, and the big fast knife Twenty-one Gong and Dao Yiwen flashing with cold light in the night were bitten in their mouths.

Three knife flow, posture into.

“It’s a good fight, it’s just too bells and whistles.”

Rollin commented, casually pulling a wooden thorn from the railing that was no more than the length of a human finger and pinching it on his fingertip.

“Okay, you try to attack.” Rollin pinched the wooden sword with his fingertips and bent his hand towards Solon.

“Damn, even if you look down on people, there must be a limit!!!

Rao is Solon, who was also angered by Rollin’s actions at the moment, and desperately swung three swords with all his strength to deliver his strongest blow.

Three Blades Flow – Ghost Slash!!!


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