Pirate: I was dug out by Robin

Pirate: I was dug out by Robin Chapter 134

Zefa just nodded calmly to the greetings of the young navy.

Sharp eyes swept across the dilapidated coastal battlefield.

Waves gradually emerged in Zefa's calm eyes.

After all, this battlefield resembling a post-war battlefield is really dilapidated and somewhat exaggerated.

Especially the huge ravine that divides the coast into two.

The person who shoots must be a great swordsman.

The number of times the Navy can achieve this level is definitely not more than one hand.

There are even only two or three people.


In the next second, Zefa's eyes fell on the six neatly arranged not far away.

The pupils of the eyes under the sunglasses could not help but shrink again.

Captain Yustaskid and a group of monster pirates offering a reward of nearly 300 million.

For him, a former admiral, it was nothing.

But for the young marines such as Tina and Ain present, they were real monster enemies.

However, the final result was far beyond Zefa's imagination.

Kidd, who offered a bounty of nearly 300 million, was defeated!

On the other hand, Tina and Ain didn't even see any injuries on their bodies.

"Jingran even got the bastard Kidd, Ain, Tina, and the kids, you did a great job this time."

Even Zefa, who has always been stern, can't help but praise Ain, Tina and others with affirmation at this moment.

"No, Teacher Zefa!"

Tina took a step earlier.

"Teacher Zefa, the Kidd guy here was not our defeat." Ain said.

"It's not you, then

Before Zefa's words were finished, he stopped abruptly, and his voice lowered accordingly.

Following the sight of Bailey Goode, Xiun and others, Zefa finally saw it.A strange face was mixed in among the crowd of students I knew.

A'Stranger!' that was previously blocked by a large swath of smoke rising from Smogg's body, so that even he could not find the first time.

No, no, no!!!

Zefa suddenly shook his head, and violently pulled off the black sunglasses with his left hand, revealing his big, round eyes.


It should be familiar!

That face.

The figure among his students.

Even after decades, there is still no change.

That guy--

How could he be strange!How could I not recognize it!

After all, those are the brothers and younger brothers he once lived and died together!!!"You, you, you really are

At this moment.

The navy chief instructor who has always been the most majestic instructor, Zefa, who is known as the black fist, stammered in rare cases.

Even a complete sentence cannot be said.

His old but still strong body couldn't help shaking.

"Teacher Zefa, what's wrong with you?"

Upon seeing this, Ain suddenly appeared anxious, thinking that Zefa's disease had relapsed.

Just as Ain took a step and was ready to step forward.


The Taoist figure flashed out without warning.

She stepped out first.

That was the man who crushed the'heaven and earth' with one foot earlier!"Yeah, Zefa, it's been a long time since I saw you."

Luo Lin spoke, with a bright smile on his face as always.

So, listening to Luo Lin's familiar greeting.

The disciples of Zefa, such as Smog, Ain, etc., were all confused. The same unconsciously appeared in their minds-a doubt.

Could it be said that this young, excessive monster knew their teacher Zefa?

Could it be that this person is just like them, he is a disciple of Zefa?

The second confusion and conjecture in the hearts of these young marines was quickly rejected.

"Your home

When I heard Luo Lin's greeting after decades.

Zefa's trembling body returned to calm.

039 Chi Chi Chi Chi 039

There was a sudden burst of steam from the huge mechanical crusher in his right hand.: On his intact left arm appeared-black lines covering his entire arm, turning into a 039 black wrist 039, exuding a powerful aura even more terrifying than a smasher.

"What is Teacher Zefa going to do?"

Upon seeing this, Tina was shocked.

"Master Zefa is going to make a full shot?"

Ain also opened a pair of beautiful eyes in shock.

Next second.

In the shocking eyes of the young marines, Zefa suddenly jumped up on the high ground not far away.

"Hahahaha, take the move, if you are really that fellow, then try this."

Zefa yelled, and his left arm covered with top armed colors penetrated the atmosphere and fell straight towards Luo Lin on the coast.

Wherever the fist passed, the atmosphere made an overwhelming crackling sound.

In the sky, a pattern like water waves appeared, covering all directions.

"Zefa, you bastard, this is how you welcome a partner you have not seen for a few years. This is the 39-style punch to Zefa's top armed force. Luo Lin did not have the slightest fear on his face.

Feeling the horrible pressure on his face, Luo Lin did not retreat but moved forward.

He took a heavy step forward with his right foot.

But this time, there was no horror scene that turned the world over.However, there is a more terrifying aura permeating out, coming from Luo Lin's fist.

Bright as a shooting star.

Regarding momentum and oppressive power, he is not at all under Zefa's top-level armed forces, and even worse.039 Boom 039

Finally, under the shocking gaze of the young marines.

The two top black armed fists collide.What blooms is a bright light even dazzling than the sun.

Fist burst!

Nothing is visible!

Chapter 177 The Shocking Young Navy

The bright fist burst at this moment.

This is the collision between the world's top armed colors.The mighty power is beyond imagination.

The world lost its voice at this moment.Everything fades at this time.

The dazzling power blooms, and it is so dazzling that it is impossible to look directly-

Nothing is visible.

"Hey, Zefa, there are still your cute little girls and students here, it's too much.

From the center of the impact, Luo Lin's relaxed and free speech sounded.

Immediately afterwards, Tina, Ain and others, who were already ready to meet the impact, saw the space sealed in amazement.

To be precise, the space between Luo Lin and Zefa was divided by a certain powerful force.

From a distance, you can see that a cube with a side length of about ten meters is independent of the world.

The edge of the cube is deep darkness.

That is a crack in space.

The shock wave of the collision between Luo Lin and Zefa's strongest armed forces has not been able to spread in the future, and it is sucked and swallowed by space cracks.

There was no trace of Tina and others not far away.

I don't know how long it has been.After the extreme brilliance.

There was a long roar from the earth, which stirred up smoke and dust in the sky.

"has it ended?"

Tina murmured unconsciously, her face full of shock.

After witnessing the top armed collision in the previous world, no one can remain calm.

"It seems to be over!"

Ain murmured and nodded."Who the hell won?"

"It must be Teacher Zefa! But that

A hint of worry flashed across the faces of Bailey Goode and Xiun.

"Damn it, that bastard really has a problem. It is absolutely problematic to provoke Teacher Zefa to this level.

The White Hunter Smogg thought of himself.

He who preconceived Luo Lin into the evil pirate force, naturally would not guess in a good direction.

"Smogg, I advise you to look at the situation."

Drake, who had recovered his human form from the Allosaurus form, reminded him of unspeakable shock and horror on his face.

If Zefa's punch just hit him, his body would definitely collapse in an instant.

This is the most powerful force possessed by those who are qualified to rank as generals.

It's as powerful as a monster!

"Drake, you are not qualified to preach to me now."

Smogg glanced at Drake with a bad look.

039 Wow 039

Large swaths of smoke rushed from Smogg.

The strong smoke power pushes his body towards the origin of the collision.

However, before Smogg approached, a loud cry of joy suddenly came out of the smoke and dust in the sky.

"Hahahaha, Luo Lin, it turned out to be you, you really are still alive!!!"

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