The incident in Gaozhen in the Goya Kingdom of the East China Sea is not destined to be hidden for too long.

Just one day.

Following the incident in the village of Coco Yasi in Nanabukik Klockdar, and the incident in the Great Sword Hao of Frost Moon Village in Qibu Kaihawkeye Mihawk.

A third storm that followed from the East China Sea quickly swept across the sea.

Among them, the biggest reaction to this is those more or less involved in the world’s major dark forces.

The Dark Kings of the Underworld of the New World:

The usury king Lufield, the sea king Umit, the organ dealer Jigula, the world’s arms predator…

And so on, more than ten huge dark forces shook in unison.


The dark agents they sent to guard the East Sea Industry were all missing.

What made these predators of the underground world even more angry was that their arrangement in the East China Sea for so many years had completely collapsed in just three days.

Years of hard work came to naught overnight.

Not one.

Rather, a dozen.

What a gaffe.

In the dark world underground, how could the predators who have lasted for decades have experienced such humiliating situations.

Industrial losses are still secondary.

The main thing is the problem of face.

After all, just one paradise of the Seven Wuhai can destroy all their industries in the East China Sea.

Pass it out, what face do they have to speak of.

You have to fight back!!!

Absolutely revenge!!!

The kings and giant crocodiles of the underground dark world of the new world affected by this East China Sea incident spontaneously gathered together.

It is necessary to discuss countermeasures in response to this incident.

Deliberate on how to take revenge on Nanabu Haik Klockdar!


At this moment, Klockdar, who was completely unaware that he was once again behind the pot, was grinning, and was being targeted by the dark forces of the New World.

In front of him, what was piled up was not loess, but piles of gold and silver mountains.

This trip to the East China Sea is definitely the most memorable in his life for Klockdar.

First, he participated in the Big Stomach King Challenge for the first time and won the first trophy in his life.

After that, there was the Kokoa West Village incident, which became famous all over the world with that big news.

Finally, there are the crazy riches of these days.

Originally, in Robin’s plan, although this trip to the East China Sea also had the purpose of making money, at most it was to earn a little difference through trade.

If it is not good, he will catch all the bounty criminals in the East China Sea and go to the navy to make money to build a base city.

Who would have thought that the harvest in just a few days would be more than twice what he had accumulated in the past few decades of hard work.

In the past, Klockdar did not care about treasure, and all he valued was extreme force.

But at this moment, in the face of such a huge amount of treasure, he could not be completely indifferent.

At this time, he was happy like a two-hundred-pound child, and the corners of his mouth were almost grinning to the roots of his ears.

This is true even for Klockdar, not to mention other ordinary members who value wealth as their life.

One by one, they were already excited to go to the sky.

“Little ones, stop for a while, wait for this island to be emptied, and go to the next destination.” Klockdar waved his arms.




Just as Klockdar was excited to continue the harvest, an organization similar to the original Baroque Work Society in the New World.

Also one of the Seven Seas, Tenyasha, the base camp of the Don Quixote family led by Don Quixote Doflamingo.

The Kingdom of Dressrosa in the New World is not idle at the moment.

There is such a big thing in the dark world, and the clown, who is the largest dark intermediary in the underground world, Doflamingo, naturally can’t get around.

High-rise outdoor swimming pool on the second floor of the palace.

Doflamingo, still dressed as a flamingo, lay on a beach chair with a dull expression on his face.

Under the cover of the sun umbrella, it is impossible to see.

But from his body, you can feel a terrifying breath.

It was the overlord qi in his body that was about to be uncontrollable.

“Young Lord”

Baby5, a family cadre dressed as a maid, hid far away and looked at Doflamingo with a panicked expression.

“What happened to the young master today? There are still many things to deal with in the underground world. ”

The elderly ‘artist’ Jorah with colorful explosive hair said anxiously.

“Over there in the East China Sea, that Klockdar has done really thoroughly, even our layout in the East China Sea in recent years has been completely overturned by him, can’t he want to swallow the entire East China Sea market alone?”

Masabis, a sumo wrestler cadre and a man with the ability to crush fruits, said angrily.

“What exactly did that sand crocodile take the underground dark world for? Think you can fight all the dark forces on your own? In doing so, he is simply self-defeating. ”

“Now that Lufield, Umit, Jigula and the others on the other side of the underground world have already begun to act, they are already planning to attack that crocodile, and there are many people contacting Dover, but now…”

Slimy and slimy, like the highest cadre with snot covered in snot, Torrebol looked at Doflamingo worriedly.

“Dover, what the hell is wrong with you today? Even if that sand crocodile messes around, it actually doesn’t have as much impact on us as we imagined? You shouldn’t be like this, but you’re our king.” ”

The big man wearing golden chain mail and his muscles like a rock shouted in a sharp voice.

“Don’t say it, Pika, the young lord’s appearance today is not right, it should not be because of that incident.” The old man Rao G spoke.


At the moment when Rao G’s words fell, the emotions suppressed to the limit in Doflamingo’s body exploded along with his overlord-colored domineering.

The momentum of terror swept in all directions.

The Don Quixote family cadres not far from Ling were silent.

After a long time.

The terrifying domineering aura that shrouded the palace gradually dissipated and returned to Doflamingo’s body.

Doflamingo on the beach chair let out a long breath.

Under the pink sunglasses, fear flashed.

Not to Klockdar, of course.

As the king of the intermediaries of the underground dark world, he believes that his realm is far above Klockdar.

What Doflamingo really feared was this morning’s report.

Reports on the massacre in Gaozhen, Goya Kingdom of the East China Sea.

The long bloody knife that stood on top of the ruins awakened a nightmare in his heart.

It was a nightmare that shrouded him all his life.

The nightmarish memories that had been almost completely sealed by him were now incomparably clear.

That was thirty-six years ago, when he was three years old, he personally experienced –

The Great Event in Mary Joa in the Holy Land!!!


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