Pirate: I was dug out by Robin

Pirate: I was dug out by Robin Chapter 164

Xia Qi's face set off a curve of expectation.

At this moment.

The slave waiting room on the right hand side of the auction venue.

This is a temporary detention place for the slaves who were successfully bought.

After waiting for the buyer to successfully pay, they are able to buy their merchandise slaves.

Since it is a slave waiting room.

The atmosphere in the house is naturally not very good.

Thinking of becoming a slave to others immediately.

The room was enveloped by a bleak and desperate atmosphere.

"It seems a little lively outside."

The old muscular man with white beard and hair shakes his legs, seeming to be a little restless.

This is of course.

After all, the first time'being a thief 039 was caught on the spot.

Who can stand this!

I wanted to go to any rich woman's house to get some money.

That's great.

His plan to rob the rich has not yet started but is over.

The money is not available.

Instead, he owed two million in accounts.

There is no doubt that the two million Xia Qi photographed him will definitely be remembered on his own.

In the future, he will definitely be laughed at by Xia Qi more than once.

06 How does this work?

Thought of this.

This old man, known as the Pluto, stared his eyes, raised his head and drank a dull wine.

The hip flask was instantly empty.

"If you don't play anymore, don't play anymore. I'm still playing a fart here.

Pluto Raleigh got up impatiently.

Compared to being ridiculed by Xia Qi who was sullen and ridiculed, it would be better for him to go first now.

Hiding outside for a few months, it’s not too late to go back after the 039 thunder.

Thinking of this place, Lei Li nodded his head and walked towards the door without hesitation."Hey, man over there, what do you want to do? If you leave too far, the collar on your neck will explode."

A giant prisoner in the slave waiting room kindly reminded.

"It's okay, I just go a little further and pick a collar, and I'll pick it up for you later."

Pluto Raleigh waved his hand indifferently.

"Oh, Raleigh, you have been more helpful after so many years of absence, so do you want to help me by the way?"

Amidst the click, the iron cage door opened, revealing the three people outside.

Raleigh: "!!!"

Chapter 210 Zuan Leili violently scolds the street

Population auction venue, slave waiting area.

There was a gloomy cloud in the huge cell.

Despair is growing.Spread and spread among the crowd.

Among the desperate crowd, there was one exception.

It was an elderly muscular man with white beard and hair.His true identity is the legendary big pirate——

Pluto Silbaz Reilly.

At this moment.

The former deputy captain of One Piece frowned, and drank his hip flask.

Then he got up and walked towards the door naturally.

"Master, I advise you not to go too far, your head will explode."

A giant prisoner kindly reminded.

"Thank you for the reminder, but don't worry." Pluto Leili waved indifferently."When I finish picking my own, I will help you pick it by the way, so don't worry." Raleigh added.

Prisoner of Giants: "

Do i mean this?

and many more.

The Giant Prisoner seemed to finally realize something, and suddenly his eyes widened.

"Father, you just said you want to take off this explosive collar? How is this kind of thing possible!"

The Giant Prisoner looked horrified

10 "Yeah, grandpa, don't just die. I have seen a person with his whole head blown up because he wanted to take off his collar. Is it really going to die?"

Another prisoner stared wide-eyed, and his face was full of horror.

The other prisoners in the cell also glanced at Leily unconsciously.

Many people opened their mouths, but in the end they said nothing.

Not because of indifference.

But numbness.

Anyway, I will live a life that is worse than death.

It's better to be like this sturdy old man, to die happily.

Under people's numb gaze, Raleigh's fingers gradually moved closer to the collar between his neck.

The powerful armed color domineering condensed at his fingertips, and he must destroy the collar structure from the inside.


At this moment, a clicking sound suddenly came from the quiet cell.

It wasn't the collar on Raleigh's neck that shattered.It was the sound from the door of the cell.

The ready slaves in the cell turned their heads blankly and looked in the direction of the door.

Lei Li also paused his hand movement and looked at the door.

The door has not been fully opened yet.

An energetic voice sounded first from outside the door.

"Raleigh, I haven't seen you for so many years. You bastard is really more helpful. If that's the case, why don't you help me?"

Luo Lin's voice came as the door opened.

Wait until the voice falls.

The door is also completely opened.

Three people appeared in the eyes of the prepared slaves inside the door.

To be precise, it is one man, one woman and one merman.

The prisoners in the room stared wide-eyed, staring at the three Luo Lin outside the door without blinking.

Looking at the guards who fell under their feet-

Zhang Zhang's face was filled with shock and disbelief.

The peaked cap girl Alice outside the door also widened her beautiful eyes, her small mouth opened into a 0 shape, and her eyes were firmly locked on the old muscular man wearing an explosive collar inside the door.

The atmosphere in the room was suddenly very quiet.

It's a long time."teacher"

The voice of the girl in the peaked cap, Alice, increased more than octave.

""Hey~ Xinxin"

Also shouting in surprise was the mermaid Kemi hanging on Luo Lin's back.

"You are Grandpa Lao Lei!!!"

"Teacher, why are you here? What's the matter? And the explosive collar on your neck, who caught you? In this world, who is so capable?"

At this moment, the peaked cap girl Alice seemed to be incarnation of a hundred thousand why.

With his mouth like fried beans, he kept asking shocked questions one after another.

It's just that Raleigh didn't even hear about disciple Alice's repeated questions.

Not because of embarrassment and deliberately ignored.

It was because his thinking really didn't have time to pay attention to his cheap disciples.

At this moment.

The sight of this old man with an astonishing hidden identity was just locked on the man outside the door.

The deputy captain who once followed Roger, the Pirate King, and experienced countless winds and waves!

As the legendary big pirate, the right hand of the One Piece who conquered the great sea route with Roger!

Hades-Silbaz Reilly!

The pair of old eyes under his glasses opened slowly but uncontrollably.

His chin was also drooping at a speed visible to the naked eye, as if to separate from the body.

The wind and rain for most of the life came.

The state of mind that the old man raised was calm, calm and relaxed, and the state of mind of the Taishan collapsed and not changed at this moment collapsed.

The expression named shock has not appeared on his old face for two+ years.

But now.

It seems to be to fill the vacancies in the past twenty years.A shocked expression-a tone of breath came to his old face.

Finally, it spread to his limbs.

In his heart, in his mind, there were waves of stormy waves.

Ling's thinking will stop for it!"you you you

Lei Li stared at Luo Lin outside the door, but he couldn't even say a word.

"Leili, you are still one of the legends no matter how you say it. Jingran even said that it is not easy to say that you are really old."

Luo Lin grinned and joked casually.

"You bastard, you're not dead!!!"

Under the stimulation of Luo Lin's ridicule, Lei Li's face was stern.

623 turned the inner shock into this sentence and blurted it out.The energetic and loud voice echoed in the cell for a long time.

"Hey, Raleigh, whether you or anyone else, is it necessary to make such a fuss? Who told you that I was dead? I'm just tired, so I just find a place to sleep for a while!"

Luo Lin spoke quietly.

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