Pirate: I was dug out by Robin

Pirate: I was dug out by Robin Chapter 101

"Naturally is the thunder fruit ability, one of the top abilities in the world. Its potential is comparable to that of the great general Huang Yuan. If it is not for the uncle, ordinary people can't use him." Now our Chinese organization is still in its infancy. At this stage, there are only a handful of real top combat power, just like the attack not long ago. If it weren’t for the presence of Lieutenant General Karp and the others, I’m afraid the uncle would have to rush back to the rescue field."

"The uncle should also have this consideration, and the uncle also said just now, this golden ark was designed and built by Ainilu for himself, and it needs a huge amount of electricity to start up. Keep Ainilu as an ark. The power bank is also excellent.

Robin explained in detail.


Nami nodded.

"It turns out that this is the case, so let this Ainilu and Krokdal spend a lifetime atonement." Wei Wei said.

"But is this arrogant and god-named Ainiru really obedient? What if he ran off with the golden ship halfway? The instructor must be riding the Meri with us." Kerra worried. Tao.

"Yes, yes, that's it." Nami immediately replied.

"About this, you probably don't need to worry anymore." Robin smiled mysteriously.

Just when Nami, Kerla and others were wondering.

In the next instant, there was a thumping crash on the deck."Master Shen Luolin, my master, please give me orders!

In the extremely shocking gazes of the little girls such as Weiwei, Ainilu, who had recovered from a serious injury, knelt down in front of Luo Lin.

Ainilu, who had always been invincible and considered himself invincible, looked at Luo Lin frantically at this time.

Just like the people of Sandia and Sky Island.

"Oh ≈ ≈"

For this result, Kerla and others suddenly opened their beautiful eyes in surprise.

Robin alone was not surprised.The week-long trip to the sky island came to an end.

The sky above Xiangdola, the golden township.

After bidding farewell to Sandia and the Skylanders, two spaceships, one large and one small, 039 floated into the sky one after another.

"Master Luo Lin!"

"My Lord God,-Lu Shunfeng"

"Master Luo Lin, please come back often!"

"Master God Luolin"

Sandia and the aboriginal people of Sky Island shouted goodbye.

"Ring the golden bell!" The old chief waved his hand.

039 When~'


039 Watch out

The melodious golden bells wafted in the sky for a long time, saying goodbye to their god 039.

"Old man, don't be so depressed. After all, Lord Luo Lin is not the same as before. He left quietly after leaving a letter. Before Lord Luo Lin's demolition plan starts, we must also be prepared. "Gan Fuer patted the old chief on the shoulder and smiled.

"Of course I know this." The old chief said.

"Hahaha" Ganfor laughed.

"Webber, Lord Luolin, even the unbelievable Anilu is a neat and obedient post. You really deserve to be a true god!" Mantis Kamachili said with a fanatical expression.The people of Sandia also knew the fact that Anilu had completely surrendered to Luo Lin's feet.

After a brief shock, the endless reverence for Luo Lin rose in his heart.

After all, even the Ainiro who claims to be a god is willing to surrender, this is the true god!"Ok"

"Master Luo Lin is a true God 039!"


The Sandia warriors on the side all echoed.

"Hey, Laqi, what's the matter with you? Why are you out of your mind?"

The little Sandia girl Aisha tugged at the corner of the beautiful warrior Laqi next to her in confusion."No, it's nothing." The beautiful Sandia warrior Raqi put away the loneliness on her face.

"What the hell am I thinking? That's 039 God 039, how can a mortal like me have the right to be around."

Laqi thought, and then shook her head with a wry smile.

In the sky, the Golden Meri and the Golden Ark's motto gradually drifted away, and finally disappeared among the white clouds and sunshine.

"Hey, the electric shock kid over there, you have to complete the task that Brother Luo Lin gave you. Don't think about running away. Your life card is in our hands."

On the Golden Meri, Nami holds the life card of Ainilu made by Luo Lin, Yan 4

9 Li warned.

Of course, what Nami is really worried about is the gold ark worth more than one trillion."That's right, that's right, Luo Lin brother said, there is a life stuck, even if you escape to the end of the world, you can catch it back for you." Weiwei also said.

'Tututu 039

The Ark Proverbs made a sudden noise, and under the control of Ainilu, it parted ways with the Golden Meri.

His task is to find the floating island group of Golden Lion Shiji in the vast sky.

Three days later.

The Golden Ark, which is a kilometer away from the ground, flew over an uninhabited island on the great route.

At the same time, on the isolated island, a tall and thin man sleeping leisurely on a beach chair took off his blindfold and looked at a black spot in the sky.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh, Mr. Karp really got the point, there really are spaceships in the sky."

The admiral of the navy headquarters spoke to himself lazily.

"Then just go and have a look!"

Chapter 137 Ainilu and the Green Pheasant!Thunder vs. Frozen!

Golden Autumn September, this year is an eventful autumn.

The sea, which has been calm for more than half a year, has repeatedly caused waves in recent months.

