Pirate: I was dug out by Robin

Pirate: I was dug out by Robin Chapter 154

"Asshole Diamanti, although I don't know where you were taken by that little girl, but the treasures you left behind, I reluctantly laughed at it."

'Pattern 039

Rampant laughter came out clearly as the hatch opened.

Immediately after.

Several pirates who wore gold and silver and had various gold treasures in their pockets filed out from the cabin.

On Don Quixote’s transport ship, there were not only slaves of all races.

Five famous pirate captains in the paradise are still being held.

They are the blind looters Diamanti encountered on the way to Paradise.

In front of Diamanti, who had been in the New World, their pirate group was easily defeated.

The pirate captains who were offering rewards were captured by Diamanti and prepared for auction.

If there is no such accident of Luo Lin.

Their future is bound to be miserable.: The worst case is to become a slave to the Tianlong people and be bullied and abused to death.Therefore, they met Luo Lin and the kind-hearted girl Alice, just like the other slaves, they were indeed lucky.

But now.

They personally stepped on this fortune, trampling wanton.

Therefore, this last blessing from God, naturally turned into misfortune.

In this world, pirates are pirates after all.

An adventure group like the Straw Hat Crew is just a few of them.Most pirates are the embodiment of greed and cruelty in the world.

For them, the Zhien Illustrated News does not exist.

Encounter revenge is the most appropriate true portrayal of them.

Even if they were born to death, they just got out of the predicament of despair not long ago. They didn't want to thank them, they were still the yellow and white things.

Ten minutes ago.

When the peaked cap girl liberated all the slaves on the bottom of the cabin and took them to the deck halfway, the five captains of pirates who had negotiated and colluded underneath quietly left the team.

In this regard, not only Luo Lin, but also Alice, who has also learned to see and hear the domineering, is also clearly aware.

She wanted to stop her, but she understood a look in Luo Lin's eyes.

So she relaxed and continued her work.

The five pirate captains also found the treasure house on the ship as they wished, and saw the mountain of gold treasures.

This was also the last chance Luo Lin gave them.

It is a pity that none of the five pirate captains can grasp it.

"Hahaha, little girl, I really want to thank you this time. If it weren't for you, my uncle's bright future would have been ruined, so in order to reward you, my uncle will not do anything to you."-

The pirate captain with a golden crown laughed.

"What are you talking about? We are pirates, we just need to grab the things we want.

Another Haili who brought out the big sharp sword from the treasure house ┰

"That's right. From now on, everything on this ship, the golden treasures, including you, are all belonging to us." The other person also laughed and spoke domineeringly.

"Agaga, I really met an idiot again."

The girl Alice straightened her cap on her head.

The smile on Qiao's face narrowed a little.

Regarding the present situation, the girl Alice did not panic the slightest.Because I have seen it more than once before, so I have a lot of natural experience.,

"Hey, pirates over there, what are you talking about? Miss Alice is our savior, is this how you treat your benefactor?"

A passionate young man from the mink clan couldn't help but scolded.

039 Bang 039

The next moment, a kick from the captain of the pirate kicked the young mink tribe and flew out."The miscellaneous fish wherever they come from, dare to point fingers at this uncle, you slaves, as long as you are at ease to make good auction products."

"Hehehe, the dancer over there, come to this captain."

0 Seeking flowers

Another fierce-looking bald pirate captain stared at a young and beautiful dancer on the deck, with greed and passion in his eyes.

As early as when he was on the bottom of the cabin, he had already spotted the most popular and eye-catching dancer beauty.

It's just that there were several cages behind him, so he could only think about it.

But now the situation is different.

The entire ship is owned by the five of them.

Now he is naturally qualified to enjoy that young dancer.

"Hurry up and come over to the captain." The bald pirate shouted greedily.

Not far away, the young dancer who was stared at by the bald pirate slammed her body and fell to the ground with fright, her pretty face pale.

""Smelly woman, even asking this uncle to do it herself."

The bald pirate cursed impatiently, and took the initiative to step forward, and the big hand full of dirt was about to fall on the young dancer.

039 Bang 039

At this moment, accompanied by a loud bang.

