Pirate: I was dug out by Robin

Pirate: I was dug out by Robin Chapter 257

The smooth sea surface is about five hundred meters away from Hwaseong Fortress.

The potato pirate ship owned by the thief general Star Snug headed straight towards Hwaseong Port.

There are only four people on the huge potato boat 4.

Two elderly, two middle-aged.

Two people are standing, two people are lying down.

Naturally standing there are the Mulian Dazuo of the Pirate King Roger's crew and Sambell the Murloc.

Two people lying unconscious on the deck were seriously injured.

Except... the owner of the potato ship, Jiang Xing Snug.

There is also a tall and burly, boasting reward of one billion beasts, Jack, the'brother disaster'.

That day.

Under the combined big move of Yixiao and Ainilu.

The beast fleet led by Drought Jack was wiped out.

Drought Jack was also knocked down to the sea under the double impact of thunder and lightning.

But he was not dead.

As a hybrid of humans and murlocs.

Even in the sea, Jack would not suffocate and drown.

It's just because of the devil fruit that he can't move at all.

Can only passively wait for the rescue of others.

Just before the drought Jack waited for the rescue team of the beasts.

The murloc Sambell found him lying in the deep sea.

So he, like Snug, was packed up and used as a gift for visiting Hwaseong.

After all, one billion Jack 900 million teeth.

Drought Jack is still worth some money.

"Mu Lian, get ready to prepare, it's coming soon."

Murloc Sanbell yelled.

"I'm coming."

Dressed in fancy and whistle, four or six, the old man Mu Lian hurriedly pushed out the door.

"How about Sambell, I am handsome today."

The old man Mu Lian touched his own assassin's look and said with complacency.

"I puff"

A jet of water spouted from the murloc Sambell's mouth, brushed from Mu Lian's side, and penetrated the deck.

"What are you doing? I dressed up to see the boss, bastard."

The old man Mu Lian looked dissatisfied.

"Hahaha, I'm sorry, but your look today...well..."

The murloc Sambell held back his smile and nodded heavily.

"What's wrong with my look"

"How to say it is chic enough, your boss will be surprised."

Murloc Sambell gave a thumbs up.


The old man Mu Lian touched his nose, the expression on his face was not without pride.

But the next moment.

Abnormal changes occur suddenly.

The smiles on Mu Lian and Sambell's faces converged.

He turned his head abruptly and looked at the direction of Hwaseong Harbor not far away.

"what's the situation!!!"


Looking at the overwhelming sky, the chaotic sword light illuminates the sky.

Mu Lian and the murloc Sanbell on the boat screamed in surprise.

Each took a gift and dodged toward the sea on both sides.

The big potato pirate ship produced by IWC, under the overwhelming sword light, fell apart in an instant and ceased to exist...

Chapter 306 Reunion!Mu Lian and the veterans and Luo Lin!4/4

The powerful sword aura of'Swagwa' is extremely heavy.

Across the sea.

Densely dense.

It covered the sky and covered the only potato boat on the sea.

'Kakaka' booming' under the combined attack of such a terrifying rain of dense sword energy.

Even the high-quality battleships produced by IWC cannot escape the fate of falling apart.

Disintegration in an instant.

Turned into countless pieces of wood debris, floating on the sea.


On the coast of Hwaseong, there was a loud laugh.

It was a group of old people wearing short sleeves, big beach pants, and slippers.

Scattered in the sky and the coast.

More than half of the old people hold a long knife in their hands.

The previous slash that spanned dozens of hundreds of meters was from their hands "just this"


"It's really vulnerable!"

"I just attacked the fastest!"

"Fine, you are the fastest, you are the fastest, it was the fastest before!"

"Albert, you old boy can't do it at all!"

"Old guy over there, don't laugh, you too!"

"Just taking the boss's salary, I can't even exert any strength, I am ashamed for you."

"Asshole, I don't need a knife!"

"Yes, yes, the old man only uses his fists, let's practice if we have the ability!"



All over the coast of Hwaseong.

The old people's laughter and quarrels are endless.

After many years, they...old brothers once again joined the battle.

Return to the command of the former chief.

Everything seems to be back decades ago.

The blood in the veterans can't help but agitate.

There was occasional red-faced noise in the middle.

But it is not really angry.

This is how these... veterans who were born and died get along.

It hurts people on weekdays, and one is more ruthless.

If it is on the battlefield.

One by one was able to shield each other without hesitation.

This is their brotherhood for decades! "Hey, old folks, don't rush to celebrate, the battle is not over yet, the people on the boat have already gone to sea."

The steady former lieutenant Alfred reminded loudly.

At the moment his voice fell.

I just heard a bang.

A huge spray exploded in the sea.

A vague figure rushed out from under the sea.

"I!!! Throw the thunder nut! Where is the bastard who dares to attack Laozi!"

Along with that figure rushed out, there was an angry shout.

A spinning top appeared in the sight of the veterans.

That is someone spinning crazy.

'Swish' the next moment.

A human-shaped'sharp arrow' burst out of the top.

The veterans facing the coast fell heavily.

Looking at the slightly familiar figure of the spinning top in the sky.

Many veterans raised their eyebrows.

The figure flashed.

Avoid that sharp arrow.

The'Boom' thief smashed Star Snug's body down.

A huge pothole was left in the coastal ground.

"This guy, I remember it seems to be the next...Jiangxing"

"Why would Star Snug"

"Isn't it he was the assailant? How could it be that he was put on the ground first."


Recognize Snug's identity.

The veterans on the shore opened their eyes wide in shock.

"If this aunt's star has already been defeated, who is the person on the ship we just attacked?"

Someone raised this question.

"I always feel that... the spinning top moves look a bit familiar!"

Veteran Colin frowned and thought.

"Don't say it's the... gyro maneuver, the vocabulary of the previous... yelling is very familiar."

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