Pirate: I was dug out by Robin

Pirate: I was dug out by Robin Chapter 261

The Rocks Pirates under his command dominated the sea. In that era, no one could compete with it...

The more you understand.

Morgans was horrified.

Especially when he discovered that the three of the four sea emperors who dominate the new world today-Edward Newgate, Lotling Ling, and Kaido have all been under the overlord.

"Now three of the four emperors 3, plus the legendary flying big pirate Golden Lion Shiji, the greedy Captain John, King Axe..."

Morgans murmured unconsciously the information he had found about the overlord of the sea some time ago.

"Mr. Rollin, Lockes, the one from decades ago... the overlord of the sea, Lockes, he is...relying on this fruit-smashing power to command the monster army?"

Morgans' pair of bird eyes flashed with shock and excitement.

"It seems that there is no need for me to explain anything. If you already know it, then things are much simpler."

Luo Lin grinned.

"Go, Morgans!"

"Yes Yes!!!"

Morgans yelled excitedly.


Just today.

He wants this big news that is enough to shake the sea to spread all over the corners of the world!...'Fluttering' in the sky near Alabastan.

Countless news birds fluttered their wings, coming and going from the hot air balloon headquarters.

Fly to the world with articles that are enough to shock the world.

Naturally, the people who got the first report are still the people of Hwaseong...

Hwaseong Banquet Dome Restaurant.

The joyous banquet that lasted two days and one night continued.

"Hey, hey, everyone, don't drink it, look at this and this, the boss has made a big move!!!"

An veteran yelled in shock while waving several newspapers that still smelled of ink.

"Let me see what."

The newly joined Colonel Ruffian quickly grabbed the newspaper.

Drunk-eyed old eyes swept through the self-report.

Then his eyes suddenly widened.

"Superman crushes the fruit!!!"

"Last time, that... the fruit of the terrifying sea lord Locks..."

"That...the most ferocious superhuman smashing fruit...in the hands of the boss!!!"


The banquet hall that was originally lively and noisy fell into a moment of dead silence at this moment.

next moment.

An even more uproar erupted.

"Hahahaha, this is really unprecedented big news!"

"The history that was buried by the government thirty-six years ago is finally about to surface!"

"The boss is finally going to announce his return to the world!"

"Of course, hahahaha"

Colonel Ruffian Mu Lian couldn't stop laughing.

"Boss Luo Lin is a hero! The hero's appearance certainly requires the most grand stage! The best foil!"

"Thirty-six years ago, the despicable world government buried everything about the boss! Now, the boss is back! What can you do?"

"The legend will eventually return!!!"


Chapter 310 The Big News That Shakes The World [4/4 Request]

"After thirty-six years, the legend of heroes will finally return!!!"

"Just let everything become clear to the world!"

"I want to see how the world government can still cover the sky this time!"

"After so many years of silence, this time we were finally able to ask the...government for an explanation!!!"


Hwaseong Dome Banquet Restaurant.

Forty-nine veterans, including Colonel Mu Lian, laughed happily.

"Teacher Zefa...this this this..."

"Teacher Zefa, are all the reports on this news true? The one from decades ago... the sea lord Locks... and those under his..."

Ain, who also saw the news report, opened a pair of beautiful eyes.

The whole person was shocked by this big news to the point of indescribable.

So even the words are incomplete.

"Hahaha, of course this is true! Little ones, get ready for the fight! I won't be calm anymore!"

Zefa laughed and fisted.

High fighting spirit...

On the other side of the Dome Banquet Restaurant.

It belongs to the area of ​​Pluto Raleigh, Straw Hat Luffy, Sabo, Ace and others.

The uproar is also rushing into the sky.

"Ocean Overlord Locks! It is incredible! There were such things in the past!!!"

Sabo's eyes widened and his expression was incredible.

"How can this kind of thing happen! Daddy... Daddy Whitebeard used to be a partner of the same Pirate Group as Kaido and Aunt!!!"

"How strong is this sea overlord Lockes! It is so many sea powerhouses who are willing to join!!!"

Ace was also shocked to the point of indescribable.

The news reports that I saw today revealed the big news of the past and almost subverted his worldview.

"The Four Emperors Whitebeard Edward Newgate, Lotterling Ling, and the Four Emperors Kaido, three of the Four Emperors3 are all that... Lockes' crew, that... Is Lockes better than One Piece? "

Long-nosed Usopp pulled his throat and yelled with all his strength.

"Grandpa Sambell, is this all true"

Murloc youth Nobel looked at Murloc Sambell.

"Uncle Raleigh"

"Mr. Brook"

"Uncle Kurocas"

Straw Hat Luffy, Sauron, Sanji and others all looked at Lei Li and others.

As a legend of the last era.

They are the people who have the most say in the field.

Do not.

If you are present, who has the most say.

Naturally... "Hey, Golden Lion Shiji, this news report says that you used to be one of the commanders of that... Locks."

Krokdal, who has always been cold, has shock and disbelief on his face at this moment.

Staring at the silent Golden Lion Shiji with unblinking eyes.

It fell with his voice.

Straw Hat Luffy, Sabo, Ace, Sauron, etc....all the Golden Lion Shiji.

"Jie ha ha ha"

Under the collective gaze of everyone.

Golden Lion Shiji grinned and let out a deep laugh.

"Locks...Captain, this is really a long-lost name!"

Golden Lion Shiji said with faint emotion.

'Wow' when I heard the word'Captain' in the mouth of Golden Lion Shiji.

There was an uproar once again in the audience.

"Yohouhouhouhou, is it finally going to start"

Brooke smiled deeply.

"A major event that can affect the times is about to happen!"

The murloc Sambell sighed.

"Soon, here... this city will become the center of the times! Now that we have chosen to board the ship, we have to do our best to welcome the bloody storm!"

Kurokas looked firm.

"On that day twenty-four years ago, on the last island, Roger once said that if that guy is still alive - if he is alive, even if it is not the right time, even the son of prophecy, the'king' of the sea We have not yet been born, as long as there is that guy, then everything will definitely be over at that time."

"Roger, the kind that you regretted before, let us do it for you this time and witness it for you!!!"

Pluto Leili has a smile on the corner of his mouth, and a crystal in the corner of his eyes...

Hwaseong Banquet Dome Restaurant is full of bustle and bustle.

The office on the highest floor of the headquarters building is also not peaceful.

Robin, Kerla and other little girls who also saw news reports, regardless of dressing up, came here for the first time and wanted to ask for certification.

"Brother Luoling, the silly bird of Morgans: Is the report true this time, isn't it a nonsense?"

Nami doubted.

"Yes, yes, three of the Four Emperors3, and legends like Lao Jin, they were once partners! Then the guy who commanded them...the guy named Lockes, how strong is it!"

Weiwei is also full of disbelief.

"About this, you can ask Xia Qi to make it clear."

Luo Lin smiled.

"Sister Xia Qi"

"What does it have to do with Sister Xia Qi"

The little girls are all incomprehensible.

"Actually, this Locks was also my captain before."

Under the puzzled collective gaze of the little girls, Xia Qi took a deep breath.

Tell this huge secret.



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