Pirate: I was dug out by Robin

Pirate: I was dug out by Robin Chapter 142

The slight sound of footsteps sounded in Gion's ears, but it was so clear.

So nostalgic.Gion took a deep breath.

But the smile of joy and excitement couldn't stop it.

Uncontrollably emerged from her pretty face.

She closed her eyes.

After a while, he opened it again.

At the same time, the owner of the black knife also came to her side-

Holding the black knife in his hand, the other big hand fell on her head as it did many years ago."Really, you are still the same as before. If you don't pay attention, you just make yourself like this. Girls, you must protect yourself when you go out.

Look at the bloody wounds on Ruojiyuan's body.

Luo Lin also unconsciously flashed a trace of distress on his face.


Hearing the familiar sounds and words that sounded in his ears as they were 36 years and 57 years ago, Gion nodded heavily.

Thirty-six years ago, when she was a four-year-old girl.

Once she sneaked out and had a fight with other older children.When I returned home with scars, I heard these words.


Even after thirty-six years ago, it has not changed.

Gion opened his big bright eyes, staring blankly at the kind face in front of him, with a big smile at the corner of his mouth.

Since the age of five, there has been no red eyelids at this moment.

Two lines of clear tears slid down her cheeks unconsciously.

Represents joy!

"I'm sorry, Dad, not next time." Gion said softly, just like 36 years ago!

Chapter One Hundred and Eighty Six-Sound Dad-Birth Dad

"Sorry, Dad, not next time."

Gion tilted his head and whispered an apology to himself, as he did thirty-six years ago.

The pretty face smiled like a flower.

Drops of crystal tears splashed out with her blinking eyes, especially shining in the moonlight.

This dark world seemed to be vivid and bright because of her tears and smile.

"It must be painful."

Luo Lin's big hand gently brushed the wound on Gion's face.

The big hand that killed the enemy like smashing garlic, at this moment, it is rare to tremble.

"No pain"

Gion shook his head indifferently.

"It doesn't hurt at all after seeing Dad, hehe."

Gion grinned and said.

"Gion is already a big girl, so she should be more sensible. Don't be smiling all day long, and there is one-brother." Luo Lin pretended to blame.

"Hehe, in front of you, I've always been a little girl, right, dad."

Gion still said with a smile to himself.:

"Called Brother."


"Brother." "Dad."

"Okay." Luo Lin compromised.

So in Alabastan's time, Rollin wasn't actually trying to avoid Karp.

The main reason is that Luo Lin hasn't figured out how to face the girl in Gion.

About 40 years ago, Luo Lin once carried a baby who was only a few months old in a burning town battlefield.

A wooden sign with her name engraved on her was found-Gion.

When he knew that the little girl in his arms was the future navy candidate, Luo Lin was also a little surprised.

At that time, after discussing with Xiaohe and others, Luo Lin also decided to bring this poor baby back to the navy headquarters to be taught by a professional nanny.

However, Gion, which was only a few months old at that time, seemed to have identified Luo Lin.

Luo Lin cried and screamed as soon as he walked away.

No way, Lieutenant General Luo Lin, who was busy fighting the New World Pirates at the time, had to shoulder the duties of this part-time dad.

Of course, it is impossible to be a father, and it is impossible in this life.

So when Gion could speak at about one year old, Luo Lin kept correcting her wrong name for herself.

It's impossible to be a daddy, at most it is a big brother.

However, when I was a child, Gion also admitted to death-

Sheng's father is the father of his life, and he never changes his mind.

Luo Lin also had no idea about this, but he couldn't beat or scold him.

Until the incident thirty-six years ago, this trouble finally disappeared, because Luo Lin disappeared by himself.now.

Even decades have passed.

The former little girl has completely grown into an adult, turned into a slim girl, and even the first person in the new generation of navy lieutenants.However, in front of Luo Lin, she remained the same.

She is still the little girl who likes to wander around behind Lieutenant General Luo Lin the most.

She was still the little girl who would hurt herself if she didn't pay attention, and then smiled firmly and said it was okay.

"You really have grown up.

Luo Lin's big hand gently brushed Gion's hair, and the color of recollection flashed in his eyes.

Time seems to freeze at this moment.

Of course, that was only relative to Luo Lin and Gion.

"Mom, someone has appeared again! My previous knife was obviously about to split the woman, and it turned out to be disturbed by that person. What a shame."

Weibull, the stupid son of the landlord, said stupidly.

Iss Bakin, the short old woman with heavy makeup, did not respond.

If it were the past, she would definitely comfort and encourage her stupid son at the first time.

But this time, she did not speak.

At this moment, her old eyes were just staring at Luo Lin's back.

Under the cover of dark clouds, the moonlight tonight is not very bright.

Naturally, her muddy old eyes became less real.


However, even without seeing Luo Lin's face.

Even just looking at that figure from behind.

Do not.

It was the moment Luo Lin appeared between the courts.

The hairs of the short old woman burst out unconsciously.

The cold sweat wetted her body instantly.The alarm in her heart sounded to the extreme.

The small body instinctively gave birth to great fear.

The body is completely frozen in place from the inside out.

"what the hell is it?"

"Who is this bastard? Why does it make me feel so palpitating!!!"

The little old woman iss Bajin was roaring and roaring inside.

039 Hu Hu Hu 039

Her wheezing gradually increased.

If the broken bellows in the woodcutter's house is hoarse and unpleasant.

For a long while.

The crutches in the hands of the short old woman Iss Bajin fell heavily on the ground, and she let out a scream.

"I said bastard, who the hell are you!"

Iss Bajin exhausted all his strength and shouted hoarsely.

Luo Lin still looked at Gion with a kindly expression on his face, unconsciously.

"Well, well, this is what you asked for."

A vicious look flashed across the face of the little old woman Iss Bajin."My beloved son, come on, hack them to death without leaving your hands."

Iss Ba Jin coldly ordered.

"I see, mother."

The fool who claimed to be the White Beard II, Edward Weibull nodded, raised the blade in his hand high, and was about to chop down a more terrifying slash than before.

But at this moment.

Before Edward Weibull's paralytic knife fell.

An ethereal sword intent suddenly appeared between heaven and earth.

Wandering around like falling leaves.

There seems to be nothing special.


With the passing of this pitch-black sword intent, the space cracked with a clicking sound.

"I'm going to chop"

Edward Weibull yelled.

Just as his voice fell, that humble pitch-black sword intent arrived.

Wrap around his right arm.

next moment

039 Click 039

Weibull's entire arm broke under that sword air along with the space.

039 Chi Chi Chi 039

The dark brown blood came out 320 from Weibull's broken arm.

However, it was the same as the wounds cut by Gion.

Weibull's severed arm wound, which should have been bleeding profusely, stopped bleeding after only a few blood arrows.

It was as if the arm of a zombie had been cut off.

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