Pirate: I was dug out by Robin

Pirate: I was dug out by Robin Chapter 184

"Ahahahaha, I was rejected again."

The four emperors laughed with red hair, even if they were rejected, there was still no trace of frustration.

"Hahahaha, the captain was rejected again."

The red-haired main cadres also laughed at their captain mercilessly.

"Captain, Captain"

At this moment, the red-haired newcomer, Lockstar with the red hedgehog head ran up with a shocked look.

"What's wrong with Rockstar."

Little Fatty Lazilu asked casually while biting his big flesh.

"A big event, a big event has happened."

Lockstar waved the newspaper in his hand, shocked.

"Pluto... Pluto Raleigh appeared!!!"

Redhead: "Nani!!!"


Chapter 231 The curiosity of red hair!Hawkeye's fighting spirit!4/6 Order

"Captain, Captain Shanks, big incident, big incident happened!!!"

In Laqilu, Jesus Bu and even the red-haired Shanks himself laughed because of another failed invitation.

The rookie of the Red-haired Pirates, Lockstar suddenly ran up with a full face of shock.

'Wow' a strange domineering burst from the red-haired Shanks, falling on the newcomer, Lockstar.

The violent ups and downs of his mood stabilized.

"Rockstar, I have taught you how many times, you are now a member of our red-haired pirate group, calm and calm."

Jesus speaks of a long-term education.

'Gudong' offered a reward of 90 million newcomers, and Lockstar swallowed hard.

"Captain Shanks, Pluto... Pluto Raleigh appears!"


"Pluto, it's... that... Pluto Leili, he killed a Celestial in the Chambord!"


Listen to Rockstar's report.

The four emperors red-haired Shanks instantly craned his neck.

Even as the emperor of the sea, he is no longer... calm.

His face was full of shock and disbelief.

"Hey, hey, Lockstar, are you making a mistake!"

"Um... Pluto Leili killed the Dragonite! It's incredible!"

"The boss' former deputy captain Raleigh, when we saw him last time, he said he was retired!"

"It turned out to provoke Old Man Lei Li, who couldn't help but re-enter the rivers and lakes. Those...the Heavenly Dragons are really hateful!"


Beckman, Jesus Bu, Laqilu, etc., the cadres who had seen Lei Li in the Chambord suddenly burst into an uproar.

"Captain, everyone, everything is true! It's all in the newspapers."

Lockstar waved the newspaper in his hand.

"let me see!"

The cadres of a group of red-haired pirates all rushed in and snatched the newspaper from Lockstar.


"Master Leili is too fierce!"

"Blast the dragon with one punch!"

"More than that, the whole shampoo land was almost destroyed by the old man."

Jesus Bu and others shouted in shock.

"Boss, boss, look at it!"

Little Fatty Lazilu delivered the newspaper to the Four Emperors Redhead.

Shanks the redhead took the newspaper, frowning gradually.

"Boss, what's wrong with you"

"Are you worried about Father Raleigh"

"It's true, killing the Tianlongren is a taboo event in the world. Next, the old man is afraid that he will be fully wanted by the Navy."

"Why don't we go to the paradise and pick up Mr. Raleigh."

The red-haired cadres suggested.

"Do not"

The red-haired Shanks just shook his head calmly.

"Don't worry, Vice Lei is the legendary Hades."

Red-haired Shanks grinned.

He has absolute confidence in his former deputy captain.

"The boss, you..."

"I am more curious about him now!"

The red-haired Shanks fingered half of his back on the newspaper page.

"Who is this guy"

Even if it's just a photo in the newspaper, the red-haired Shanks can see the resentment, grief, and...excitement on Raleigh's face at the time! In this world, who can make Pluto Raleigh show such a complicated and yet The contradictory expression red-haired Shanks is really curious.

If it’s a former partner...Even Jabba, who often quarrels with Raleigh, shouldn’t be so complicated! “It’s really suspicious.”

Red-haired vice captain Ben Beckman frowned in thought.

"This person is..."

Seeing his friend's red-haired expression, even Hawkeye Mihawk couldn't help being aroused by curiosity and took the initiative to post to the red-haired.

After seeing the half of the back in the newspaper, the sharp eyes of Eagle Eye suddenly shrank.

The whole body instinctively revealed a powerful and sharp sword intent.

Nothing else! It's just the most instinctive reaction.

Even if it's just such a vaguely indistinct back, Hawkeye is instinctively born with induction.

he knows.

This person is the one he has been pursuing for the past few months...Mysterious Great Swordsman! Ever since the windless journey, Hawkeye finally realized how difficult it is to chase people.

After passing by him several times, Ling's Hawkeye was almost suspicious of life.

He just wanted to learn from the mysterious great swordsman and prove his kendo! How could it be so difficult, but also because of repeated misses, Hawkeye's enthusiasm and expectation for...this kendo battle has increased. Soar up.

Even now the magic light is looking at a fuzzy back, and can't help but burst out sword intent.

Under the sudden burst of sword intent from Hawkeye, Laqilu, Jesusbu and other cadres took a few steps back unconsciously.

He looked at Hawkeye Mihawk with shock.

The members who have only joined the Pirate Group in recent years have subconsciously grasped the weapon at hand and are ready to fight.

"Don't be nervous, it's okay."

The deputy captain Ben Beckman waved his hand and signaled everyone to relax.

"Mihawk, it looks like you know this person."

Red-haired Shanks asked in surprise.


Hawkeye Mihawk nodded calmly.

"This person is the great swordsman I have been looking for for several months!"

Red-haired cadres: "Oh-"

"Mihawk, why did you go to the wine and haven't drunk it yet."

"Go to the shampoo place."

"It's too late if you go now, I guess people have already left!"

Hawkeye Mihawk paused.

Thinking about the probability that I would run for nothing, Hawkeye Mihok silently turned around and sat down again.

"Hahahaha, little ones, we have a banquet, for the sea that is about to become bustling!!!"


West Sea.

Some peaceful village.

From ancient times to the present, the daily life and rest of the sunrise and the day are still preserved.

Simple folk.

The only thing that can be regarded as extraordinary is probably the only family living in the periphery of the village.

Two old people lived there.

One is a normal human.

The other is a murloc.

Twenty years ago.

The simple villagers of the village rescued them who were seriously injured by the sea.

They also settled in this village.

It has been twenty years.

In these twenty years, their ordinary and weak village has never... once been plundered by a pirate.

The village also developed.

Even if the villagers are simple, they can't be ignorant for twenty years.

They know that the reason why this village has been able to maintain peace for twenty years is because of the'Guardian God has been protecting them! At this moment.

In this house belonging to the protector, there are some unusual, or conversations that shouldn't exist in this world.








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