Pirate: I was dug out by Robin

Pirate: I was dug out by Robin Chapter 191

Fluttering in the air.

"Jiehahahaha, young ones, wait, it won't be too long, the fame of the Flying Pirate Fleet will surely resound in this sea once again."

"When I become the king of the world, all of you here will be veterans and important ministers. It's not a matter of fencing and breaking the soil. This world will belong to us, jiehahahahaha."

The Golden Lion Shiji talked about the glorious future impassionedly, just like the thirty-six-year-old sea lord Lockes.

Just as before, hearing his ambitious greedy pirates also burst into unprecedented cheers.

"Jie ha ha ha ha"

Golden Lion Shiji laughed presumptuously.

It seemed that he was sitting on the throne of the world.

Just as the golden lion Shiji and the uninfluenced pirates, immersed in their own world, complacent, unable to extricate themselves.

'Boom' without warning.

The island was suddenly shaken.

As a result, the pirates' laughter stopped abruptly.

After the previous inexplicable shock.

This time it was footsteps.

The sound of someone's footsteps.

Whose footsteps are in this noisy environment, a person's footsteps should be inaudible.

However, why is it so clear! It seems to be in their ears and in their minds.

At this moment.

It's not just the ordinary little pirates who have a ghostly expression.

Even as the legendary flying big pirate, Shiji the Golden Lion was shocked.

"What is..."

Just as Golden Lion Shiji frowned and asked.

The vermilion gate of the banquet hall opened in the strong wind.

A ridiculous voice rushed into the hall accompanied by the sky of wind and snow.

Pouring into the ears of everyone in the temple.

"Sckey bastard, I haven't seen you for so many years. You really opened my eyes. Relying on this group and some inferior ingredients, I want to conquer the world. Your head is affected by the rudder on your head. It is completely useless. Yet"

Listening to the ridiculous voice.

The pirates in the banquet hall were taken aback for a moment, and then their fierce eyes widened and furious.

Under everyone's attention.

Luo Lin, dressed in a black suit and white shirt, stepped in first and appeared in the sight of the people in the hall.

Snowflakes surround Luo Lin's body like an elf.

He turned around with his steps until he was melted by the heating in the palace.

Following Luo Lin, wearing all kinds of black trench coats, suits, and Robin with black silk high heels, Wei Wei and others followed up calmly.

Even if you are facing tens of thousands of fierce pirates.

The expressions of the little girls are still calm, as usual.

It is like the flowers of the high mountains on the proud snow mountain.

This is the confidence and temperament they have developed after following Luo Lin for so many days and seeing countless major events.

When Robin, Vivi, Kerla, Nami and Lori appeared in the temple during Golden Week.

The pirates' eyes moved accordingly.

The ferocity in his eyes was gradually replaced by greed and fiery.

The pirates who were not far from the front gate all smiled and got up.

I ignored Luo Lin at the front.

Like an irrational beast, it greedily walked towards Robin and others.

"Thirty-round flower-lock throat"

Robin's hands were folded in front of him.

Flower and fruit ability is activated.

One flower arm after another appeared out of thin air from the pirates, and they broke their necks mercilessly.

"Murloc karate"

the other side.

Kerla, wearing black silk over the knee, threw it out.

The strong wind pressure smoothed everything out.

From beginning to end.

Luo Lin just calmly looked at the old lion teased by fate.

Even the enemy, Luo Lin couldn't help but feel sad.

High platform a hundred meters away.

Golden Lion Shiji looked at Luo Lin who was slowly coming.

His old eyes gradually widened.

His mouth gradually opened.

The emotion named shock quickly occupied his old face, occupied his mind, and occupied his whole body.

His head pierced by the rudder suddenly hurt.

The veins bulged from his forehead, his temples, and his arms.

That face! That... the face that once made him gritted his teeth, dreamed back at midnight, and awakened so many times! How could he forget.

