Pirate: I was dug out by Robin

Pirate: I was dug out by Robin Chapter 107

If you can shoot and interview at close range, it will surely be the only big news.So these few days, Morgans has been sending people to look for the traces of Aini Road and the golden spacecraft.

He himself wandered around the sea all day.It happened to be here.

The distance of thousands of meters is fleeting.

Morgans' wings-spread, officially came to the sky over Judicial Island.

The next moment, his pair of bird eyes widened.

"What is going on for a long time!"

After seeing the razed Judicial Island and the unconscious guards everywhere on the ground, even figures like Morgans could not help but screamed in shock.

The trembling color on his bird's face seemed to freeze, and it couldn't be retreated.

"The Judicial Island that has not been breached for 800 years-has fallen."

Morgans murmured subconsciously.

"Haha~ Heart"


"This is simply the best big news!"

At this moment, Morgans was crazy.So, only half a day less time.

One of the world's three major government agencies, the island of justice has fallen, and this big news spread all over the sea.

Make the whole world shake!

The Holy Land Mary Gioia.

As the headquarters of the world government, the news of the fall of Judiciary Island first spread to Mary Joa and was known to the five old stars.The central basilica of Mary Gioia.

The atmosphere is almost frozen.

That was caused by the intertwining of the terrifying auras leaked by the five top powerhouses here because of their anger.

"That bastard!!!"

"It's getting better and better!!!" "Could he really think that we can't do anything with him?"

This time it is Judicial Island, next time it will be our Mary Joa!"

"It would be great if he dares to come, this time I must-shamelessly, kill him personally!

"Me too, if that bastard comes, I will never spare him!"

"The new hatred and the old hatred together will be understood!"

The old people who represent the highest power in the world are filled with indignation,'speaking of wild words'.


The old star, who had never spoken, finally couldn't help but speak up.

"If you are really confident that you can beat that undead bastard, go now? He should be still nearby, not far away."

As a result, the originally noisy hall suddenly became silent.

Several veterans of the former 039-mouth strong king 039 all turned their heads to prevent others from seeing their faces at the moment.

After all, they really just talked about it before, just having a mouthful.

If you really want to go alone—isn’t it a special offer to send 039 to 039?

"Since you don't want to go, then think about handling the aftermath now. First of all, this matter (Zhao Haozhao) must not be let outsiders know. After all, it is about the face of our world government, so we must block the news!

The most stable Old Star Road among the five.

"This point, my thoughts are the same, so I have already ordered it to go down, and Spandane has already taken care of it." The bald old star said in a deep voice.

"it is good"

Everyone nodded.

"Five old stars"

At this moment, the government intelligence officials shouted anxiously from outside the hall.

"what happened again?"

The five highest powers in the world are all unhappy.

At the same time, a ray of vitality leaked was that the not weak intelligence officer of Ling's knees weakened and fell to the ground.

As soon as he was out of the oven, the newspaper with his own pen and ink fell in front of Wu Lao Xing Song.

There are only five words in a page in the newspaper——

Division, law, island, sink, fall!!!

"What's going on!!!"

The five highest powers in the world all issued angry roars.

Chapter 144-The Warring States Is So Aching To Liver Frankie Weeping With Excitement

Marine Headquarters, Marine Fodor.

As one of the three major institutions of world government.

When the status of the loss of contact with Judiciary Island was confirmed, the navy headquarters immediately dispatched warships and went through the Gate of Justice to Judicial Island to check the situation.

As intelligence and photos from the front line of the Judicial Island continued to be returned, the entire navy headquarters was shaken by it.

Headquarters building, Marshal's office.

The terrifying dominance permeated the Quartet, it was the overlord color of the Marshal Warring States.

"This is another good thing that bastard did!"

The Warring States period said in a deep voice.

There is no rant like in the past.

But no matter it was, anyone could hear the anger behind the suppressed voice of Marshal Sengoku.

"It's Judicial Island, not Pirate Town! How did he do it? Has he forgotten his previous naval status?"

"Could it be that after waking up thirty-six years later, the justice in his heart is gone? Xiaohe, can you unconditionally support him like this?"

Warring States looked at Lieutenant General He with bloodshot eyes.

