Pirate: I was dug out by Robin

Pirate: I was dug out by Robin Chapter 146

The three deep into the soul fell with the corner.

039 Boom 039

A great coercion came out of thin air between heaven and earth.

The expression on the old woman Bajin's face solidified, and a big mouthful of blood spewed out of her mouth unconsciously

039 Puff 039

The words of the old woman Bajin stopped.: Leng Li knife light-passing by.

Bring a lot of blood and a scared head!

The 190th chapter shocked!Dad of Lieutenant General Taotu!

The dark knife light passed.The blood burst into the sky.

At the same time, there was also the head of Iss Bajina who looked extremely shocked and terrified to death.039 buzz 039

The big sharp knife black knife Qiushui groaned softly, and then returned to the sheath.

"Dad, did you admit it just now?"

Gion smiled like a flower, holding Luo Lin's arm affectionately.

"Admit what?"

Luo Lin asked rhetorically.

"Of course I admit that you are my father."

Gion takes it for granted."When?"

"Just now, you said before you killed her, my daughter, I heard it."

"No, no, I'm not." Rolling suddenly denied the three consecutive.


Gion wrinkled her nose like a little girl and waved her small pink fist in protest.

Between talking and laughing.

Luo Lin and Gion walked under the stunned gazes of Tina, Ain "San" and Binz.

Standing in front of Zefa who looked weak.

"You are so old, Zefa, it took so long to clean up a puppet."

Luo Lin smiled.


Zefa closed his eyes and snorted unconvinced.

But also did not speak.

It seems that he does not want to start a debate with Luo Lin on this issue.After all, he couldn't win no matter what he thought or looked at.

"I'm old and old, my temper is getting more and more stubborn, but who made you have my brother, come and come and give you some good things to supplement, and you will be alive and kicking immediately."

Luo Lin said with a smile.

Hearing this, Zefa suddenly opened his eyes.


Zefa resolutely refused.

Of course he knew what the good things Rollin said.

In a sense, it is indeed a unique treasure in the world.He is currently in a weak state, if he can be treated by Luo Lin.

It must be restored in an instant.

Even those old injuries and pains in the body can be greatly relieved.

The benefits are numerous.

But Zefa refused decisively.

There is no other reason.

Only because Zefa, who has worked with Luo Lin for many years, clearly knows Luo Lin’s blood 039

What is the sequelae of the treatment?

After all, he had seen it with his own eyes.

Great sea heroes such as Roger and Raleigh are all affected by the sequelae 039.

He even chased behind Luo Lin and called Big Brother.

For Zefa, that scene is still deeply impressed.

Unforgettable in a lifetime.So since then.

Zefa and Karp silently vowed to carry them even if they were injured.

Never let Luo Lin intervene.

Especially now.

As the chief instructor of the navy, he is the majestic teacher in the hearts of countless naval elites.If someone knows that he is chasing a'young man' and calling 039 brother, how can it be done?

He is also a decent person.

You want face!Say no and refuse.

Never regret it!"Ha ha"

Luo Lin couldn't help but smile when he read Zefa's firm conviction."What are you polite with me? Are you all brothers."

While speaking, Luo Lin stepped forward and raised his wrist

Don't come here."

Zefa, who realized that Luo Lin was going to force it this time, felt bad, and his eyes suddenly widened.

He wanted to resist.

However, just after the battle with Weibull, he really didn't have much strength left, and he was suppressed by Luo Lin's flip.

"Haha, realize it, Zefa." Luo Lin grinned.


Zefa looked panicked.

"Who are you? What do you want to do to Teacher Zefa?"

At the time of Zefa's distress 039, Binz, who was dressed in bells and whistles, couldn't help but scream.The shock on Binz's face has not been broken since he saw Luo Lin and Jiyuan talking and laughing intimately.

But even if he was shocked and saw his teacher in danger,' he naturally couldn't stand still.

"and many more"

"Stop Binz"

Just when Binz couldn't help but want to stop, Ain and Tina both made a stop.

"Ain, who is that person?"

Binz said anxiously.

Having never been to Binz on the west coast, naturally he did not know the miracles caused by Rollin."Binz, don't panic. This matter is very complicated. I couldn't explain it clearly for a while. In short, this person is not a bad person, but a friend of Teacher Zefa."

Ain's words are concise and concise.""Nani!!!"

Binz, who was dressed in bells and whistles, opened his eyes suddenly.

Although from the previous dialogue between Luo Lin and Zefa, he also heard something.

But after getting the confirmation from Ain, he was still shocked to the point of no more.

Frozen for a while, unable to recover for a long time.

the other side.

Tina's face also had a shocking color that could not be concealed. Looking at the smile of the old sister Gao Leng who was like an iceberg, the flower of the high mountain in the navy Peach Rabbit Gion, the expression on Tina's face gradually became dull.

"Sister Gion, is this gentleman the person you wanted to meet last time in Alabastan?" Tina asked.


Gion nodded with a chuckle.

"Then you really are Gion sister's father?"

Tina took a deep breath, suppressed the shock in her heart, and asked again.

"Yes, it is!"

Gion raised his chin proudly.



When I heard the question and answer between Gion and Tina.

Not only Binz, but even Ain's pretty face at this time was extremely shocked.

"That person is still your father in Gion"

Ain murmured unconsciously.

"Not just a friend of Teacher Zefa, but also Lieutenant Admiral Taotu's father! What is this gentleman sacred!!!

Binz's body twisted unconsciously.

So the earth rushed out one vine after another, wrapping his whole person in it-

What time heard was too shocking.

He needs to find a place to be quiet and digest well.

"What's wrong? Little girls."

After finishing the treatment of Zefa, Luo Lin clapped his hands and said with a smile.

"No, nothing.

With a bright smile on Gion Qiao's face, she held 50 Luolin's arm affectionately again.

"Dad, let's go watch the sunrise together." Gion smiled.

"It's only midnight, and the sunrise is still several hours away." Luo Lin said.

"Hey~ Xinxin"

Gion is lost.

"Okay, okay, then wait and see."

Rollin compromised.

"Great, Dad is the best."

Gion suddenly became happy again.

next moment.

Under Tina and Ain's stunned gaze.

Gion stood on tiptoe, bright red lips pecked on Luo Lin's face heavily.

"Hey, why is it the same as when I was a child, it's all saliva."

Luo Lin 039 disliked 039 Road.

"Hehe, don't they, do you think Dad will teach me?

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