Kingdom of Goya in the East Sea.

The chain reaction triggered by the incident of the nobles in Gaozhen continues.

The entire kingdom of Goya is under full martial law, and no entry or exit is allowed.

Of course, this is for ordinary people.

For Luo Lin, who now completely controls the underground forces of the kingdom, the so-called blockade is naturally useless.

Witnessing the demise of the group of hateful people of Alilk III, Little Loli’s inner grievances were exhausted during Golden Week and returned to her usual lively state.

In the group, only Wei Wei and Keya remained.

A princess and a young lady are still secretly saddened by the miserable scene they saw that day.

Especially Koya.

I have never been to the sea before, I have always lived in a small village, and the eldest lady who has no worries about food and clothing, where can she know the darkness of the world.

Witnessing the dark side of the world for the first time, the impact on her mind can be imagined.

If it weren’t for the fact that Luo Lin was by his side, I am afraid that Keya would be bedridden again the next day because of excessive worry.

In this regard, even if Luo Lin is strong, there is nothing he can do.

Since you choose to go to sea, such experiences are inevitable.

They can’t continue to be the flowers of that greenhouse, stupid and sweet who don’t understand anything.

There are some things that are always good to experience early.

The last stop of the trip to the East China Sea, the people to see and the things to do have been completed.

Naturally, it was time to leave.

Under Robin’s arrangement, the group quietly passed through the blockade of the kingdom guard and navy to the windmill village.

For Rollin’s arrival, Marcino, the tavern hostess, seemed very happy.

It’s just that when she saw that Luo Lin was still carrying a group of beautiful little girls beside her, Marcino’s fair face flashed a wisp of imperceptible loss.

After lunch with Marcino’s warm welcome, it was time to leave.

“Saab that guy is so unspeakable, it’s been a few days, there is no contact, if he doesn’t come back, let him find a ship to keep up with him.” Kerra puffed up.

“Kerra, don’t worry, our ship hasn’t arrived yet, there is still some time.” Robin smiled.


At this moment, the little loli Golden Zhou with two pigtails pointed to the two black dots on the sea in the distance and cheered happily.

The time is short.

Two small black dots in the distance gradually enlarged and finally stopped at the Windmill Village port.

Two light sailing ships.

One is an ordinary standard sailing ship, and there are no big features.

And the appearance of another ship, even Luo Lin was slightly surprised.

The bow of the boat is in the shape of a sheep’s head.

The familiar exterior is none other than the first ship of the Straw Hats, the Golden Melly, presented by Melly, a sheep-headed servant in the village of Sirob.

That’s good.

And not only the crew.

Poor Luffy couldn’t even get the boat.

“Melly, this is the Melly that Melly has been building.”

When he saw the Golden Melly appear, Keya’s originally gloomy expression suddenly bloomed with brilliant brilliance.

The whole person’s mental state immediately improved.

“Xiao Keya, here is another letter for you.”

Robin, who took over the Golden Melly, handed Koya the letter that had been sent with the ship.

On the letter, not only Usopp and Melly, but also many villagers greeted her and blessed.

These greetings and blessings are like warm currents, completely dispelling the haze in Keya’s heart.

After knowing the origin of the new ship Golden Melly, Vivi and Nami were also in a good mood.

Can’t wait to experience getting on board.

The ships are already in place.

Just as Kerla was about to gamble and leave Saab alone.

Two conspicuous plumes of smoke appeared in the distance.

It seems that someone is running wildly.

“Hey, wait, wait for us, mentor.” Saab shouted loudly.

About a minute later.

Saab and the Straw Hat boy rushed to the port panting.

“Lead… Mentor, I… My brother also wants to go to sea together, can I take him with me? Saab gasped.

Rollin: “…”


Now it’s really alive.

Even the captain himself was abducted.

“Luffy, are you going too? Shouldn’t it be two months away? ”

Rollin is leaving, Saab, who has only met for a short time, is leaving, and now even Luffy is leaving.

In one day, three people who were reluctant to do it were leaving.

Thinking of this, Marcino’s eyes couldn’t help but turn red.

For Marcino’s inner reluctance, the rough nerve Luffy nodded without noticing.

“I decided to go to Ace first with Saab.”

“And Saab said, there are many navigators, swordsmen, snipers and other powerful characters over there, by the way, there are also ships, so I am ready to first…”

Luffy, who had never been able to hide his words, confided in Saab’s previous reasons for encouraging him to go to sea.


Hearing that Saab, who was generally unhappy, quickly covered his brother’s mouth, and then smiled at Luo Lin, who had a subtle expression on the side.

“Mentor, you listen to my explanation, I…”

Without waiting for Saab to explain, the righteous hand knife from Kerra will take him in the head… Crooked hat on the hat.

“Okay, don’t make trouble, let’s all get on the boat.” Rollin spoke.

With Rollin’s intervention, the farce ended.

Saab and an excited Luffy also boarded the Golden Melly.

Finally, Robin.

“Miss Marcino, if you can’t bear it, do you want to come with us.”

Robin smiled and extended an invitation to Marcino.


Maggie Nort was overwhelmed by this sudden invitation.

Quickly waved his hand.

“No… No, the only tavern in the village still needs to be taken care of by me, and… Not this time. Marcino shook her head.

“Well, see you next time.”

Robin waved goodbye, trotted two steps, and jumped onto the deck of the Golden Melly.

“Goodbye, Luffy, Saab… And Mr. Rollin. ”

On the shore, Marcino wept silently and waved goodbye to the fading Golden Melly.

“Really, after all these years, that guy is still as good as ever… Envy. ”

The village chief, Slap, came to the coastal port at an unknown time.

“Marcino, why didn’t you agree to that girl’s invitation just now, obviously you want to go too.”

“What are you talking nonsense, Grandpa Village Chief, I didn’t have it.” Marcino stomped her foot.

“Your village chief’s grandfather’s eyes are still very bright, there is nothing unspeakable to like that guy, you must know that in those days, that guy was the dream of countless girls.”

Village Chief Slap pouted as he said ‘lemon’.

“Oh, Grandpa Village Chief, no… Besides, Mr. Rollin was the same era as Mr. Karp, my grandfather. Speaking of this, Marcino couldn’t help but look a little lower.

“So what, that guy looks young on the outside, you look around him, aren’t they all little girls who are much younger than you, if you are worried that he will snub you, come back and tell the village chief grandfather, grandpa help you.” Slap waved his crutches.

“Oh, Grandpa Village Chief, you really get more and more outrageous, I won’t tell you.” Marcino stomped her foot and ran towards the village.

“Hey, Marcino, that guy Rollin said, there will be a direct trade ship to Alabastan at any time in the future, and you can go whenever you want.” Slap said.

“Really?” Marcino, who had not run far, stopped.

Looking back and smiling.


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