Dragon Claw Fist !!!

When Blackbeard’s attention fell on Luffy, Saab struck.

Pitch-black dragon claws covered Blackbeard’s face.


Saab’s tricks that he had trained in the revolutionary army for ten years exploded.

The dual power of armed color and dragon claw erupted, and in an instant, Blackbeard’s head was pressed to the ground, making a loud noise.


The hard frozen ground cracked at this moment.

Countless cracks like cobwebs spread.

In the very center where Blackbeard’s head was located, a crater several feet deep appeared.

Blood gushed out.

Stain the white snow with bloody red.

That was naturally the blood on Blackbeard’s head.

The front was hit by Saab’s armed colored dragon claw, and even the iron head was dented.

Not to mention flesh and blood.

Indeed, after experiencing Roger’s era, Blackbeard, who has been on the Whitebeard ship for nearly thirty years, is considered powerful.

Powerful enough to once leave three scratches on the face of the red-haired Shanks.

Ling’s red hair, now the Four Emperors, is still unforgettable.

The ability to remove the devil fruit, his own physical skills and domineering attainments are indeed extraordinary.

Blackbeard, however, has an Achilles heel.

That is arrogance and indiscretion.

Especially after gaining the ability of the Dark Fruit of Nature that has been in his heart for more than 20 years, the arrogance and rashness that Blackbeard has suppressed in his heart for decades erupted like a volcano.

Previously faced Luffy and Saab’s alliance.

Blackbeard never took it seriously.

At this moment, he also paid the price for his arrogance and rashness.

The natural dark fruit can indeed be said to be innate restraint in the face of the ability of the devil fruit.

But when faced with a real physical master, it is crotch-pulling.

“Luffy, are you all right?”

After punching Blackbeard, Saab suddenly looked at Luffy anxiously.

“Well, I’m fine, but what the hell was going on earlier? My rubber physique disappeared for a moment? ”

Genki boy Straw Hat Luffy opened his mouth in confusion.

“Saab, they’re going to run!!!”

At this moment, Kerra, who was watching the battle, suddenly exclaimed.

Just as Saab dropped Blackbeard, who rolled his eyes, to check on Luffy.

The last member of the Blackbeard Pirates, Devil Sheriff Lafayette, dressed like a white-faced theater actor on stage, suddenly stretched out a pair of long white wings behind him.

A fierce wind.

Devil Sheriff Lafayette fled away with Blackbeard who was “unconscious” in the past.

“Don’t try to escape.”

Saab reacted, and as soon as the soles of his feet slammed on the ground, he was about to pursue.

However, at this time, the aberration abruptly appeared.

Devil Sheriff Lafayette, who had fled to the center of the town, trembled and fell straight down.

“Captain Tichy, what are you doing?”

Lafayette, who fell to the ground, frowned and rebuked Blackbeard, who had barely stood up not far away.

“Thief Ha… Thief hahaha”

In the middle of the town, Blackbeard’s body swayed, and it took a moment to finally stand firm.

“Lafayette, do you think I’ve already lost?” Blackbeard asked sharply, and an ugly black face was full of anger.

He was easily knocked down by the two imps in his eyes, and even fell unconscious.

This is simply a shame for Blackbeard.

“Thief hahahaha, Ace’s brother, don’t think that you can defeat me in this way, this battle has just begun, and then let you see the real horror of my dark fruit.”

“Thief hahaha”

Blackbeard laughed.

At the cost of suffering several times the pain, all the damage of the previous Saab Dragon Claw Fist was absorbed.


Blackbeard, who had recovered from the concussion, slammed his right hand to the ground.

“Dark Cave Road”


With Blackbeard’s roar, the land where the lakeside town of Casda was located suddenly trembled violently.

The thick and deep darkness radiated in all directions with Blackbeard as the center.



Under the horrified gazes of Dr. Kureha, Luffy, Nami and others, all the houses in the town seemed to be squeezed by an invisible force, and all of them were swallowed by darkness.

Tens of seconds later.

The lakeside town that originally stood with hundreds of houses has completely disappeared.

Everything on the ground was sucked into the darkness and disappeared.

This was a terrifying scene, and no one present except Rollin could remain indifferent.

“Thief hahahaha”

For the expressions on the faces of Luffy and the others, Blackbeard laughed with satisfaction.

“The real good show is still to come, let me die!”

Blackbeard gulped.


With his order.

From behind him, a dark tornado of unknown length rose, writhing like a long worm.

Finally, he rushed straight towards Luo Lin’s group directly in front.

In this ‘tornado’, there is not only darkness, but also fragments of houses that previously disappeared into the darkness, all falling at this moment.

Accelerated by the dark storm, the power is not under the bullets.

“Everyone, be careful to dodge!”

Saab gulped anxiously.

Blackbeard’s large-scale AOE skills fell, and he was helpless.

You can only try to intercept as much as possible.

“Little friend Saab, leave it to me next.”

Just as Saab tensed the muscles in his body and waited, a gentle voice suddenly sounded in his ears.

Immediately afterwards, Saab only felt that his gaze flickered, and there was an extra person in front of him.


When he saw Rollin, Saab’s face suddenly flashed with excitement.

Oh, yes!

Are you really confused?

Standing here today is their mentor.

As long as there are mentors here.

Even if the sky falls, there is a way to solve it.

Where is the need for him to worry about something.

“Sorry, mentor, I’m still far behind.” Saab scratched his head sheepishly.

“It’s okay, you’ve done well enough.” Rollin nodded affirmatively.

“Bastard, don’t underestimate me, today I want to see how capable you are as a pretend guy.”

“Thief hahahaha”

Blackbeard laughed a few times, raising the tearing power of the dark fruit to the maximum.

If the other party only pays attention to the gravel in the dark, it is a big mistake.

The real killing move of his trick is still darkness.

The terrifying gravity and tearing force from the darkness is enough to tear the flesh and blood of the human body into countless pieces.

“Give me death!!!”

Blackbeard shouted excitedly and excitedly.


The huge dark tornado rushed to Luo Lin in an instant.

It was at that moment that Luo Lin calmly raised his right hand.

The fiercest and strongest Devil Fruit ability is the Dark Fruit?


This is the fiercest!

This is the strongest!

Everything, things, powder, broken !!!


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