Pirate: I was dug out by Robin

Pirate: I was dug out by Robin Chapter 118

"It's really you bastard!!!"

"You bastard who suffered a thousand swords, you really are not dead!!!"

"That won't kill you, you really are-an out-and-out undead monster!!!"

When the identity of the person outside the door is completely determined.

After confirming that it was the'jerk 039' who made her gritted her teeth decades ago and sleeps restlessly every night-Xia Qi, the calm and steady rip-off boss wife, can no longer maintain her former peace of mind at this moment, she couldn't help but marvel at it three times sound.

The face, which was more than half a hundred years old, but without a trace of wrinkles, was wrinkled at the moment.

The white teeth crunched even more.

"There is a situation!"

The little girls headed by Robin suddenly widened their eyes,-one by one, sitting on the sofa awkwardly.

Prepare to hear the story between Luo Lin and this mysterious intelligence expert.

"Hey hey, Xia Qi, it doesn't need to be like this."

Luo Lin smiled and waved his hands.

10 "Although we did have a lot of festivals in the past, they are all things in the past. Besides, when you count them down, I didn't seem to have done anything excessive to you back then. "After you got rid of that lunatic, Or I will help you settle the chase, and even your wanted order was withdrawn by me.

"It's also fortunate that you quit early, or you might die in that battle."

Luo Lin smiled and said.

"Asshole, even if you are a lunatic, that is my captain, and in my opinion, you are not much less crazy than the captain." Xia Qi gritted her teeth.

At this moment, the memory of the past was like a tide,-waves emerged one after another, flapping her mind.

When she was young, Xia Qi was once the best intelligence expert in the new world.

When he was a teenager, he was fancyed by the sea lord Lockes and became the Rocks Pirates-


Within a few years, Xia Qi became the secret zeroth legion of the Rocks Pirates——

Chief of Intelligence Corps.

He has a huge intelligence network covering half of the new world, and the underground dark world that controls half of the new world.

She was once the underground blood rose that made countless dark forces frightened.

If there were no subsequent series of things, Xia Qi would definitely become one of the legends of that era.

Together with the overlord of the sea, Locks is terrified of the world.

Unfortunately, a bug appeared on the ocean of that era.

When Luo Lin entered the Rocks Pirates alone for the first time, he met Xia Qi, who was still a young girl, on Beehive Island.

As a traverser, Luo Lin recognized Xia Qi's identity at first sight.

Later, after becoming a navy, Luo Lin was able to get in touch with more information about the Rocks Pirates.

Knowing that the overlord of the sea, Rocks, in addition to the nine powerful monster legion chiefs on the surface, also imitated the world government to hide the No. 0 Legion.

It is not responsible for fighting.

It is the commander of the zeroth army who controls world intelligence.

After learning this news, the first thing Luo Lin thought of was Xia Qi.

So there was the series of events that followed.

In addition to daily chasing Roger and the Locke group in the New World, Luo Lin and Karp also carried out a series of attacks on the underground intelligence army controlled by Xia Qi.Xia Qi, who was young and young at the time, was also seriously frustrated because of the two of them.

In his heart, a huge shadow was born under Luo Lin's death behavior.Later, Xia Qi, who was forced into desperation, made a bet with Luo Lin.

She lost!

So I withdrew from the Rocks Pirates.

Since then disappeared.

Finally, I came to Shampoo and opened this rip-off bar.

"Ha ha"

Looking back on the memories of the past, those unwillingness and anger have long since faded away under the washing of time.

Now if you say what is left?I'm afraid there is nothing left to remember.

Because from a certain point of view, although Luo Lin brought her many unpleasant experiences, she did indirectly save her life.

After a long while, Xia Qi finally calmed down and saw Luo Lin's shock again.

Xia Qi took a deep breath.He pressed down the gritted expression on his face.

"Hey, old bastard, can you tell me what's going on? Even though I checked a little bit, I still want to hear what you say."

Xia Qi personally prepared a glass of ice rum and sent it to Luo Lin.

"Haha, it's no big deal."

Luo Lin smiled and waved his hand casually.

Xia Qi: It's light.

If it is really no big deal, how can the world government spare no effort to block all news.

Even the name of this old bastard completely disappeared from the world in just a few months.

Xia Qi secretly thought

"The world government can bury even one hundred years of history. It is even more a mere mere one person."

