Pirate: I was dug out by Robin

Pirate: I was dug out by Robin Chapter 157

"Mr. Luo Lin, you were there earlier"

Girl Alice just wanted to ask.

The next moment, her voice stopped abruptly-

The beautiful eyes were round and his head was tilted to the maximum, staring blankly at the picture reflected in the mirror behind.

That is her back.

At the entrance, it was white.

The humiliation mark that made her feel inferior for countless times, the mark of Tianlongxiang hoof that made her never dare to wear cool clothes like other girls, has disappeared.

Nothing can be seen again.


"The past cannot be forgotten, but the more important thing is the future, little girl, what will your future look like?" Luo Lin asked with a smile.


Alice plunged into Luo Lin's arms again, and tears came from the girl's eyes again uncontrollably.

It's just that this time I was delighted and moved!

The big transport ship rides the wind and waves, heading in one direction impartially.

Two days later.

The Chambord Islands are here!

"Mr. Luo Lin, what are you thinking?"

Girl Alice noticed Luo Lin's frown and asked.

"No, nothing, prepare to go back."

Luo Lin said casually.

His sight still fell on the colorful bubble islands in the distance.

The sun is still shining.

The terrifying thunder and lightning that once shrouded the islands of Chambord a week ago has disappeared."That electric shock kid, it's not safe to be a bodyguard, you won't run away, right?"

Luo Lin's eyes narrowed slightly (to get the money) in a dangerous arc.

At this moment.

An uninhabited island a hundred miles away.

The conflict between the terrifying thundercloud and the dazzling light of the sun continued.

The sea around the island is frozen by endless ice and cold.

039 Chi Chi Chi 039

At a certain moment, thunder and lightning crossed and separated again.

The thunder light flickered, and Ainilu's body appeared, and he shuddered for no reason.

the other side.

The dazzling golden light shines.

The general Huang Yuan suddenly appeared.

He looked up at the golden ark covered by endless thunderclouds.

"Such a big golden ship, if you give it to the teacher, the teacher will definitely be happy."

General Huang Yuan nodded secretly.

at the same time.

The general green pheasant riding a bicycle on the ice to travel around the island is also looking up.

"After playing for so long, or I would drive the ship away first, Mr. Luo Lin will need a lot of treasure to build a base there, and it can be regarded as some compensation for Sauro."

The general green pheasant secretly thought about coincidence.

Chapter 203 The Legend of Heroes!The sensational navy headquarters!

Marine Headquarters, Marine Fodor.

Three war-class warships one after another, the finished fonts sailed into Crescent Bay one after another.

It was three thousand sailors including Zefa and Gion who had won a complete victory in the battle of Chihodo Island and returned safely.

The report on the Battle of Thousand Sail Island had already been sent to the navy headquarters through a telephone worm.

The content of the report is very simple, only a few figures.

But it was Ling's entire navy headquarters for it--

In the battle of Thousand Sails Island, our army won a complete victory, with zero deaths!!!This is the brief report that Gion and Zefa gave to the Navy Headquarters after consultation.

A big win!

This is of course an exciting thing to be happy about.

But after all, it's something to be taken for granted.

After all, it was former general Zefa and alternate general Gion who participated in leading the team this time.

Naturally, it will be a complete victory.

Will not go too far beyond people's psychological expectations.

What really shocked the entire navy headquarters of Ling, Marshal Sengoku and others was the report on the number of war deaths.

The number of people killed in battle-zero!!!

This is simply unimaginable!

You know, this is war!

Not a child's play!Will war be dead?

Isn't this of course!

But this time, no one died!

This is simply a miracle.

Even if the pirates in the first half of the great route are generally not strong, they should not be so weak.

Never before, it is an unprecedented miracle in the hearts of most marines!

What happened on that island?

This is what the entire navy headquarters wants to know, including the Marshal Sengoku.

Therefore, now, almost all of the marines headed by the Marshal Sengoku are gathered in the harbor, eagerly awaiting the return of the heroes.

Under the gaze of all the marines in the headquarters expecting.

Three warships sailed into the bay one after another.

Be the first one.

Zefa, a former navy general and current school chief instructor, stood at the bow.

The naval justice cloak behind him hunted in the wind.

Compared to before the expedition.

Zefa, who returned from this battle in 610, seemed to be more than ten years younger than before.

The oppression given to people is even worse.

Vaguely seemed to have returned to the demeanor of the black wrist Zefa that had made countless pirates fearful of the past.This change that happened to Zefa made the Warring States and all the lieutenants of the headquarters subconsciously shocked.

"Xiaohe, Xiaohe, take a look at Zefa's spitting, this energetic look really has a look back then."

Karp held a pack of senbei and happily talked with Lieutenant General Tsuru beside him.


Lieutenant General Crane just nodded silently.

However, the joy between eyebrows and eyes couldn't hide it.

Not because of Zefa's change.

It's not because my sister Gion returned safely.But because of this naval miracle with zero casualties.Because this miracle reappeared after thirty-six years.

More because of the person who created this miracle!

"Xiaohe Xiaohe, I bet you a pack of senbei, Zefa has already seen that guy."

Karp vowed to make a decision.

Hearing this, the Lieutenant General Crane on the side glanced at Karp in surprise.

"Carp, when did your brain work so well?"

Karp's face should be black

"It's too much, Xiaohe, my mind has always worked well, except for the one 36 years ago."

Karp retorted."Ha ha"

Lieutenant General Crane smiled.

"How come you are the same as that guy, hehe, hehe, listening to trouble." Karp said with a dark face.

"Cap, I heard that you contacted Andrew yesterday?"

Lieutenant General Crane asked abruptly.

"Yes, what's the matter?" Karp replied subconsciously.After a while, he quickly covered his mouth.

However, what has been said cannot be taken back naturally.

So, Rao was Karp's cheeky, and at this moment he couldn't help but blush a little.


Lieutenant General Crane chuckled again (babi), and his pretty face raised a touching smile.

"Sister He, today is still as beautiful as ever."

The squinted eyes of the second row admired Huo Shaoshan.

"Yeah yeah"

One-all the veteran lieutenants of the navy headquarters all shouted in unison.

"Be serious."

From the beginning to the end, the warring states with a straight face turned his head and stared at the lieutenants in the second row.

As a result, everyone was silent.

After all, Mr. Warring States during this period of time didn't look good.

At this time, even the lieutenant generals of their headquarters did not want to hit the gun.


The warship split the waves and finally docked in Crescent Bay.

"The whole army stands at attention"

The voice of Marshal Warring States echoed over the navy headquarters.So all the seamen in the harbor stood straight.


The marines swept across, raising their hands in salute like a mountain.

This is their tribute to the heroes who have returned from the war.

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