The top powerhouses in the world can't help but feel the same--

There seems to be an invisible force driving the general trend of the world.As the highest combat force of the navy headquarters, the green pheasant is naturally no exception.

The three current navy generals have distinct personalities.

Sakaski, the red dog who pursues absolute justice, sits in the g1 branch of the New World Navy and smashes to the end with the great pirates of the New World.

General Huang Yuan Polusalino, typical of Cao Yingxin in Han.

Staying in my office all day, clocking in to work, and not caring about all the major events on the sea, gives people a feeling of detachment.

So when I learned that Polusalino, who has always been the favorite to watch movies, and was unwilling to enter the game, unexpectedly took the initiative to ask for orders——

When he went to Alabastan to investigate the Qiwuhai Krokdal, the general Qing pheasant Kuzan, who knew his nature well, was also quite surprised.

An accident is an accident.

A rare holiday, the general Qing Pheasant Kuzan, who has always been lazy, certainly does not want to waste it.10 So I didn't go into it.

It was just the next series of events that made him no longer able to take a leisurely vacation.

The attack on the Hwaseong Fortress in Alabastan shocked the world.

Therefore, Green Pheasant Kuzan also learned that after Huang Yuan, even his admired hero Kapu and his younger generation Taotu have gone to Alabastan.

What is special about that desert country?It's worth visiting successively by generals and naval heroes!

Just when Qingjian Kuzan decided to follow Karp's footsteps, and walked by himself.

He received a secret contact from the Marshal Warring States, asking him to deal with a pirate massacre in Demon Valley Town and a task to find someone.

The so-called secret contact is naturally only known to him and the marshal, and there is no third person.

This is naturally an extremely abnormal thing.

After all, the Marshal of the Warring States had always been the first to discuss with the Chief Staff Officer, Lieutenant General Crane.

This time, she deliberately avoided Sister He.

What happened in it?

And the person that the Sengoku Marshal wanted to meet?Who will it be?

With all kinds of questions, the general Qing Pheasant went to Demon Valley Town. People didn't see a few, but learned another piece of news that he cared very much about from a group of little pirates.

Nicole Robin, the son of the devil, appeared!She is also at the center of this storm!

All kinds of inexplicable things are mixed together, making the head of the general green pheasant almost messed up.

The most lazy green pheasant on weekdays simply found an uninhabited island-and started to be lazy.

During the period, he contacted Karp once and wanted to get some advice from his mentor Karp.

As a result, Karp just laughed and asked him to sleep, pay more attention to the sky.

If you can meet a ship flying in the sky, all the puzzles will be solved."Sure enough, Mr. Karp is still as inconsistent as before! Whose boat flies in the sky when it is full?"

The general green pheasant on the uninhabited island smiled helplessly, opened the beach chair, put on the blindfold and started to sleep.however--

Less than half an hour.

The general green pheasant took off his blindfold and stood up, looking up at the sky.

Looking at some inconspicuous little black spot floating in the sky, the laziness on General Green Pheasant Kuzan's face gradually reduced.

"Yeahhhhhhhhh, Mr. Karp really got it right."

The general green pheasant let out a laugh, and leisurely stepped on the moon step to rise into the sky.

After a while, the general green pheasant came to an altitude of 700 meters.

The original black dots are clearly visible, floating quietly, seeming to be waiting for his arrival.

At the same time, the ship is no longer "Black Spot 039", and the whole body is golden.

Under the shining of the sun, the whole ship is blooming with immense light, dazzling, and the dazzling people can't open their eyes.

"A ship made of gold must be worth a lot of money. It's still a big family."

The general Qing could not ridicule, and without further delay, he leaped to a height of a thousand meters in three or two steps and stood on the bow of the golden ship.

"who are you?"

"who are you?"

With eyes facing each other, the general green pheasant Kuzan and Enillu on the deck of the Ark stared at each other and asked in unison.

As a result, the atmosphere on board suddenly became a little embarrassing and stalemate.

The general green pheasant Kuzan squinted his eyes and carefully looked at the young man with big ears in front of him.Clearly, Mr. Karp said that after encountering the spacecraft in the sky, all problems will be clear.

But no matter how he looked at it, he couldn’t see the big ear in front of him and what happened in the ocean recently-

What is the relationship between the series of events.The general green pheasant is observing Aini Road.

Similarly, Ainilu is also observing the general green pheasant.

Ever since Luo Lin's severe beating that day, Ainilu's second mentality, who believed that Laozi was invincible in the world, had converged.

Of course, it just converges a little.

"Mortal, God's spokesperson, Ainilu, has something to ask you, come and kneel." Ainilu appeared to be aloof, and suffered another second illness.


The general green pheasant on the bow of the Ark raised his eyebrows.

"Mortal? God? This kid really has a problem with his head." General Qing Pheasant thought to himself.As a navy admiral, if things that compete with fools spread out, the impact will be bad.

General Qing could hardly think, turned around and prepared to leave.

"The humble mortal, ignoring the order of being the spokesperson of God, accept God's sanctions. Regarding the ignorance of the general Qing pheasant, Ainilu was furious and suddenly shook his right hand.

039 Boom 039

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