Luo Lin spread his hands and said indifferently.Hearing this, Xia Qi couldn't help being frightened again.

After decades of absence, she almost forgot Luo Lin's mind-reading ability.In front of this bastard, there is really no secret at all.

Xia Qi secretly gritted her teeth and thought.


Xia Qi took a deep breath again and suppressed the dissatisfaction with Luo Lin's unauthorized mind reading.

A pair of beautiful eyes looked up and down Luo Lin carefully.

"Old bastard, let's not mention the things before 373. I really want to know how you maintain your current youthful posture. You are already seven and eighty years old. Relying on this stinky skin to cheat the little girl is still a good one. ."

While Xia Qi was talking, she glanced at Robin and others on the sofa behind her.

"Tsk tusk tusk, you old guys don't have a good thing, you know little girls all day long."

Speaking of this, Xia Qi didn't know who had thought of it, and her tone was a little bit grudge.


Luo Lin nodded in sympathy.

"That old man in your family is indeed a bit outrageous."


Xia Qi nodded subconsciously, then froze again.

Even an old fried dough stick like Xia Qi could not help but blush at the moment.

"I warn you, you are not allowed to use your knowledge, and I and that guy are not what you think, and don't ask me where that guy is, I don't know."

Xia Qi glared at Luo Lin, repeatedly scolding her.

"Okay, okay, don't talk about him or talk about him.

Seeing Xia Qi's excitement, Luo Lin didn't intend to continue pricking Che's old opponent.

"Actually, I came here this time to buy some information from you."

Chapter 158 The reason why cranes are not old!Raleigh's hat?

"Actually, I came here this time to buy some information from you. I used to return, so business is always going to be done."

Luo Lin asked with a smile.

"You also need to buy information from me?"

Xia Qi's eyes narrowed slightly.

"Didn't you say that you are omniscient and omnipotent?"

Xia Qi picked her chin.

"Just talk about it, you take it seriously."

"But why I really thought you knew a lot before, even about things that never happened in the future, such as the battle."

"Just say you can't do this business."

Luo Lin asked, not wanting to talk too much with this old fox on this issue.

"Yes, of course! It's rare that the bastard back then wants to do business with me, this time I must strike you hard, I'm afraid you can't pay." Xia Qi said fiercely.

"Um, sister, we are rich now, so don't worry about remuneration at all.

Vivi raised her hand straight to speak, and Nami's expression on the side suddenly changed.

Then he quickly raised his delicate hand and covered Weiwei's small mouth.

"Weiwei, don't talk about it. This is a rip-off bar. The sister over there is very good at rip-off, so we have to pretend to be poor."

Nami who was the most savvy reminded in a low voice.


Vivi suddenly widened her eyes.

"Sister, don't talk nonsense about my little sister, we don't have much money, we are very poor." Nami looked at Xia Qi.


Xia Qi held her cheek with one hand, and was also amused by the actions of the two little girls, Nami and Vivi, and the two sisters.

"The little orange-haired girl over there, it's not good to lie, didn't you just get hundreds of billions from Donghai?"

Xia Qi smiled and teased.

Since seeing Luo Lin appear again, Xia Qi's doubts about the sea in recent times have all been resolved.

The abnormal behavior of Krokdal in Qibukai, a series of incidents in the East China Sea; the Hwaseong Fortress in Alabastan and the subsequent attacks, the time of the massacre in Demon Valley, and the erasure of the island

And the fall of Judicial Island not long ago!!!

The culprit behind all of this was revealed with Luo Lin's appearance."Ah, sister, do you already know?" Nami's pretty face suddenly appeared cramped.

"Little Nami, this elder sister is an intelligence expert who is highly respected even by the uncle, so naturally we can know our identity a long time ago." Robin said with a smile.

"Hehe, you little girls, your mouths are sweeter than one by one,-one by one can say 1"."

Xia Qi was also greatly appreciated by Robin's exaggeration, and the smile on her face increased.

"But business belongs to business.

In the next second, Xia Qi's conversation turned.

"You can want information, but I don't accept a golden reward. Since it's you, I want something special."

Xia Qi smiled and stared at Luo Lin.

"Something special?"

"What is it?"

Nami and others are puzzled.

Robin pursed his lips, apparently already guessing something.

"What do you want to say." Luo Lin nodded calmly.

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