Pirate: I was dug out by Robin

Pirate: I was dug out by Robin Chapter 161

That breath didn't even spread, it was convergence.

But it is better than them, but it still feels a little bit.

"What the hell was going on before?"

"Is it overlord? A 039 slave 039!!!"

Compared to the shock of Trafalgaro and others.

The average person at the venue naturally didn't feel too much, just as the auctioneer Too Liufen fainted.

Here at the auction site, there is a number of auctioneer No. 2 on the bench, as usual.

Time passed by every minute.The auction at the front desk continues.

The disco, who was shocked and stunned by Rayleigh's overlord color in the background, was stimulated by the alternating cold water and ice, and finally woke up before the end of the auction.

"Damn it, what the hell is going on? My head hurts?"

The auctioneer Disco, who had recovered, shook his head sharply.

I felt pain and tearing in my entire head.

"Mr. Disco, Mr. Disco"

At this moment, an auction house employee shouted anxiously.

"doing what?"

Disco said irritably.

"No, Mr. Disco, what I want to report is that just now, a seller found us, hoping to borrow our place to auction-alone."

The auction house employee reported.

"Borrow the place? Don't borrow or borrow, let him go." Disco scolded.

Mr. Disco, the man said that the person he was going to auction this time was worth-100 million yuan, which would give us a 20% rake!""Sssss, what did you say!!!"

Hear the words.

The auctioneer Disco, who had a headache before, suddenly opened his eyes wide in shock.

His face was full of shock, excitement and disbelief.

""Really worth one hundred million?Is there really a 20% rake?Is it another woman fish?Hurry up and invite him in.

The auctioneer Disco rubbed his hands in excitement.

Under the stimulation of 20 million Li 193 Run, even the head is not so painful.


Accompanied by the sound of footsteps.

The auction house staff led a man and a woman to the backstage of the venue.

"This gentleman, you said you want to auction a product worth 100 million yuan?"

The auctioneer Disco rubbed his hands and looked at Luo Lin in front of him flatly.

"One billion won't work."

Luo Lin spoke calmly.

The smile on the disco's face stagnated, just about to yell at him.

"One hundred million is less than a little bit, at least it can be worth ninety-nine million."

Luo Lin added.

039 Bah 039

The auctioneer Disco slapped his mouth sharply and swallowed the dirty words.

The original flattering smile appeared on his face again.

"Ninety-nine million is good, okay, it's not my boasting, coupled with my eloquence, it will definitely increase the value of customers' goods by 20%.

"That feeling is good." Luo Lin smiled.

"Yes, yes, so I don't know whether your product can make me feel the palm of your hand first?" disco asked."Ok."

Luo Lin nodded.

He threw the blood-stained sack on the ground.

Several auction house employees quickly untied the sack, revealing the bloody and even partially decomposed corpse.


The screams broke out all at once.

"this person

The auctioneer Disco looked at the corpse in the sack, his eyes gradually widening under his sunglasses.


A screaming scream came from his wide open mouth.

"Master Dia Diamanti!!!"

Chapter 207 The Shock and Excitement of Mermaid Kemi

"Thong Diamanti, this is the highest cadre of the family, Lord Diamanti!!!"

Recognize the identity of the body in the sack.

Disco, the head of the population auction house and chief auctioneer, looked terrified and couldn't help shouting.At this moment.

There was no longer the disgusting flattery smile on his face.

Some are just extreme fear and horror.The cold sweat wetted his whole body in an instant.

The fear in my heart is like a tide, overflowing uncontrollably.

His steps unconsciously backed up again and again, and finally fell on the wall.

"How could Lord Diamanti die? He is the highest cadre of the family!!!"

The disco's head shook like a rattle.

"No no no no, this must be an illusion, I must be still dreaming, wake me up!

The auctioneer Disco slapped himself sharply.

No mercy.

After a slap, half of his face swelled at a speed visible to the naked eye, as if half a bun was stuffed in his mouth.

The sharp pain from the facial nerve caused the auctioneer Disco to take a breath.

"Hahaha, it really is

The chatter of the auctioneer Disco came to an abrupt end when he saw the sack still existing on the ground.

"What's wrong? The chief auctioneer of the population auction house, isn't the auction pirate your strong point?

Will you pick up this ninety-nine million berry head?"

Luo Lin asked with a smile.

"Ah~ my heart!!!"

Looking at the smile on Luo Lin's face.

The auctioneer Disco showed a frightened expression as if he had seen the most horrible thing in the world, and yelled unconsciously.

"You killed Lord Diamanti, the young master will not let you go

Against our Don Quixote family, you will not end well."

The auctioneer Disco stammered.

This situation is the most terrifying experience he has encountered in his life.

Someone killed the highest cadre of their Don Quixote family, and even swaggered to bring the cadre's body to auction.

How bold this is!

Auction your own senior cadres at your own venue!

What an unprecedented situation this is!

This is the most provocative challenge to their Don Quixote family!

Those who do this kind of thing will inevitably be met by their Don Quixote family-

Was mercilessly hunted down by their young master-King Seven Wu Haido Flamenco!

"Agaga, Mr. Rowling, this guy seems to be frightened." Long."

Alice, the girl in the peaked cap, looked at the chattering auctioneer Disco, with a hint of happiness on her face.

Traffickers are certainly the most hateful.

Demographic auctioneers like disco are also annoying.

"Diamandi Master Diamanti is finished, the young master will be angry, the worst case, even

'Da 039

Just when the auctioneer Disco was in a state of confusion because of excessive fear.

A clear footstep exploded.As if stepping in his mind.

The sound is thunderous.

Ling's chattering ceased in summer.

039 boom'

The special overlord color that frightened the soul surged out.

There were cracks in the walls of Ling's backstage room.

"Little devil, you have a lot of words, so let's leave it to the auction stage to talk about what you have next."

Luo Lin spoke quietly.

"Hey--yes! Yes!!!"

Under the shock of Luo Lin's special overlord color.The auctioneer Disco's eyes widened in horror.

He hadn't dared to do things like auctioning the bodies of his own senior officials in his own auction house.

But under the deterrence of that force, he could not give birth to the slightest heart of opposition, and obediently accepted it-

Lu Lian crawled, holding the sack on the ground, grabbing the door.

"Agaga, this scene must be very interesting under his own hands at that clown's site auction. I am now a little looking forward to the expression of the pesky clown when he learns about it. The girl in the peak cap opens her mouth, with anticipation on her face.

"Mr. Luo Lin, let's go to the auction venue to see the excitement."

Girl Alice suggested.

"Hehe, it's not anxious to watch the lively things."

Luo Lin smiled.

"Oh oh oh, I almost forgot, now the most urgent task is to rescue Sister Xia Qi's younger mermaid friend."

The girl Alice said.

Luo Lin grinned lightly.

In addition to saving the mermaid Kemi.

Luo Lin also discovered another interesting thing in the venue now.

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