Pirate: I was dug out by Robin

Pirate: I was dug out by Robin Chapter 193

Dancing in the sky.

Large cracks appeared in the strong load-bearing beams of the gorgeous banquet hall.

In the end, it exploded.

'Boom boom boom' The main hall and the entire island made a violent roar and tremor.


Accompanied by the rumbling noise.

The huge banquet hall collapsed.

Even the entire palace complex with the golden lion Shiji collapsed more than half.

"What legend! What flying big pirate!"

Luo Lin sneered.

"Golden Lion, now you are just an old lion shed and toothless and dying, a loser who dreams of conquering the world!"

Words punish the heart.

Luo Lin's words completely tore off the golden lion's pretense of deceiving itself and deceiving others.

The most real side of him now... Chi Guoguo, bloody exposure.

"Cough cough cough"

The old face of Golden Lion Shiji suddenly turned pale.

After a while, a moment of ruddy appeared on his pale face.

'Puff' finally turned into a mouthful of blood sprayed out...

Chapter 241 The Ability of the Former Captain!Golden lion shocked!4/5 Ordering

The wind was mixed with snow.

The ensuing cold air is enough to cool people's blood.

The luxurious banquet hall, the original lively scene no longer exists.

Under the raging color of the strongest overlord, it turned into a shattered ruin and looked around, and countless pirates fell across the ruins.

In the entire banquet palace, only the Golden Lion Shiji and his... his ship doctor Indigo remained fresh.

It's just that at this moment, the situation of this legendary Flying Pirate is obviously not very good.

Luo Lin's previous ruthless words of punishment ruthlessly tore off all the disguised strength of the Golden Lion.

It broke his illusion that had lasted for twenty years.

For... the golden lion's mind caused an unprecedented shock.

It's been too long! Twenty years! He has been away from this sea for too long! Talking with the weak and small pirates of the paradise about the fantasy of world conquest! So he almost forgot the threshold of the new world! Forgot that there are monsters everywhere How terrible the new world is! Forget about what kind of character is the emperor of the sea who now rules the new world! White-bearded Edward Newgate, the golden lion who once fought with him, knows his power to destroy the world. .

There is also Luo Te Lingling, and Kaido, the beast that has grown up completely.

These two juniors who were once in his opinion were not worth mentioning.

Now he has grown into a monster that even he needs to look up to! The golden lion and lion look wilted.

At this moment, he finally woke up from unrealistic fantasy.

"I know that I am already completely unable to keep up with the development of the times, but what can I do?"

The Golden Lion smiled sadly.

The whole person seems to be more than ten years old suddenly.

"Fighting Roger’s Atworth naval battle, I was lucky enough to get my life back! Later, I lost my feet in the deep sea prison, my strength is declining! The rudder on my head oppresses my domineering nerve, now I am I can't even use domineering! I can't go back to the past."

Golden Lion Shiji spoke sullenly.

It is the first time that I admit that I am old in front of others, and it will not work.

"You are indeed in ruins, Shiji."

Luo Lin spoke calmly.

"I have seen your future destiny. If I were not here today, you will be completely defeated by a fledgling boy who doesn't even know what domineering is."

Luo Lin didn't have the slightest sympathy for...

He even stabbed him again in his heart that was already aching.

Spoiler about the tragic ending of his other plot.

The cruel reality that was completely defeated by Straw Hat Luffy with the protagonist's aura, the theater version of the invincible aura.


When I heard Luo Lin's ruthless ridicule.

The old face of the golden lion was completely gloomy.

The rage in my heart is like a volcanic eruption, constantly emerging.

Ling's veins all over his body were bulging unconsciously.

"Don't look down on people too much! Bastard! Lao Tzu is the golden lion Shiji! Even if Lao Tzu is down again! Even if I regress again! How can I lose to a little boy who doesn't even know what domineering is?

Golden Lion Shiji shouted angrily, changing his previous decadent appearance.

The whole person exudes a lion, swallowing the world's domineering aura.

"You bastard, it's best if you are still alive. The new hatred and the old hatred are over today!!!"

The golden lion exudes a lion-like aura, not angry or pretentious.

At this moment, he finally had a trace of'legendary' temperament.


Listening to the scolding of the golden lion.

Instead of getting angry, Luo Lin gave a compliment.

"Ski bastard, at least you haven't lost your Lionheart, so I can admit that the relationship between you and me, come here."

Luo Lin stood calmly and proudly, every cell in his body seemed to be confident and powerful.

The invisible aura agitated in the banquet hall, causing cracks in the solid tables and chairs out of thin air.

"Jiehahahaha, lion Chikiya"

Golden Lion Shiji suddenly laughed.

The two famous swords, Sakuragi, withered ten, shook out thousands of golden sword auras, and cut open the earth.

Face the golden lion Shiji desperately fight to the death.

Luo Lin will naturally respond with his strongest combat power.

'Keng' made a crisp sound.

The big sharp knife black knife Qiushui unsheathed.

Black Knife-Zhan Ye! Under Qiushui's blade.

The dark night is like a scroll, completely cut away.

Then crush it.

Turned into countless pieces.

Flying with the wind.

Also shattered is the golden sword energy of Golden Lion Shiji.

When everything subsides, everything changes drastically, and the only constant is Luo Lin.

Under the fierce attack of the great swordsman of the last era, Luo Lin hadn't even moved even one step.

"Jiehahahaha, everything has just begun."

The golden lion laughed several times, then suddenly shouted.

The'Lion Prestige Palace Dijuan' awakens the ability of floating fruits.

So the invisible wind.

White snow.

All fell under the control of Golden Lion Shiji.

He gained control of the blizzard.

With a wave of hands, the endless wind and snow between the sky and the earth turned into the power of the golden lion Shiji.

Follow his command and bang.

'Ho Ho Ho Ho' nine huge snow lion heads formed one after another.

Yang Tian roared.

In the end, Qi Qi went to Luo Lin'bite'.

Nine lion heads approached.

Luo Lin's expression remained calm.

Just the moment the lion's head is about to fall.

Luo Lin slowly and casually raised his right hand, facing the sky.


The word falls.

The whole world stopped abruptly, falling into an absolute silence.

next moment.

Horrible things happen.

The violent crushing force surged along Luo Lin's right hand.

In an instant it was all over the sky.

'Chichichi' thin white lines lit up between heaven and earth.

The head of the golden lion created by the wind and snow cracked! The atmosphere was cracked! Even the entire sky was shattered! The sky fell! The ground fell! As if the end is coming! "This is..."

The golden lion Shiji floating in the air stared at the shattered sky with a dull expression.

Even if everything he has experienced today is dreamy enough to shock him hundreds of times.


His old face still showed an extreme shock.

"This ability is... Captain Locks' ability to crush fruits! Where did you bastard come from!"

Golden Lion Shiji yelled in shock.

"Captain Skee, be careful!!!"

On the ground, Indigo, who had struggled to crawl out of the ruins, screamed in horror.

"The outcome is divided, Shi Ji!"

Luo Lin's indifferent and calm voice sounded over Shi Ji's head.

Golden Lion Shiji suddenly looked up.

Luo Lin's open right hand, like a god and a devil, pressed it down.


Chapter 242 Brother Luo Lin?The golden lion man has collapsed!5/5 Ordering

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