For the coastal port of the windmill village, Slapp’s conversation with Marcino, Rollin did not know.

At this moment, Luo Lin, who was standing on the deck of the Golden Melly, vaguely felt that there was still some unsatisfactory.

What exactly is not satisfactory?

Think for a moment.

Luo Lin was abrupt.


A snap of your fingers.

A moment later.

The sea near the Golden Melly suddenly fluctuated violently.

The next moment, a sea king with a tan body and blood-red eyes surfaced, staring at everyone on the boat.

For the sudden appearance of the sea king class.

Everyone on the deck, even timid girls like Koya and Nami, did not have the slightest fear on their faces.

Because they have already seen Rollin treat the sea king class as a pet more than once, and it comes and goes.

Get used to it.

And Kerra, Saab, and the straw hat boy who do not have this habit will naturally not be frightened by this hundred-meter-level sea king.

“It’s really not a small courage to dare to attack us.”

Saab rolled up his sleeves, his arms covered with a pitch-black armed domineering.

“Wait Saab, this guy asked me to come.”

The optimistic straw hat boy grinned, his arms suddenly stretched back.

“Rubber – pistol”

A powerful punch smashed into the face of the sea king who looked confused.

This ‘King of the Near Sea’, which had eaten an arm of the four emperors’ red hair, was shot out from a distance.

Now it’s done!



At the same time that Rollin left the windmill village on the Golden Melly.

The kingdom of Goya, which was closely guarded by the navy, came with a coffin boat.

“Mr. Jora Kermihawk.”

Don’t wait for Hawkeye to dock.

Pola, who had curly blue hair, smiled and saluted.

“Are you… The crocodile, no, is the man’s men. ”

Hawkeye’s sharp eyes fell on Pola, recognizing her identity.

I had seen it from a distance in the windless zone that day.

Under the gaze of Hawkeye’s eagle-like falcon, Pola’s delicate body couldn’t help but stiffen slightly.

“What about your boss.”

Hawkeye looked away and asked.

“That’s exactly why I’m waiting here, it’s unfortunate that the president has already left and is now on his way back to Alabastan.” Bora waved his hand apologetically.

Hawkeye Mihawk: “I…”

“The president also said that if Mr. Mihawk wants to find him, he can go directly to Alabastan.” Bora added.

“Got it.”

Hawkeye nodded, but did not leave.

Not only did he not leave, but he even went directly ashore.

“Mr. Mihawk, you are…” Bora was puzzled.

“I’m going to go up there and take a look.”

Hawkeye’s sharp gaze looked in the direction of Gao Zhen.

The photos you see in the newspaper are ultimately unreal.

Since they have come, how can they see and feel the sword intent left by that person.

Under Pola’s shocked attention, the world’s number one sword magnate, Hawkeye Mihawk, cut through the layers of barricades leading to the entrance of Gaozhen.

One person, one knife, straight in!

No one can stop it!



The month-long trip to the East China Sea comes to an end.

After instructing Klockdar to take charge of the aftermath of the East China Sea, Rollin took the Golden Melly and took a group of new members to embark on the return journey ahead of schedule.

The sea king tugboat business without wind belt has been basically improved.

However, Rollin did not plan to walk the windless belt this time.

It is a long time to climb over the magical upside-down mountain to the beginning of the great voyage.

By the way, you can also meet old friends there after a long absence.

The Golden Melly walked straight towards the Red Earth Continent for three days.

Expect to reach the entrance of Upside Down Mountain for about a day.

The laughter on the new ship Gold Melly remains.

Somehow, Nami and Luffy on the ship were even more happy about the Golden Melly than Koya.

Then there’s Robin and Vivi.

It’s just that this inexplicable joy is not even noticeable to them.

The reason, in this world, I am afraid that only Luo Lin is clear and knows.

Even if the trajectory of the plot has shifted by 108,000 miles.

But fate is such a thing, who can tell.

For example, the current Golden Melly.

And the joyboy who spanned eight hundred years and sat on the head of a sheep and looked up at the sky.

“Uncle, the inventory of the results of our trip to the East China Sea has basically come out.”

At this moment, Robinley, who had ended the communication with the phone worm, moved lightly and came to Luo Lin’s side.

“Then just talk about it.”


Robin nodded.

“The Alabastan specialties brought by our working society for trade in the East China Sea have brought us a total of 100 million yuan.”

“In addition, for the cleaning of the pirates in the East China Sea, it adds up to a little 500 million”

“It adds up to 250 million, so many !!!”

In the middle of the report, the little girl who suddenly appeared was Nami who loved money to the bone.

“Robin, you go on.”

Luo Lin glanced at Nami, whose eyes were all in the shape of money, and shook his head helplessly.

“The above is just an appetizer, our trip to the East China Sea, the biggest gain is precisely from those underground dark forces.”

“The number of ships in our company has grown from the initial thirty to more than 500 after continuous seizure.”

“Five hundred ships !!!”

The little girl Nami’s beautiful eyes widened a little.

Even if according to the most ordinary market price, a sailing ship costs 10 million, this is already 5 billion.

You must know that Nami worked hard for ten years to save 100 million.

Five billion billion, what a teenager!

Sure enough, it was right to follow Rollingo’s decision.

This is it!

Nami Mizi, who is a fan of wealth, thought.

“The treasures, goods, and other rare items harvested from those dark forces in the East China Sea, if converted into Berry, are about two thousand seven.” Robin then reported.

“Twenty-seven million? Not a less, there are already so many ships anyway. Nami said to herself.

Robin glanced at Nami and corrected, “Not twenty-seven million, but twenty-seven hundred billion.” ”


Nami’s voice was raised an octave.

The expression on his pretty face was almost dull.

Xiuqi’s ears moved even more, suspecting that he had heard wrong.

However, looking at Robin’s affirmative eyes, Nami knew that she had heard correctly.

“270 billion!!”


“My God!!!!”

Nami finally couldn’t help but exclaim.


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