The fierce-looking bald pirate fell without warning, his entire body seemed to be under heavy pressure, and he couldn't move no matter how he roared and struggled.

After he arrived, his mouth was constantly pouring out mixed blood with visceral fragments.

This sudden situation shocked everyone on the deck.Especially the other four pirate captains who are planning to take the transport ship.

"What's the situation?" Someone wondered.

"Hey, the bald head over there, don't pretend! Get up!" someone shouted.

"Hehehe, it's just right to die, the treasure for four people is always a little more than five people."

Others were still worried about the distribution of the treasure, and didn't even notice the life-killing sickle hanging above his head.

"Smelly girl, can it be that you did this?"

A pirate captain opened his eyes wide, looked at the girl Alice suddenly, and couldn't help but let out a shocked cry.

"Agaga, pirate bastards over there, can you please put down those things that don't belong to you, and wait for death quietly?"

Alice in the peaked cap smiled and asked.

039 Bang 039

As her voice fell, the bald-headed pirate who seemed to have been under heavy pressure let out a final cry, his strong body was distorted, and finally collapsed completely, splashing blood.

The audience was dead silent!

Chapter 200: Disciple's Disciple!Luo Lin's disciple?

039 bang'

A muffled sound came from the body of the fierce bald pirate captain.

Under the weight of the indescribable terror, the captain of the Bald Pirate twisted his hands, feet and muscles.

The bones in the body do not know how many sections are broken.

Blood splashed at this moment.

The deck was dyed red.

This scene deeply shocked everyone on the deck.

Especially the other four pirate captains who reached an accomplice agreement with them.

The audience fell into a complete silence.

"Pirate bastards, can you please die honestly?

The peaked cap girl Alice smiled and broke the silence in the room.

The smile is still a consistent smile.

But now there was a bitter chill in that smile.

The other four pirate captains in Ling shuddered unconsciously, and there was great fear in their hearts for no reason.

"Hey, hey, what a joke, but just a little girl?"

"Four Five Seven" the captain of the pirate wearing the golden crown yelled out loud,-his scarred face was full of shock and disbelief.

"What the hell did you do? What is this ability?"

Among the five, the captain of the pirate, who regarded wealth as fate, could no longer calm down, and shouted harshly.

"This little girl is really not an ordinary person! She is a monster! That Diamanti bastard may not be deceived by her, but defeated by her!"

The captain of the pirate who stole the big sharp knife without permission-guessed with horror on his face.


The last pirate captain let out a scream.

I was shocked by the weird scene I saw earlier.

"Gold, give it back to you, give it back to you all, I don't need it, I just need to live.

The captain of the pirate, with some murloc characteristics, threw the golden ornaments on the deck in a hurry.

Then he ran to the bow of the ship in two steps and jumped off without hesitation.He was born as a half-murloc, and inherited the water of the murloc.

Even without a boat, he is confident that he can survive in the sea.


The captain of the murloc pirate looked at the sea close at hand with a smile on his face.

But at the moment he was about to fall into the sea.A huge black shadow suddenly appeared under the sea.

Immediately afterwards, under the horrified gaze of the captain of the half-murloc Pirate, a big mouth of blood suddenly leaped out of the sea and swallowed it in one mouthful.

That is a sea king.

039 Wow!

The appearance of the sea king made a huge wave in the sea.

At the same time, the weak and small people of various races on the deck fell into a panic.

"Neptune, that half-mermaid was eaten by Neptunus! Why is there an Neptunus!"

The captain of the pirate with a golden crown exclaimed.

The demise of the captain of the murloc Pirate completely cut off his idea of ​​jumping into the sea to escape.

"It really deserves it, it's fleeing, this is the end!"

The most greedy captain of the pirate said coldly.

"Hmph, what a useless guy, let this uncle come."

A pirate captain with long hair standing upright like a hedgehog or steel needle grasped the big sharp knife in his hand, and his self-confidence immediately increased, and a cruel smile appeared on his face.

But the next second, the smile on his face disappeared.

What turned out to be extreme horror.

The invisible weight that had previously fallen on the captain of the Bald Pirate, this time it was his turn.

039 cough cough 039

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