Because of the forty-year reunion between Rollin and Kourokas’ old friends.

It is also because of the curiosity of the straw hat boy and the little girls such as Vivi and Nami.

The group decided to spend a particularly exciting night on Lighthouse Coast.

After a long absence, it is natural to have good wine and good food.

The Golden Melly is stocked with a variety of fine wines from all over the East China Sea, and it is currently on display.

On the bonfire on the coast, Kerra and Robin skillfully grilled all kinds of sea beast meat, and the fragrance was overflowing, which made Luffy, who was lying on his stomach like a puppy, suddenly drool for 3,000 feet.


On the other side, Rollin and Kulokas, who had already been sent by barbecue, were holding wine bottles and blowing each other boldly.

After five bottles of spirits, Kulokas’s old face turned red, and he was already a little drunk.

“Captain Roger, the man you are talking about, the one who spanned eight hundred years, appeared at the right time and in the right place, is the boy, Hiccup!”

“In him, I saw your shadow, and that straw hat, and that shanks kid must have thought so before he gave his will to him.”

The drunken and hazy Kurokas’s gaze fell on Luffy the straw hat who was happily eating meat not far away, and unconsciously thought of what he witnessed more than twenty years ago on the last island of Ralph Drew.

And One Piece Roger’s final laugh of regret with tears.

“Ah, yes, Straw Hat Luffy, a joyboy spanning eight hundred years.”

Rollin casually took the words that Kourokas was talking to himself.

Kulokas nodded with deep empathy.

However, in the next second, the expression on Kulokas’s face froze.

“You you you… Do you know Joey Boi? Kulokas’s face was full of shock.

“Of course, didn’t that Roger guy tell you? I know a lot. Rollin had a subtle smile on his face.

“For example, you guy Kulokas, I helped you bring the Rumba Pirates back forty years ago, and you didn’t even work as a ship doctor on my ship, but more than twenty years ago, you were pulled on the ship by Roger as a pirate.”

“You even know this? You’re not… Wasn’t you dead at that time… Has it disappeared? Kulokas said in disbelief.

“Whoever decrees that I disappear cannot know these things.” Rollin glanced at him obliquely.

“I… I chose to go on board with Roger at that time, it was to save people, he has not lived for a long time. ”

“When I asked you to be in the navy, I also let you ‘save people’.”

“Nonsense, you clearly want me to help you develop poison for death, I am a doctor, not a poisoner.”

Thinking of Rollin’s ‘excessive’ request, Kulokas was a little angry.

After all, who would ask a doctor how to successfully commit suicide?

Except for the guy in front of you.

Ya just wants to show her immortal body in front of others.

“Hey, Rollin, it’s you, what happened thirty-six years ago? When I got on Roger’s ship and went to sea, I also came with the idea of looking for you. ”

“I met Karp a few times on the sea that year, but he didn’t tell me.” Kourokas asked.

“Immortal body!” Rollin spoke.

“That’s true.”

Kulokas’s right fist slammed into the ground, causing a crack in the ground.

“I just said that at that time, as a naval hero, how could you, who carried the most prominent combat merits, suddenly disappear without a trace, and even the traces of existence were erased.”

“Everything is done by the world government, and I know that sooner or later you will be targeted by those insatiable guys to keep a low profile, and you won’t listen.”

Kourokas spoke indignantly.

“I also want to keep a low profile, but my strength doesn’t allow it.” Rollin waved his hand.




“Will Binks’ wine…”

The time for banquets is always fast.

Before you know it, the sun has set.

Night appears.

Just as Kourokas said.

When day and night alternate, it is time for the ghosts to return.

Not far away, a misty mist rose in the dense forest.

It makes everything in people’s sight hazy.

Followed by.

The melodious pirate song accompanied by the sound of the violin wafts out from the dense forest, echoing over the twin headlands for a long time.


The giant island whale Rab let out an excited call.

“Out… Appeared! Skeleton playing the violin! Nami exclaimed.

“It’s really appearing!” It’s the same with Vivi.

“The skeleton… It really moves. Ke Ya’s body stiffened.

In addition, Little Loli Golden Week hugged Luo Lin’s thigh again.

The eyes of the boy in the straw hat lit up, and Saab was amazed.

As for Robin and Kerra, they all had the same thoughtful looks, and always felt that the skeleton was slightly familiar.

With the appearance of the white skeleton playing the violin and singing the song of the pirate in the dense forest, the atmosphere of the scene suddenly froze.

Even the temperature in the air dropped by more than ten degrees with his appearance.

The originally lively banquet also gradually developed in a gloomy direction.

A few minutes later.

The song ends.

The skeleton musician who emerged from the mist of the dense forest gave a standard gentlemanly salute to everyone present.

“Hehe, Kurokas, tonight is really lively, especially there are so many beautiful little girls, so let me ask you here, little girls, I don’t know if I can take a look at you…”


Just as the skeleton musician was preparing the customary courtesy to make an excessive request, a righteous sanction from Kulokas punched him to the ground.

It was obviously a big bag the size of a fist on the head of the white bone.

“Brooke, see who’s coming today?” Kourokas reminded.

“Yo, Brooke, I haven’t seen you in years, and you still haven’t changed at all.” Rollin came to Brook with little Loli Golden Week in his arms.

Frightened, little Lori buried her little head in Rollin’s clothes.

“Are you…”

Brooke got up, staring directly at Rollin in front of him with his hollow dark eye sockets.

“Rorollo… Mr. Rollin, you are Mr. Rollin!!! ”

Finally, Brooke recognized the great benefactor who took him out of the Devil’s Triangle forty years ago and brought him to Rab the whale.

For a while, shock and surprise were intertwined, which made Brooke suddenly at a loss.

With open arms, he wanted to hug Rollin like Kulokas.

As a result, before he could hold it, Little Loli Golden Week was scared to cry by the approaching cold.

Brooke smiled, touched the explosive head, and had to give up.

“Ah, I remembered!”

At this moment, Kerra suddenly exhaled, and a look of shock suddenly appeared on her pretty face.

“It seems that Kerra thinks the same as me.” Robin’s pretty face was also shocked.

“Kerra, Miss Robin, what did you think of?” Saab asked curiously.

“Stupid Saab, don’t you recognize it so obviously? This dead posture with only white bones left, the skeleton musician, is the Huangquan Sword Hao Brook on the ship of One Piece Roger more than twenty years ago!!! ”

“What do you say!!!

Everyone exclaimed in unison.


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