Pirate: I was dug out by Robin

Pirate: I was dug out by Robin Chapter 128

The marines headed by Private Feinbudi suddenly shouted with admiration.

Compared to other battlefields.

The atmosphere here is much better.

"You fools, don't hurry up and clean the battlefield.

Colonel Tina shouted.


Even if they were scolded, all the marines were still happy and even more excited.

"Tina is disappointed." Tina shook her head.

"Miss Tina, be careful."

At this moment, Fendi found the Voldemort Pirate in the grass, and suddenly shouted in horror.

"fall back"

However, at this moment,-Dao quickly could only see the shadows flashing past.

Going over Tina, slapped a palm on the chest of the sneak attacker.

Then, something strange happened.

Under the wide-eyed gaze of the marines, the body of the pirate who was about 20 years old shrank at a speed visible to the naked eye.

It didn't take a moment for him to become a child of about ten years old.

The clothes on his body were drooping.

'Swish 039

Two 823 iron bars flew out, trapping the pirate who had become a child.

"Ayin, are you okay with Teacher Zefa when you come to me?" Tina asked.

"no problem.

The girl named Ain nodded affirmatively, with a beautiful navy blue head and long wavy hair.

"It's true that I have been thinking too much. After all, it is Teacher Zefa, and that bastard Drake is still far away." Tina nodded.

"I have some small shrimps on my side, which has been basically resolved. I don't know what happened to Smogg? Still"

Tina frowned slightly, and a slight worry appeared on her face.

039 Boom boom boom 039

At this moment, there was a series of violent roars on the coast not far from the dense forest.

The smoke and dust that exploded was still clearly visible even after thousands of meters.

Tina and Ai Yin looked at each other.

"Fools, I'll leave it to you next."

Tina spoke without looking back.

After saying that, he used six shaves with Ain and rushed in the direction of the explosion.

In no time.

Tina and Ain arrived at the coastal battlefield.

"Hair Feather Threshold"

Two rows of steel black sills stood out abruptly.

Block the sharp knives that slashed at Navy Colonel Bailey Goode and Shun.

But Tina's black threshold, which is comparable to the hardness of steel, was also cut open by those two scimitars

039 Bang Bang 039

Two gunshots.

The large-caliber pistol Gebruchott in Ain's hands continued to vomit.The powerful bullet blasted towards the blonde mask pirate on the coast.

039 Ding Ding

Two soft sounds.

The two scimitars in the hands of the blond mask pirate prepared to cut Ain's bullets.

The specially made bullet shattered and exploded two bursts of fire behind him.

"So strong"

The hearts of Tina and Ain sank subconsciously.

The pirate in front of him had a completely different level from the one they had encountered before.

"Tina, Ain, this person is a monster, don't run away with him, go and inform the lieutenant generals, all members of this pirate group are monsters."

Berry Goode, a peas capable person with a round head like a bowling ball, exclaimed in horror."Kidd Pirates, he is the killing warrior of the Kidd Pirates, and the killing warrior Kira who offers a reward of over 100 million."

Xiun, the rusty fruit ability who is also a navy colonel, also shouted.

As a rusty fruit capable person, he should have been the nemesis of the swordsman.

But the opponent's speed is too fast.

He hadn't seen or heard the domineering, he couldn't even capture the other party's existence.

On the coastal battlefield, the encounter with the Kidd Pirates, the opponent's use of just one killing warrior, Kira, almost wiped them out.

"A monster offering a reward of over 100 million, kills the warrior Kira.

Ain stared at the opposite side solemnly.

"Especially Major General Mulla and Brigadier General Kibin?"

Tina stepped on the moon step and led Bailey Goode back.

"Major Generals

Xiun and Bafid looked to the other side.

039 Boom 039

The next moment, in a loud noise, two navies wearing justice police flew upside down from the sky.

"Colonel Tina, take Belle Goode and the others. This is not an opponent you can handle."

The Afro Major General, especially Mulla, who was holding a double knife, rolled to the ground, and said anxiously.

"Hahahaha, are you going to escape now? Navy."

The man with the red hedgehog head stepped out of the smoke first.

"Are you also a navy? It's useless to think of running away when you encounter our pirates.

The captain of the Kidd Pirate Regiment, Eustad Kidd relentlessly laughed and mocked.

Behind him, the main force of the Kidd Pirates, Hit, Vaye and others also grinned.

"Asshole, it's just a pirate, don't be too smug!"

The Commodore Kibbing with a golden ponytail was furious.

"If you don't want to escape, then go to death."

Kidd laughed and suddenly raised his right hand.

The superhuman magnetic fruit ability is activated.

039 Keng Keng Keng 039

Accompanied by the sound of successive films.

Countless swords, guns and other iron weapons gathered toward Kidd's right arm, forming a huge mechanical giant arm, releasing the strongest sense of power.

"Iron Steel"

Commodore Kibin sank sharply.

Do not hesitate to deploy your strongest iron defense."Quick flash, don't insist on this trick, idiot."

The major general, especially Mulla, was suddenly anxious, his eyelids jumping wildly.

Want to help, but it is too late.

Kidd's giant mechanical arm suddenly swung out, and the air was so powerful that there was a burst of noise.

'Boom 039

There was a loud noise.

Brigadier General Kibin's strongest iron trick failed for even a second under Kidd's mechanical giant arm, and he was instantly beaten hundreds of meters.

In the end, he crashed heavily on the reef of the coast, without consciousness.

"How come the iron is useless at all? Is that 300 million strength?"

Colonel Berry Goode's eyes widened in shock, his face full of disbelief.

"Brigadier General Kibbin's iron block is praised by Lieutenant General Karp. It didn't even hold it for a second. Captain Yustaskid, what kind of power is that.

Even Tina and Ain were shocked at this moment.

"You believe what Kapu said, Miss Tina, you are still too naive."

Just when Tina was shocked, a careless voice rang in her ears without warning, and Tina's expression changed drastically.

"who are you?"

Ain, with long aquatic blue hair, raised the large-caliber pistol in his hand.

"It turned out to be you!!!"

When the face of the person speaking clearly was seen, the shock on Tina's face was replaced by shock.

Chapter 170 The Tragedy Caused by Karp-Sentence

"Do you believe what the unreliable guy said? Still naive."

A careless voice sounded from behind Tina and the others without warning.

Ling's still in shock, Tina and Ain's complexion instantly changed, and they suddenly turned back.039 Click 039

While Ain on the other side turned and backed away, the large-caliber pistol Gebruchott was loaded and aimed at Rollin's forehead.

"who are you?"

"It turned out to be you!!!"

Tina and Ain both spoke in unison.

But the tone is quite different.One asked threateningly.

The other words were extremely shocking.

Ain's beautiful eyes widened, and he glanced suspiciously at Tina next to him.

"Tina, do you know him?" Ain asked.Tina didn't hear about Ain's inquiry.At this moment, her whole person is messy.

More than two months later, after seeing Luo Lin again, she once again felt the kind and kind 039 look from Luo Lin.It's the same as last time, it's breathtaking.Tina's pink fist clenched and loosened.

Su Xiong made waves and fluctuated as she took deep breaths again and again.

Seeing Tina who suddenly became emotional, Ain's face was suddenly full of doubts.

However, the large-caliber pistol that was raised was not put down and was still on alert.

"I have already said that we should eliminate the six types of iron. It is easy to make people blindly confident. So far, how many navies have died of iron!"

Luo Lin didn't care at all about Tina's shock and Ain's warning, and shook his head self-consciously.

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