Under the aggressive gaze of the Marshal Sengoku, Lieutenant General Crane still just sorted out the files in his hands and on the go.

There is no urgency on the still young pretty face, and the wind is calm.

"Little Crane"

The tone of the Warring States could not help but increase a bit."Don't worry, Sengoku. Lieutenant General Crane put down the documents in his hands.

"If there is really no justice in his heart, then what you see today will not be these clean photos. The entire Sifa Island, 7,000 garrisoned navy, and no casualties, you should have seen it."

Lieutenant General Crane smiled.

Since the last time I completely figured it out and the showdown with the Warring States period, Lieutenant General Crane has made his life easier than before.

The majestic and pretty face that used to be unsmiling, from time to time is a little moving smile.This huge change shocked all the officers and men of the navy headquarters secretly.

At the same time, Lieutenant General Ling's popularity in the navy rose rapidly.

"What about this head on the flag of the world government? And the razed justice

"I remember that this person is the chief of government c9, Spandham, like his old Spandane, is a nasty scum." Lieutenant General Crane said.

"Even if it's like this, I have another with him"

"Of course it does matter. More than ten years ago, Tom

Lieutenant General Crane's voice suddenly increased.

The Warring States was silent.

"By the way, there are also the courts and trial houses on the main island of the Judicial Island. There is no need to keep these formal things. He must think so too.

"I am going to the Naval Academy to take charge of lectures. If you have any questions, please call me."

After Lieutenant General He said, he walked out with a light pace.

"Lieutenant General Crane, (baaf) is going to teach young people again."

Outside the door, Green-haired Brigadier General Branneu smiled and greeted Lieutenant General He.


Lieutenant General Crane nodded with a smile.

"It's really hard for you, but Sister He, your popularity in the navy has been getting higher and higher recently." Green-haired Brigadier General Brannew said.

Lieutenant General Crane still just smiled and nodded, and walked away.

"I have been depressed for so many years and have been under the hands of the world government for so many years. If I want to leave, I also want to bring you some strength as much as possible! I'm just a little sorry for the fellow in the Warring States period." miss you.

Watching Lieutenant General Crane leave, Green-haired Brigadier General Brannew exclaimed in his heart.

The next second seemed to be thinking of something, and he quickly entered the door anxiously to report something to the gloomy Marshal Senguo.

"What? How did the news leak out? The entire Judicial Island has not been blocked. How did Morgans know about it and even took so many photos?"

The Warring States roared again.

"The newspaper reported that the Marshal of the Warring States Period, probably that Morgans was faster than our reconnaissance unit. According to the witness report of the marines, they had seen a bird flying out of it before the warship arrived at Judicial Island.

Green-haired Brigadier General Brannew reported tremblingly.

"What did you say? Ahem"

"Marshal of Warring States, what's wrong with you? Military doctor

The report of the Fall of Judiciary Island 039, which was exclusively titled and published by the World Economic Daily News, spread quickly in just two or three hours.

The first to get news and newspapers is naturally the water capital, gourmet town and other islands closest to the Judicial Island.Seeft Station.'Gudong Gudong 039

039 hiccups

The elderly fish stationmaster Cocoro drank a whole bottle of wine in one breath, and then hiccuped a contented wine.

"Mr. Tom, did you see it in the sky? Your best friend, he really came back!"

Granny Coco had a tearful smile on her face.

To fall asleep deeply with wine and drunkenness.


Suddenly there was a wind blowing between the sky and the earth, blowing the news paper in Coco Luo's hand into the sky, as if to give it to the people in the sky.

Water capital.

Frankie disintegrates the house.


"Oh oh oh oh oh"

There were bursts of crying and heart-piercing crying from the house of Frankie's family.

"Big Brother"

"Big brother, what's wrong with you?"

Frankie's sisters, Hua Jiwei and Moz, spoke with worried expressions.

"Brother Frankie, what the hell is going on with you today? This news is really breaking news, but you"

"Yes, yeah, Brother Frankie, are you crying or laughing? Brother, you are really scary like this."

Frankie's younger brother Zanbai and others also looked anxious and worried.

"Oh oh oh oh, don't chat, I'm just so happy, let me cry for a while

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