Pirate: I was dug out by Robin

Pirate: I was dug out by Robin Chapter 125

Luffield stood up suddenly, his face trembling like water waves, representing his extreme rage.

Seeing the look of Lufield who was proud of the previous stinky fart, the other dark predators all smiled.

Don't suffer from lack and unevenness.

If you lose yourself, others will lose more.

In this way, their hearts can also be slightly balanced.

"Hahaha, look at this stupid pig Lufield!"

"My mood suddenly improved!"

"Hey, did I say that you forgot someone, Umit that guy? Why didn't they go online?" "I'm going to remind you!

After a while.

The video call worm of the sea king Umit is connected.

What was reflected on the pitch-black screen was the face of Umit, the king of the sea, as pale as a ghost.

"Are you Umit?"

"Hey, hey, Umit, what is your look? It's very unique!"

"You are too embarrassing to look like this!"

"It's just a loss of part of the industry. Is it worth it? Isn't there no loss on our side?"

"Are you the king of the underground world like this? It's really embarrassing!"-All the predators of the dark world opened their mouths one after another, shook their heads with hatred of iron and steel.

Even Lufield, who was in a rage, felt a little better after seeing Umit who was embarrassed.

"Reaper! The other party is a Reaper! All of you including me are going to die! Ah!"

The sea king Umit screamed in horror like a demon.

The image is interrupted!

Chapter 166 The Despair and Shock of Da Siqi

039 Rumble Rumble 039

There was a loud noise like thunder.

Another dark power transit base island has reached its end and will soon disappear from the map.The whole island faces the highest point of the collapsed island in the sea, and a tall figure stands.

Naturally, Luo Lin left the shampoo to act alone.

In three days, Luo Lin was tossing about by himself, his footprints almost all over the first half of the great route.

It's not just limited to the dark power bases near the Chambord area.

Luo Lin's goal is the entire paradise.And he did it.

The hostile forces in the underground dark world, the decades-old industry in Paradise, were completely destroyed in just three days.

After the East China Sea, a second huge gap appeared in the map of the dark forces.

It will take at least + years to recover this gap.

For the predators in the dark world, the loss is naturally huge, more than ten times greater than that in the East China Sea.

Naturally, their anger was ten times that of Donghai.

Of course, if they knew.

It’s not an organization that does all of this, but just one person’s "sixty six zero" words——

Their performance will definitely not be much better than that of Ocean King Umit.

Chaoyang rises.

The first ray of sunlight in the morning shone on Luo Lin's body, dyeing him with a subtle halo.

He is like a banished immortal in the dust.

039 Blue Blue Blue 039

The phone bug rang.

'Ga clip 039



Huangquan swordsman Brooke's iconic laughter came from the other side.

"Mr. Rollin, Kurokas and I are already on the way to the South China Sea." Brooke reported.

"Well, trouble you." Luo Lin said.

"No trouble, no trouble, I haven't exercised my muscles well for more than ten years, this time is the opportunity, Yohouhouhouhou." Brooke laughed.

"Hey, Luo Lin, tell me what the hell is going on? These sea kings! What method did you use to tame them."

From the other end of the phone worm came a cry of surprise from Kurokas.

Even through the phone worm, he could hear the shock and disbelief on his face.

"Frankly explain, you and the mermaid

Kurokas hadn't finished asking, the next moment, a louder voice sounded abruptly.

"Your Excellency Luo Lin, is that you?"

That was the voice of the blue ghost Dongli.

"Your Excellency Luo Lin, thank you very much!"

This is the voice of the red ghost Broki.

"Cassie, Oimo"

"You two boys will come out soon, thank you Lord Luo Lin!"

"Yes, boss!

In the Judicial Island incident, the two giants rescued by Rollin, Cassie and Oimo, responded in unison.

Luo Linxian"

The decibels from giants yelling with all their strength, even phone bugs can't stand it.

In the end, even the outgoing voice is automatically 039 mosaic 039 words.

Luo Lin smiled helplessly and hung up decisively.

The South China Sea.

Luo Lin's training plan has been basically completed.

Even Sabo and others performed better than Luo Lin imagined for a long time.

Of course, Luo Lin also knew that after Doflamingo and other new world forces fully intervened.

It is absolutely impossible for the people that Sabo and them to take to gnaw the bone of the South China Sea.

That's why Luo Lin arranged for Brook and the giants to go.

In addition, when Luo Lin returns to Chambord, Aini Road will also rush to the South China Sea to establish the overall situation.

With the assistance of these powerful combat forces, it is naturally only a matter of time before the South China Sea is calmed down.

"Then, I also hurry up and make a quick decision."

Luo Lin got up and looked in the direction of the final destination island.


Thousands of miles in a flash.

Luo Lin's figure suddenly disappeared from the island base that was about to be silent.

What appeared instead was a human-shaped cloud.

Great Route Qianfan Island-

Such as the Pirate Town Magic Valley where Luo Lin once visited.

This Thousand Sail Island is a larger and more famous Pirate City.In addition, the magnetic field and geographical location of this large island are also extremely special.

As we all know, there are a total of seven routes from Twin Point to Chambord, the end of the park.

These lines should have been disconnected.

This island alone broke this law.

Qianfan, a large island, is the intersection of three of these lines.

Because of this peculiarity, the number of pirate visits on this island each year is three times that of other islands.

It also created this Pirate City that was more than + times larger than the Demon Valley Town.

In addition, in addition to a large number of pirates, many dark forces in the underground world have also established their own bases here.

Used for various illegal transactions with pirates.

All kinds of rare race slaves, good knives and even big knives, and even rare devil fruits, as long as they have enough gold treasures, can be obtained from here.

Of course, above this sea, strength is fundamental.

The strength is enough, even if there is no golden treasure, you can get many things here.It's just that if you have to do it because you are not strong enough, you can only become the meat of others' cutting boards.

This is the absolute law among pirates.

It is also being staged at this time.

It's just a fight between rival pirates than in the past.

Now this pirate island has become a battlefield for large-scale conflicts between pirates and the navy.

This can already be regarded as a war!

"White Blast"

A loud shout suddenly sounded on the chaotic street battlefield.

The next moment, a piece of white smoke suddenly rushed from the body of the white hunter Smogg.

Swept the entire street.

"what is this?"

"It's just smoke, it doesn't hurt or itchy at all, it's no big deal!"

"Navy, go to hell."

The pirates on the street showed a fierce look, brandishing their swords and were about to kill Smogg. However, in the next moment, something shocking happened to the pirates.

The originally tangible and intangible smoke suddenly changed with Smogg's right hand.Like the hardest steel, it tightly bound their bodies, making them unable to move at all.

"Pirates, get enlightened."

The white hunter Smogg looked cold, and his eyes fell on the long-hand clan pirate who was also restrained by his ability.

Compared to the average person, that is his target opponent this time.

The supernova Pirate with a reward of over 100 million, Haiming Skulachman Apple.

"Ah bab bab bab, White Hunter Smogg, he's really a natural one, it's really difficult."

Haiming Skulachman Apple laughed out loud.

In the next moment, his right hand suddenly deformed and turned into a special instrument, which he played.

The invisible sound wave spread with the air, and the smoke that bound the group was quietly disintegrated and destroyed.

"Ah bab bab bab, young ones, retreat." Apu ordered with a laugh."Yes! Sir!" The members of the broadcast pirate group responded in unison.

"Asshole Haiming, don't try to escape."

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