"Luo Lin, you bastard is not dead!!!"

at last.

The scream of the Golden Lion Skina, full of shock and incredible, echoed throughout the hall...

The 239th chapter overlord looks scared the audience!!![2/5 for subscription]

"Asshole Luo Lin, why are you still alive!!!"

One of the legends of the last era, the flying big pirate Golden Lion Shiji, full of shock and shock, resounded through the hall.

The voice rumbling, enduring.

Listening to Boss Skee, who has always been dignified and stable, shouted in hysterical shock at this moment.

The pirates in the banquet hall were confused.

The shocked expression gradually appeared on the faces of the pirates.

"Boss Shiji...what's wrong"

"Suddenly, Captain Skee is...what is this..."

"Where is that guy sacred! It can make Boss Shiji so...excited!"

"Rolin has never heard of anyone, but he is just a kid! Boss Skee is too exaggerated!"

"Perhaps I rejected the boss's solicitation, but now I'm sorry again."


The pirates immediately talked.

"Luo... Lin!"

Golden Lion Shiji's only ship doctor partner, Indigo repeated unconsciously.


The memories of the past flooded his heart like a tide.

In the past twenty years, no... maybe even earlier.

Go back to Roger's time.

As a newcomer to the Flying Pirates, he has heard this name more than once from Golden Lion Shiji and from the captains of the powerful fleets.

The name they kept cursing after being drunk was exactly Luo Lin!!! "How... maybe!"

"That person should have been dead for decades!"

"Could it be that the...mutated experimental animals on the island are also..."

Thinking of this possibility, Indigo's face suddenly showed extreme horror.


Regarding... the murmur of his subordinates, Golden Lion Shiji could no longer pay attention.

At this moment.

All his mind is locked on Luo Lin who is a hundred meters away.

Blood gradually appeared in his eyes.

His mouth was even more panting.

Looking at the black-haired young man walking slowly from outside the temple gate.

The old face of Golden Lion Shiji was full of shock and disbelief that could not be concealed.

Even the strong spirit was shaken by excessive shock at this moment.

That...looks! That...domineering attitude! It all matches with the unforgettable bastard in the memory of Golden Lion Shiji.

But... how could this be totally unreasonable! That... has made him endure countless bastards! That... the guy who gritted his teeth with hatred, should have been dead for thirty-six years, and the dust returned to the dust. , The bones are about to turn to ashes! Thirty-six years ago, he said: This guy’s death held a grand celebration banquet! Why... How could he appear in front of him again? With mixed feelings, Shi Ji stared at the black-haired youth who was walking slowly.

He opened his mouth, but couldn't say a word.

"Ski, I haven't seen you for decades. Not only did you asshole have not grown a bit, but you are getting better and better. As a former enemy, I am very disappointed."

A faint sarcasm hung on the corner of Luo Lin's mouth, and he shook his head in disappointment.

Because decades ago, Luo Lin really regarded Shiji as an opponent who needed to deal with it all.

"what did you say!!!"

The golden lion Shiji sitting on the highest seat of the palace suddenly patted the table and stood up.

The old face occupied for the shock gradually burst into anger.

It's not just because of Luo Lin's ridicule right now.

It is more because of the distant past.

Decades ago, the experiences he had experienced... horrible, unbearable experience.

Like the golden lion, the pirates in the temple were also angry.

Just for... the clamor of the pirates.

Luo Lin seemed unheard of.

From beginning to end, his sight only fell on Shi Ji.

Luo Lin ignored the pirates he recruited.

But it's just a group of idiots who are making trouble in the paradise, bullying and fearing hardship.

How can you get into his eyes! "This is how you disappeared. The plan for twenty years is to find a group of weak idiots to be your subordinates. Add some bugs and delusion to conquer the world. You still save the province, so as not to make a joke. ! Having been a tortoise in the paradise for twenty years, have you forgotten the threshold of the new world!"

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