Pirate: I was dug out by Robin

Pirate: I was dug out by Robin Chapter 110

When did such a terrifying monster appear on this sea?

The general green pheasant was full of shocking thoughts.

He wanted to turn around to see what happened.

But under the pressure of that force, it was impossible for a while.

How amazing is this?

After all, he is a general of the navy headquarters!

"Kuzan kid, I don't want to say the same thing a second time. If your chill makes the little girls catch a cold, I can't spare you."

Luo Lin spoke calmly.

Hearing this, the general green pheasant's heart suddenly froze.

While standing still in place, he dared not move at all, but he also unconsciously gave birth to a trace of suspicion.

Kuzan kid?

This title is really long gone!

"You arrive

Just when the general green pheasant asked what he wanted to ask.

The little girls who were previously blocked by the thick ice wall took the lead in exhaling happily.

"Teacher, you are back!" Kerla exclaimed happily, and the time of restlessness in her heart disappeared.

"Brother Luo Lin, you are finally back." Weiwei exhaled in relief.

"Brother Luo Lin, the admiral is going to bully Sister Robin. "Nami is the first to file a complaint.Little Lori, who got out of the icicle cage, hugged Luo Lin's thigh for the first time during Golden Week.

The petite body trembled slightly.Obviously a little scared.

"It's okay, don't be afraid, Marianne."

Luo Lin smiled and touched Little Lori's head, speaking comfortingly.

At this moment.

Listen to the voices of the little girls.

After listening to them calling the monster 039 behind them.

Navy Admiral Blue Pheasant Kuzan-fell into a completely sluggish state!

The dignity on his face turned into shock, then deepened into shock, and finally solidified.

The turbulent waves in his heart turned into huge waves, layered on top of each other, wave after wave slapped his frozen heart.


What a nostalgic name!I haven't heard it for thirty years!

The general green pheasant looked up at the sky.

Those long memories of the past in my mind continue to emerge like a fountain.

Forty-three years ago.

He is just a little beggar who lives by picking up tatters.Live a miserable life every day, with lasting but not ending.

Even wild dogs will come to grab his food.

That was simply the darkest time in his life.

And it was the gentleman who made him see the light in the dark!

Although later for various reasons, he eventually boarded another warship.

But Kuzan will never forget the hero who brought him to the light, the hero in his heart.

The name of that hero is-

039 call 039

The general green pheasant took a deep breath.

A few fine ice crystals fell from his face, and when they fell to the ground, they disappeared.

Admiral Cyan Pheasant Kuzan took the heaviest step in his life.

Finally, turned around.Four eyes face each other.

The person in front of him is still the same.

Even though thirty-six years have passed, it is still exactly the same as before.

This is of course.

After all, he is a man of miracles.

A rare smile appeared on the cold face of General Qing Pheasant Kuzan.

"Mr. Luo Lin, long time no see!!!"

The elegant manor is quiet.There is no bitter cold breath.

The water in the pool is also unfrozen.

After experiencing the frost, the flowers and plants on the ground still did not die, but became more and more uplifting.

The Navy Headquarters Green Pheasant Kuzan leisurely lay on the beach chair by the swimming pool, watching the 039 spacecraft that gradually disappeared into the sky.

There was a contented smile on his face.

It turned out that Karp told him that he would know everything if he found the spacecraft, which was not nonsense.

It turned out to be true.

Because he did know-cut.

Know the source of the series of events in the ocean during the recent period.

"Mr. Luo Lin, still the same as before, really handsome."

The general green pheasant whispered to himself leisurely.

"And Nicole

The green pheasant paused.

"Your luck is too good, even I can't help but envy you, but you can find such a great place to live in 720, it is really great, I will finally be able to relax a little bit later."

General Green Pheasant thought in his heart.Watching the spaceship 039 go away.

His restless heart also calmed down.

039 Blue Blue Blue 039

The ringing of the telephone bug awakens the green pheasant Kuzan from his leisure time.

After a while, the phone worm was connected, and the voice of Marshal Sengoku came from the other side."Hey, Kuzan, have you found that person?" Warring States asked casually.

"Ah, I already saw it." Green Pheasant Kuzan replied lazily.

"Just know it's okay?"

In the Warring States period, who subconsciously thought that the general green pheasant was lazy, the next second his voice suddenly increased by octave.

"You, you, Kuzan, you, did you see that guy?" Warring States said in shock.

"Ah, yes, I saw it." Green Pheasant Kuzan said.

"how is he?"

"It's exactly the same as before."

"It's exactly the same? Forget it, you give him the phone bug, I want to talk to him, and ask what is going on on Judicial Island?" The Warring States said angrily.

"This is really unfortunate."

"Huh?" The Marshal Senguo on the other side of the phone worm frowned."Just now, that person has already left." General Qing Pheasant said.

"Me! ¥"

The Warring States period went wild.

"Kuzan, you chase me right now, right away, right away!"

"Ah, ah, sorry, Mr. Warring States, I'm a little sleepy, I will definitely next time!"

'Toot toot'

Chapter 148: Giants, Counts, and Evil Ghosts Propelling the Sixth Floor of the City

-The endless clear sky.

The vigorous Golden Meri cruised through the sea of ​​clouds.

On the deck.

Nami, Vivi, and Little Lori Golden Wednesday were struggling with unstandard pace.

Following the instructions of coach Kerla, he shouted and punched.

This time the general green pheasant encountered the incident, and finally it was shocked because of Luo Lin's timely arrival.

But the little girls such as Weiwei and Nami also realized a very important point.In the past, because of Luo Lin watching by the side, they could play as much as they wanted, carefree, as long as they were happy.

But what if Luo Lin is the same as this time, leaving something?

How can they protect everyone with their meager strength now?

The two little girls, Weiwei and Nami together, decided to exercise and become stronger.

Of course, they also know the truth about eating one bite at a time.

So before learning from Luo Lin the six navy styles and advanced domineering.

They decided to learn murloc karate with Kerla first to lay a solid foundation.

This is what happened on the deck now.

Regarding the little girls' idea of ​​becoming stronger, whether it was a whim of three minutes or something else, Luo Lin would naturally not try to discourage their enthusiasm.

Lying leisurely on the second deck,-watching the little girls practice,-eating various ready-made fruits from Robin.

"Little Robin, you behaved well this time, as are the other little girls."

Luo Lin ate Robin's peeled mango and spoke compliments.

Robin's hand movement paused, and the corners of his mouth curled up in a nice arc.

"It turns out that you have already arrived, uncle. We were really scared back then.

Robin pretended to be bitter.

"I know the temper of that kid Kuzan best, since he chose to let you go 20 years ago, he won't catch you back again." Luo Lin said.

"It turns out it's such a thing." Robin was surprised secretly.

"Are you still afraid of him now?" Robin asked.Robin was taken aback, and then shook his head decisively."I'm really not afraid this time." Robin said.


Luo Lin nodded casually.

"Uncle, where are we going next?" Robin asked.

"Next, of course, go directly to the Chambord place. The boy Anilu can't trust him. I have to come by myself at Shiji. Someone should be able to find out his whereabouts at the Chambord place."Luo Lin said.

at the same time.

The gourmet town Puke.

After all, Admiral Qing Pheasant Kuzan still failed to survive the phone bug bombing of the Marshal Sengoku.In the end, he reluctantly gave up his leisure time and rode his bicycle to the Judicial Island to preside over the overall situation.

Half a day later, the green pheasant came to Judicial Island.

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