Pirate: I was dug out by Robin

Pirate: I was dug out by Robin Chapter 116

"Hehehehe, go violently and go violently. That's good, you all will die today."

Moria laughed wildly, and his own spirit collapsed under the weight of a thousand shadow spirits.

"Tutor, that Moriah is crazy!" Kerla stared at her beautiful eyes."He has been defeated by his own abilities, and his sanity is no longer clear." Robin also frowned and worried.

"Brother Luo Lin, let's go, don't worry about him, let him go crazy." Nami suggested, who was struggling to carry a large bag of treasure.

"Do not worry."

Luo Linwu took a few steps forward.

"To deal with this pseudo-four emperor's power, one punch-enough!!!"

Luo Lin spoke calmly and confidently, stepping up into the sky step by step.

Robin, Kerla, Nami, and Vivi, who were so detached and peerless, were all stunned by the time.

Perona in the sky was also stunned.

"Who is he? Is he crazy? He wants to fight against Moria-sama in this state, 100% crazy!!!"

Princess Mononoke Perona exclaimed.

"Perona, who did you see?" Hobackak asked loudly.However, his voice was submerged in a violent storm.

Completely unconscious, Moria's brutal gaze, who was transformed into a destroying machine, was locked on Luo Lin step by step.

With a big hand raised, a violent storm was brought up.

The wind is so strong that even hundreds of catties of rocks are flying high in the sky.

"Even your own devil fruit ability has not been thoroughly studied, and cannot be fully controlled. You only know that by relying on external forces, you really deserve the name of the weakest Qiwuhai, Moria."

Luo Lin sneered slightly.


Moria's swollen hand clenched a fist and slammed it down at Luo Lin.

In front of that huge fist that was the size of a house, Luo Lin's two-meter body was so insignificant.

However, no matter how violent the storm brought by the fist, it was still unable to shake Luo Lin's figure.

"The collision of strength and strength, this is my best way of fighting."

Luo Lin grinned.

He slowly clenched his right hand into a fist and drew a small arc along the void.

A tyrannosaurus phantom with extreme ferocity wrapped around Luo Lin's fist, and let out a roar from ancient times.

039 Ang Roar

Accompanied by the roar of the Tyrannosaurus from ancient times.A bright meteor appeared between the sky and the earth.

Break the atmosphere!Distort space

That is Luo Lin's fist!

Boom 039

The world turned into Luo Lin's power at this moment.

The terrifying fist was like a landslide, with an unparalleled impact and touched with Moria's huge punch.

The extremely bright impact light shone from between the fists.

039 Crazy Crackling 039

The overwhelmed tearing sound of bones and muscles started from that huge fist and quickly spread to Moriah's body.


Moria's eyes burst out, and her huge swelled body shook violently.

His scarlet eyes gradually turned white.

One after another black shadows kept overflowing from his mouth.

next moment.

Like a flash flood, like a dam bursting its embankment.

Those thousands of shadows that were summoned by him as a shadow gathering not long ago, forcibly stuffed into his body——

At this moment, a rush of brains rushed out, escaping in all directions and returning to their positions.

Without the support of shadow power, Moriah's body returned to its original size like a frustrated ball.

The consciousness had long since disappeared under Luo Lin's punch, his body was dripping with blood, and he was completely in a coma.

One punch is enough!

Chapter 155 The Shock of Xia Qi Arriving in Chambord

039 Boom 039

The clash of fists and fists raged after waves.The power to destroy the sky and the earth is still there.

The huge island ship 039 terror roar 039 is crumbling, as if it will disintegrate under the shock wave at any time.The power ripples visible to the naked eye spread along the void, causing the sea to roll up thousands of waves.

This is the collision of the world's top power levels.

Unleashing the ultimate ability of the Superman Shadow Shadow Fruit, Moria, who was blessed by the shadow of a thousand-person powerhouse, is already at the level of the Four Emperors in terms of sheer power.

One hit can split the island.

However, that's all in the end.

Relying on the power of foreign objects to forcibly improve oneself is ultimately just a crooked way.

The gap with the real Four Emperors is still huge.Just as Rollin said to Robin and others.

One punch is enough to deal with the pseudo-four emperors like Moria.


That was Qiwuhai Moonlight Moriah wailing in pain.

His right arm, his body, all of him were defeated in the previous collision.

The black shadow escaped when his big mouth opened.

At first it was just three or two.

Soon it was a dozen or twenty.

After that, it was already in groups.

The shadows of thousands of big and small pirate powerhouses who had been sucked into his body by his shadow and shadow ability were free at this moment, rushing to all directions, wanting to return to their own body.

Without the support of the shadow, Moria's huge body comparable to a castle was like a frustrated ball, and the speed of light shrank.

Falling into the ruins of the castle like a dead dog-motionless.

"It's over, no suspense.

Robin spoke calmly, not surprised by the result.

"Sure enough, the mentor is the strongest!" Kerla said with joy.


Nami, Vivi, and Little Lolita Gold all nodded in joy on Wednesday.

"Take the treasure and go."

Luo Lindao, consciously or unconsciously glanced at the "ghost" in a certain direction, showing a kind smile.

"Pack everything and take it away! Don't leave it too!"

"Let's go"

In the dim sky.

The Golden Meri, full of gold, drifted away.

In the end, it was completely hidden in the thick white fog and disappeared.

It wasn't until Luo Lin and his entourage watched Luo Lin go away that Princess Mononoke Perona's delicate hand covering her small mouth was finally put down.

However, the look of astonishment on his face could not be suppressed or concealed.

Lord Moria is defeated!

The powerful Moria-sama was defeated!

This makes no sense!

How could this happen!

Moria-sama is dignified Qiwuhai!


However, he was beaten by that man!

Where is that sacred?

That man

Perona's mind showed the appearance of Luo Lin, thinking of the one who looked at herself before leaving the last-

Eyes, so the panic on her pretty face suddenly worsened.


On the ground, the genius surgeon Hokkubak gasped for breath.

"Hey, Perona, what's going on? Master Moria won, right?-Master Moria must have won, right?"

Hogback asked repeatedly.

Although I firmly believe that Moriah will win.But he was very clear in his heart.

Their captain lost in this stunning battle!

Even if he became the ultimate destruction king, he still lost completely.

He just didn't want to believe--

Even less willing to accept this shocking fact.

"Master Moria"

Under Hokkubak's repeated questioning, Perona finally walked out of Luo Lin's last shadow temporarily.

With a scream, he hurriedly drifted towards the place where Moria was unconscious.

"Wait for me, Perona.

Hokkubak quickly followed.

"Master Moria, Master Moria, wake up soon, Master Moria, are you going to die?"

Adopted by Moria since childhood, Perona, who regarded her as a father-like figure, immediately burst into tears anxiously.

"Calm down, Perona, Moria-sama is still alive, but if you continue to shake like this, you may really be shaken to death." Hobackak reprimanded severely.


Perona immediately retracted her hand like a frightened kitty.

"Perona, I will be enough for Moria's treatment. You will find a boat right now, and we will leave here immediately." Hokkubak said.

"Ah? Why?" Perona was puzzled.

"The shadows have gone back, Master Moria is like this now? Do you think the two of us alone can defeat the shadowless people on the island?" Hokkubak said.

at the same time.

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