Pirate: I was dug out by Robin

Pirate: I was dug out by Robin Chapter 151

"To shut up"

Diamanti yelled suddenly.

"Dover is the only king we recognize, not an existence you can slander at will, go to death."

The king in his heart was so denied and reprimanded by Luo Lin, and Diamanti's anger finally broke out.Diamanti smiled fiercely, put his right hand in his arms, and took out three fancy firework tubes.

039 bang bang 039

Three salutes.

Countless colorful confetti rushed up and flew into the air, enveloping Luo Lin and the girl Alice.

Slowly falling with the wind.

"Agaga, I always feel a little bit bad."

The peaked cap girl Alice raised her forehead lightly, and she unconsciously gave birth to a warning sign in her heart when she looked at the'confetti' in the sky.

Those confetti are dangerous!

"It's just fireworks, no big deal, don't panic."

Luo Lin waved his hand, not paying attention.

"Hey, since you have said so, let the fireworks come more violently-let's."

Diamanti gave a cold smile.

Death star dust!!!

Accompanied by Diamanti's loud shout.

The next second, the sudden change occurred.

The original light and fluttering pieces of paper have undergone a fundamental material change at this moment.With Diamanti's ability, the shreds of foreign wine and wine recovered into sharp iron tribulus one after another.

Spinning towards Luo Lin and the girl Alice below.

Densely dense, inevitable.

If it is an ordinary person, it will inevitably be full of holes under this fierce attack.

This is the ability of Floating Man Diamanti.

The flying fruits of the Superman series gave him the lightness of turning all the inorganic matter into silk.

When necessary, it will return to its original character-

As now 0

"Agaga, I'm not good."

Seeing the sky full of confetti suddenly turned into tribulus, the peaked cap girl Alice suddenly widened her eyes, and a trace of panic flashed in her eyes.

Just as the girl Alice was thinking about how to get out, a big fiery hand suddenly passed through her slender waist and hugged her.


The girl subconsciously screamed, she was about to struggle."Don't panic, leave it to me next."

Luo Lin's voice rang in the ear of the girl Alice.

Listening to Luo Lin's voice, the tight heart of the young girl Alice unconsciously relaxed, making her feel an unprecedented sense of peace of mind.

At this moment, in her eyes, Luo Lin's image suddenly rose.It seemed that even if the sky fell, as long as there was this person, there would be no problem.

While the girl Alice was thinking about this, the rain of thorns suddenly fell on Diamanti's cruel smile.

"Those who dared to provoke our Don Quixote, all Diamanti spoke with a triumphant smile on their faces. However, his words stopped abruptly before they were finished.

In his wide horrified eyes, Luo Lin's figure suddenly became uncertain.

The airtight iron briers that almost enveloped the sky pierced one phantom after another.

But he could never touch Luo Lin's real body.

When the offensive stopped, all the iron briers fell.

Diamanti discovered with horror that Rolin had walked straight to him at some point.

Only ten steps away from him, unscathed.

Not only Luo Lin, but even the girl Ai 55 Lisi was unscathed.

"how is this possible?"

The sudden shock made Diamanti unconsciously retreat again and again, pulling the distance away, and a stormy sea appeared in his heart.

"How did you do it? Is it your ability?"

Diamanti exclaimed in disbelief.

"Haha, I don't even know what I have seen or heard, so I am embarrassed to mix in the new world?" Luo Lin sneered.

"The domineering of seeing and hearing color? Impossible, how strong is the seeing and hearing color in order to avoid all star dust so accurately."

Diamanti yelled in disbelief.

"You don't know it's just because your level is too low, besides, you mentioned my ability just now, no matter what, let's make an exception today to let you know."

Luo Lin grinned.

The right foot lifted up, and then fell gently.


Chapter 196: Harvesting and Counting Two Devil Fruits

039 duh'-

The invisible force radiated in all directions with Luo Lin as the center.

The dazzling white light burst on the sea.

The sea, which was several kilometers in radius, stood still, and even the clouds in the sky fell into absolute stillness.

The next moment, without warning, the sea cracked, and the sky cracked.

However, it was not an ordinary tear, but turned into countless three-dimensional squares.

There are regular cube sea water, cube atmosphere, cube cloud, and cube sea beasts under the sea with panic expressions everywhere between heaven and earth.

The only people who remained intact were the Don Quixote transport ship where Luo Lin was and the people on it.

"Agaga Gaga, what a terrifying ability this is!!!"

'Agaga girl Alice, who has not yet completely emerged from the shock of Luo Lin's extreme experience and beauty, is once again filled with another kind of greater shock.

"Is this power really the level that humans can achieve? Are you 039 God 039 failure?"

The peaked cap girl Alice murmured unconsciously.

It was already shocked by Luo Lin's ability to destroy the world and the earth.

"Ha ha"

Luo Lin smiled slightly and said nothing.

However, after seeing this power, this little Agaga girl with ten interesting things should recognize him as a senior!

039 Gu Dong 039

Feeling the smashing breath that destroys the earth, Diamanti's Adamanti apple rolls and swallows again with difficulty.

At this moment, from Luo Lin's body, all he felt was the desperate and insurmountable strength gap.

He knew that as long as Luo Lin wanted to.

Even if the opponent thinks one by one, he will end up like a sea beast in the sea——

No dead body!

Fortunately, Luo Linjing had no plans to let Diamanti and the ship under his feet crush together.

With a move of mind, the terrifying crushing power converged.

The broken sky gradually healed, and the cracked sea gathered again.

Only that one-the head sea beast cannot be recovered.

The blood smeared the sea.


The power that shattered heaven and earth receded, but Diamanti's inner anxiety became more and more intense.

The sense of death is always lingering in his mind.

Sure enough, Diamanti's ominous hunch came true in the next second.

Ten steps away, Luo Lin still had a gentle smile on his face, a harmless appearance.

But just looking at the smile on Luo Lin's face made Diamanti startled in a cold sweat.

Fear gradually eroded and spread throughout his body.

"You have already seen my abilities, so I will make an exception to let you take a look at other things, just pay attention, it hurts a little bit."

Luo Lin reminded friendly.The right hand slowly becomes a fist.

A flocculent black object appeared out of thin air on his fist.

It was a domineering armed color that was so strong that it was almost materialized from the body.

When the extremely powerful armed color appeared, even the space collapsed and was overwhelmed.

Diamanti: "My ¥!"

Feeling the monster-level armed dominance on Luo Lin's fist, Diamanti wanted to scold his mother.

Who wants to see your other abilities?

If you can choose, the ghost wants to know your abilities!

However, no matter how unwilling Diamanti is in his heart, what should come is still coming.


"This is what you forced me, even if I die, I will peel you off."

Diamanti smiled sternly.

Crazy emotions are used to temporarily suppress his inner fear.

"I accept your hand, half a month-funeral!"

Diamanti yelled, and the western sword in his right hand drew an arc in midair.

039 chick 039

The arc-shaped sword energy surged boldly from the edge of the Western sword.

Except for the flying fruits of the Superman, Diamanti's kendo skills are not bad.

At least he has reached the level of an iron swordsman.

His sword can definitely tear steel and cut the earth easily.However, it was a pity that this time he encountered Luo Lin's fist.

That attached the fist of the ultimate armed that was still above the advanced armed Seryu Sakura.

039 click'

The half-moon sword energy that Diamanti slashed out with a full blow was broken.

039 bang'

Then there was the steel cloak for defense on his body, which burst if it couldn't even block for a second.

Once again is the Western sword in Diamanti's hands.

Under that terrifying fist, it broke into several pieces and fell to the ground.

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